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Black Templar from Spain

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I have been reading this forum for years, I cant remember when was the first time... But today I have decided to step forward.



I'm a 24yo Black Templar fanatic from Spain.

I stater in this hobby when I was 12. My mother bought me a little box with 5 marines and some paints, you know that classical marine with the bolter in the chest.

Few days after she bought me a Devastator with heavy bolter and the codex... I think it could be third edition? With the myhtical Crisom Fist cover.




When I was a child/teen I was alternating WFB and 40k with really sad results, you know, you are a kid and people are not enough open minded... I left the hobby for years and take it again some years after and that terrible cycle of playing a few games and sadly lefting the game.



In 2013 I started to play Kings of War (Mantic) and started a new stage of my life, I'm collaborating with a local store, doing demo games and tournamets of Kings of War and other wargames. And I have played many different wargames on this two years.


I played some games in 6th Ed but it was terrible... I think it was with my 4th ed BT codex agains the Eldar codex (Pre-Iyanden), flying Nurgle great daemons and all of that :cusss... I like to play fluff but I watched that crusaders with CCW on LRC or running in the table wasn't a good choice in that moment againts Flyers and Monsters.

When the Space Marines 6thEd was released I think it could be nice, but BT was terrible modified, some changes were good as gaining tanks, devs and Scouts, but the lost of the fluff was hard...



Now, with the new codex I've started to prepare my crusade, assembling some marines, waiting for the weekend for paint some fanatical superhumans... I'm waiting to read the new fluff, I think that is the most important for me, being happy reading and collecting my armies.



I'm writing some Space Marine list for using in Warpath2 (Mantic) and this Friday morning my Templars will be fighting again, not with the 40k rulebook, but with the same fire and passion. I've written a Vainilla list and then using a "expansion" for Blood Angels (my friend) and BT (me) with the unique units of each army, with basic stats and rules, only for taking fun. Of course, many rules have been ignored cause Warpath2 is really simple system and can't simulate all the details, but at least we can play with our armies. We are going to modify some basic rules of the rulebook for doing the game more fun, for example deleting the -1 for long range, using an altenative activation system (I think it is from Bolt Action) putting as many dices as units in a bag and mixing them. Then taking 1 die and his owner can activate a unit... It sounds nice...


Thanks for your time and for contributing to create and mantain this comunity.


No pity! No remorse! No fear!

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Welcome aboard fellow Templar! I am trying to get my gaming started back up right now. I have been painting in my down time, but I dont think I got any games in during 6th Ed.

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