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Inquisitor Modelling Question ?

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I want to model an Inquisitor in Power Armour (I take it that they are so equipped ?, from various images in GW publications), But my question is ..... do I fit the 'Space Marine' Power Back Pack or not ?, as none of the images I have seen show the rear of the PA wearing Inquisitor(s),

I know from images that the shoulder 'pauldrons' are not SM type .. no problem there I do not yet know the order my Inquisitor will belong to yet,

I was not buying minis when the several metal inquisitor minis of different flavors were out, and now I want 1, I cannot afford to buy 1.... Sod's Law... biggrin.png

Any Help, Advice and Tips will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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The reason most leave it off is to make the model look less like a Marine so it's not something you have to do. You could put a different back pack on, such as a Sisters one perhaps or convert one up from other bits if you like :)

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@ WarriorFish, Thanks for that, I totally see where you are coming from with that. I've have a dig around in my bits box to see that I come up with, I'm already thinking of using Catachan 'bare' arms and Plastic card to make shoulder guards of some type not sure which head to use yet.


Best Wishes,



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I reckon a vox would be a good base for a custom backpack if you wanted one. As for heads, anything Guard would be good to help make the bearer look smaller compared to a Marine. Helmets would be fine but again best to have something that differs from Marines to help him stand out as a regular human in power armour.

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Nice topic. Like WarriorFish stated most people would leave the backpack off to make the Inq look more individually. Well I choose the easy way and masked the back of my power armoured Inq with a cloak with fur on the shoulders:


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Thanks guys! smile.png Yeah it took quite a while to assemble all the power armour bits to make this fella. I wanted the armour too look clearly "powered" biggrin.png and still setted apart from the usual marine ones.

Edit: You find more pictures of him and with some paint in the thread in my Sig. ;)

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The other option is to use the power pack from the old scouts. I'm currently working on making engine seers/tech priests from marines and it seems a good possible starting point. You need something to power it. The other option is to chop off the side vents from marine back packs and add something else.
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@ Timotheus, ..... That is certainly 1 very cool looking conversion! to say the very least, I wish I could work green stuff a 10th as good as you have done there, 


You have all given me very good ideas, so I'm going to have a good look in my bits box, though if I can make a cloak similar to the one that Timotheus made that might be the way I will go ?.


Best Wishes.



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@ WarriorFish.... to be honest with you... I've found most of the parts I need - PA legs, 2 sets of torso's (different mks of PA either a Mk.7 or Mk.8 which ever looks the best I guess),


Power back pack, an old metal head Imperial Guard, just got to decide / find arms - still not sure if I want 'bare' arms or PA arms - though I'm undecided if the PA arms would just make him seem at first glance ... yet another Space Marine if you know what I mean ?,


Weapon wise..err... I've found a Thunder Hammer (or is that to common a thing to equip him with ?) bolter / Storm-Bolter, Combi-Bolter no problem my Space Wolves will have to cough 1 up for the Inquisition when asked LOL, I could use a Power Sword or a Chain Sword, though a shoulder mounted Psycannon does sound tempting if so I will have to build 1 up.


So in answer to your question I will have the better part made up by the end of the week-end not counting any Green Stuff (attempted Sculpting) so here's hoping.


Best Wishes.




(Sorry for the edits ... correcting what I call 'thick finger' typing spelling mistakes).

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Interested to see how this project gets on. Hope to see some pics soon!

 @ Stercus, I will certainly try my best .. though my 'photo-fu' is weak.


I'll take pics @ each stage.  


Question ... is there a size limit for photos to be posted ?.


Best Wishes.



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I always recommend using a Guard head rather than a Space Marine, so you get a sense that the man inside is just a man.


Totally!! For the Inquisitor upwards I even used a Fantasy head.


There's some pretty great bits in the new skitarii kits too. Worth a look.


Ordo Machinum Inquisitor is already in the pipeline... ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Little late to the party but ill still wade in.


With power plants in armour it depends on the armour type.

Even marines have a power source without the plant but it does not last long.


Now inquisitors dont get their armour off a production line, they tend to all be custom suits, found relics, rewards for services well done or built up themselves with the help of those they recruited llike weapon smiths etc.

Now with power cells it depends whats going to be going on with the inquistor, if he is fairly rustic give him old parts, barrels and lots of tubing to make his or even a dark age fule call carried by a lacky attached to his suit by cables, like a car battery, etc, if he is regal keep it very stream lined and make it look like the guy spends more time polishing his armour than he does fighting in it, if over the top give him something with multi function that also powers an excessive array of weapons.

You get the idea. ;)

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