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Blood Angels: Which Chapter?


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Hello all!

Since I am so very close to finishing up with my Space Marine army, I have been pondering what my next hobby project is going to be. I have been leaning heavy towards Blood Angels. I have always loved their theme, and the look of the models. However, I don't know which chapter I should go with.

Or to be more accurate, I can't decide on Blood Angels, Flesh Tearers, or a DIY custom chapter.

Blood Angels: I love the look, the color scheme, and the lore. Plus, with all the embossed bits in the new kits and upgrade frames, I wouldn't have to do so many decals. Which is a plus, because I am so burned out on decals right now.

Flesh Tearers: I love the look, and the lore. Gabriel Seth is awesome! But I don't know how I feel about them being so bloodthirsty. They have upgrade frames, which means I wouldn't have to deal as much with decals. Another plus. But I can't decide if I would want to go with the new darker red color scheme, or the older brighter red.

DIY Chapter: I love coming up with my own lore. I could also kit bash Dark Angels, and Blood Angels kits in order to create a unique look to the chapter. I would have to deal more with decals, unless I used embossed shoulder pads from the DA upgrade frame.

Anyone have any thoughts or inputs that they might want to chime in with? I would love some feedback to help push me in one direction or another. laugh.png

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Flesh Tearers dont have upgrade frames, as far as I know!


You seem to like the Blood Angels the best, so go with them!


I always try to push a new aspect of the hobby with each army.


Eldar was a bright colour scheme with a white basecoat (shock!)


Iron warriors, every model was converted


Blood Angels and Omega Marines was freehand.


Maybe if you are burned out on decals, use the army to work on your freehand skills?

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Flesh Tearers have access to shoulder pads direct from GW, so can order em in store (finecast tho, and annoyingly smaller than standard plastic pads). Plus if you have access to it you can get a Flesh Tearers etched brass from forgeworld.


Oh and I think some awesome Bolter and chainsword member made some Flesh Tearer symbols as a printable download if you are so inclined to make your own transfers.


But i agree with the others DIY chapter !"



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Well, in order to help you in your choice, i can say that their this in the fluff, two types of Blood Angels Chapters :


- The chapter like the Blood Angels, who follow a noble but cursed way, and who represents the "Brighest" side of the Blood Angels Legion.(Blood Angels, Angels Encarmine, Angels Sanguine, Angels numinous, lamenters).


- The chapter like the Flesh Tearers, who follow a darker path for more than others, they have been "betrayed" and greatly affected by the flaws in their geneseeds. Those chapters represents for most the "Darkest" side of the Blood Angels Legion successors. (Flesh Tearers, Flesh Eaters, Knights of Blood, Blood Drinkers). Note, that some of this "Dark side" chapters still fight to proof theirself whorthy of their heritage, like the Blood Drinkers, while the others have given themselves to the flaw in some fashion, and have become some of the most fearfull chapters of all the adeptus astartes, and even "loyal renegades" in the case of the Knights of Blood.


Furthermore, to the fluff point of view, you should ask yourself what kind of red, grey, or even yellow, you like. Many FAQs, videos, images, and wikis will help you to find what chapter Soul and Hieraldy fit the best your own Soul.


I hope this fluffy explanation could help you.


Will you try to overcome the flaws of your blood and fight to be an Angels of gold light who fought with virtue of old time, or will you fall to the curse and becoming a fearfull and thirsty warrior ? This, is up to you.



Edit : For the listing of chapters, you can also add those whose state sanity or of flaw evolution are still widely unknow, like the, Blood Sword, Exsanguinators, Disciples of Blood, Angels Vermillion, Carmines Blades, Charnel Guard, Angels Penitent, Templars of Blood. (For them, their is still an open door, even if by some reading, i can say that many are still on the bright side, even if like the Exsanguinators, they are for some on a dangerous way cause of the flaw progress and/or effects. This leaving you some space for personnal fluff creation.)


Edit 2 : Also, note that the "dark side" chapters of the Blood Angels are some of the rare spaces marines chapters that can, in the fluff, fight others imperial authority, as they even be branded as "loyal renegades" like the Knight of Blood....a loyal in spirit, renegade for the imperium, and mad chapter. For many Blood Angels chapters, killing an inquisitor have become something "normal"...

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Why settle make all three. Whose to say your little plastic men haven't allied up in similar arms to form one strike team.

We are no longer the IX Legion, but we still work together.


The only disadvantage of doing a DIY chapter or the Flesh Tearers instead of BA is that the BA kits only have (feathered) winged blood drop symbols.

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Wow! This is a lot of great input. Thank you!


@xenith Thank you for the idea of focusing on the project as a painting challenge. And yes, I would love a tutorial on how to freehand the FT symbol. :)


@Frater Antodeniel I like how you broke up the various chapters into "light side" and "dark side" it makes my inner SW nerd happy. Also, it does make the current BA codex make more sense, with how much art they put of up the FT chapter. 


I have to admit that one of the reasons why I really like the Blood Angels is that they seem a little more human than other SM chapters. Mostly because of their flaw, they are inherently aware of the foibles of man. And while I have read quite a bit of Andy Smile's Flesh Tearers fiction, they still seem a little more cold than I would like. Yes they care for humanity, but it is also all too easy for them to cross the line.


But then again, I also like the anti-hero aspect to them. Sure they may not be the saviors the Imperium deserves, but they are the ones it needs.


This is really some great food for thought.  

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Because sometime an image tell more than any word, here is what i found yesterday, and i think its one the best pictures i could share when speaking about Blood Angels. Black Rage, Red Thirst, White of noble souls. Even if the artist behind this paint don't look to be related to warhammer nor the Blood Angels, his work fit perfectly all what could be said about Blood Angels. A kind of Artwork i only found once a year on the internet (So you are quite lucky, if this could help you in some way).


Here can be found the Artwork : http://cobaltplasma.deviantart.com/art/Collapse-of-the-Dream-541962982 (By respect of the artist work, i prefered to just put the link instead of the full image).

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