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New Here but not to WH40k

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Hello everyone, I have been looking around for a bit and finally decided to join. I play mainly Astra Militarum as it is called now. I have played sense 4th ed first came out. I started out just playing for fun and just trying to have a good time and then, when 5th came out i started playing in tournaments all the time and became very competitive player. After awhile I got bored and quit playing right before 6th came out and put my stuff up. Recently I moved and in going through some thing came across my army and decided to play again. I have decided not to be so competitive this time and just have fun.  Not saying i wont still be playing in any tournaments around but I don't want that to be the driving force behind my armies. 


Right now I only play Astra Militarum but do plan on starting another army soon. I will also be getting more into the hobby side as when i was younger i didn't have the patience so i will be stripping my tanks of they glitter paint and re doing all of them. I am hoping being a member here help motivate me to get my army and future army painted to a better quality. 

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Which armies are your options? 


My next army will either be Grey Knights or I am going to do some Imperial knights. 


I wont be starting either of those till I get my Guard repainted, though my problem their is there is just something I don't like about painting guardsmen.

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