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Sentinel crews!

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I generally stick to the usual theme, though toned down to fit my regiment better as they wouldn't tolerate anyone who's too maverick tongue.png Give them card pack symbols, call signs and such to help show their individuality along with extra bits and bobs to make them stand out some more. They then stalk the battlefield looking to ruin the enemy's day smile.png

My sentinel drivers are veteran sergeants who have been promoted. I generally run them as close combat support, advancing with or in front of the gun line, so it stands to reason that the crews would need to know the best way in which to assist the troops, and also have a basic understanding of the xenos or heretics they are going up against.

I build armored sentinels so you can't actually see the pilot (I hate painting cockpits), but my Sentinel Crews are Cavalrymen. They wear Spurs, Stetsons and riding boots as part of their dress uniform, just like my infantry wear berets, skill tabs, and the Ranger Diamond (WW2 ranger battalion patch).  


I don't really look at anything to get me in the mood to build or paint them, but I tend to think about cavalry when I play them. The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson comes to mind.

I wouldn't say I got inspiration from one particular source... more a conglomeration of all of the comics/films that I have seen over the years, with a dose of my own imagination.


If you wanted a few film references:


Apocalypse Now - when the air-cav assault the Viet Cong with Ride of the Valkyries blaring out of their speakers.

Jurassic Park 2 - when the Velociraptors are chasing people through the long grass chirping to one another as they go.

Kelly's Heroes... particularly the Sherman crew.

Avatar - When the walkers are stomping through the forest with a bunch of mercs on board.

Matrix 4(?) - When all the walkers are stomping around killing the robots when they assault the docks.


I always take Sentinels is Sqns of three and mark one of them as a leader.


The Sentinels I have in my Squat army are crewed by Berserkers :) .

I’ve got a major thing for Sentinels after reading about them in books. Currently working my way through the “Imperial Guard Series” and they pop up quite often.

  • Desert Raiders – Lucien Soulban

  • Gunheads – Steve Parker

  • Cadian Blood – Aaron Dembski-Bowden

  • Dead Men Walking – Steve Lyons

That’s as far as I’ve got… none of the books are based around Sentinels but there’s some cool bits about them. When they open up with Autocannons to clear the masses, oh my! Dead Men Walking has Sentinel Engineer crew and not the regular Sentinels but they’re still badass.

I reckon a lot of people have based a Sentinel Squadron on “Dead Mans Hand” from Cadian Blood too.


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