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How about some rumors?

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​Right now there's nothing new being said, to the best of my knowledge, about the inevitable guard codex update, but at this point I think we can make some educated guesses here. If not, that's why we have admins.


Games workshop likes to buff models that don't sell to well, like the marine AA tanks, so what models will most likely be buffed with that logic?


First on the list: Sentinels. A likely example of what we might see from them is the Emperor's Talons or Armageddon Stompa Hunters apoc formations, perhaps allowing armored Sentinels to outflank in regular games. 


Second on the list: Tauroxes. Not the Primes, regular Tauroxes. Perhaps this is just my meta but there don't seem to be many guard armies that run them over Chimeras, in large part because the model is a bit pricey for a 50 point front armor 11 transport with one gun. An early guess would be a Catachan veteran formation, since they're so good with rough terrain, but what'll happen with them is difficult to gauge. 


New  guardsmen kits: Probably. Citadel has bee putting out a lot of models with fantastic looking cloaks, so a new plastic Armageddon/Kreg kit seems likely. However, I won't get my hopes up for the regular box's sprew containing all the special weapons. 


Ratlings and Wrdvane psykers: Difficult to call, but if pictures surface of a plastic kit for either, expect shanagins,


Scions: Difficult to call, but I expect a slight points drop, a leadership buff to marine level, and some kind of buff to the comm squad orders. They lack the durability and hitting power for their job. 1-2 points cheaper and I'll run a scion army again. but that's a whole different story.


Valkyries/Vendettas: May get a point drop, may not, to early to call. I'd run them more if Guard had a flyer that fit into a case with anything else, but the current cost is fair enough. Regardless, expect a formation of some description.


Leman Russ tanks: My prediction, new ammo types (and +1 bs to Vanquisher cannons). Forge world may set a precedent here, but who can say? In my opinion, give the battle cannon a st 9 ap 2 ordinance armor piercing shell. Pre land raider ignoring damage table I'd be happy with ap 3, but that is a bit too far. Auto cannon tank/monster hunter st 6 shells, plasma tanks with Pask's blinding shot, and the rest may or may not get something.


For the rest: Formations/Detachments to represent different regiments, some new formations, and hopefully grav guns.


What do you think, is this about right, or should I not have even bothered with this?

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I think we'll see a points increase or debuff for Wyverns, as they are simply too good for the meager amount of points they cost. I hope Hellhounds and variants all get a price drop, as they are pure suicide vehicles and run as much as the much safer Leman Russ Eradicator. If Hellhounds got the Scout rule by default it'd be pretty cool.


I hope they update the Armored Battlegroup list from Imperial Armor.


I do hope they release a non-FW model for the Tauros, which is superior to the Taurox in every way. That thing has by far the worst model ever released for the Guard, terrible stats, and isn't a Command Vehicle.


There will be a crazy amount of formations, but Guard is one of the factions that should get that kind of organization, I think.


Deathstrike Missile Launcher becomes a D weapon.


More tank orders (port over the ABG ones?)


Vanquisher can take coaxial gun to twin-link its Vanquisher cannon.


Ogryns and Bullgryns get a points drop or a buff.


Hydra can take a formation that grants Interceptor.


More named characters (I've always liked Myndoras Odon, and would like to toss him in my armored lists.)


Another named tank HQ would be cool.

Scions they can stay right where they are, points wise, just give them back the stormtrooper kit (hot-shot laspistol and CCW). Give them something to make them more versatile. 


As for the regiments, I'd like to see a Regimental Doctrines (like the Space Marines have Chapter Tactics).


Cadians get two shooting attacks if they don't move and boosted leadership

Steel Legion get discounted Transports, and tanks for days

Catachans get MTC and ignores cover, but can't take Carapace armor

Mordians get stubborn and bonuses for HWS and artillery

Tallarn Desert Raiders get lots of tanks and their vets get infiltrate and stealth but can't take carapace armor


I don't know enough about the other regiments to give them rules but you get the idea. Oh yeah, Valkyries and Vendettas as Dedicated Transports, Chimeras, Tauroxes (primes too) as fast attack choices. 


Oh, and bring back the Kasrkin (plastic Kasrkin would be great, though I love my metals), and the Harakoni Warhawks. Roll the C:MT back into C:AM, and make a dumbed-down version of the air assault formation (1 platoon [0-1 CS, 1-3 Scion Squads] of Scions in Valkyries[1-4]) So those of us that aren't made of money can run the bloody thing. Oh, and bring the Vulture over from FW


I'd like to see 3 different Core detachments:

Steel Host - ported right over from Sanctus Reach

Infantry Core - something with a platoon a vet squad and a commissar

Stormtrooper - something with Scions (stormtroopers), maybe the option of air or ground assault, with the air assault able to come in turn 1.


Finally a price drop on the Taurox prime, and price drops on vehicle equipment. 


My bias is obviously on the stuff I use and like. Disagree if you like.

It's very difficult to tell what may be done of course, but we can make educated guesses from how we know things work (or don't). Whether GW thinks the same is another matter though tongue.png

My guesses for changes would be:

- Wyvern points increase

- nothing on Ratlings, Wyrdvanes and probably Rough Riders (insert fist shaking here)

- possible points changes on artillery, e.g. Bassies as they don't see a huge amount of use

- points drop on Taurox

- points drop on Stormies/improvement e.g. pistol and CCW returned

These are probably fairly good guesses going on what I know of codex usage and, perhaps more accurately, kit purchases laugh.png Overall I'm not expecting a large change to how the Guard works, we've had a solid couple of codices so I don't see GW making radical changes for the sake of it.

If we're talking what I would like to see:

- more than one supplement (Catachan)

- new Catachan models

- new Rough Rider models (and rules boost/points drop/both)

- Griffons (with accompanying flying pig model)

I'll stop the list there before we get into even more fanciful territory tongue.png There has been nothing on the rumour horizon which is why I'm still expecting nothing until late this year at the earliest. There are other books far more in need of an update but GW moves in mysterious ways and with their rapid output anything is possible.

I think a Regimental Tactics system should include a unique order or two as well. Like the Death Korps of Krieg's order which changes their lasguns to Assault.


Cadians: "Whites of Their Eyes!" The unit fires Overwatch at BS2 until the end of the enemy assault phase.


Steel Legion: "Covering Fire!" Uniquely can be issued to Chimeras that have had a unit disembark in the movement phase. The Chimera's turret weapon gains Pinning until the end of the shooting phase.


And so on.


I'd also like to see Artillery Spotters as an upgrade option for Company Command Squads. They could take a leadership test to reduce scatter on a single artillery unit by D6 inches.

I think changes will be minimal at best... I think (and I could be wrong) that the AM Codex was one of the 1st with 7th / 6.5 in mind? It's fairly new, and I don't think anything huge will come of it for a while

Scions are good where they are, you just need more of them msn-wink.gif

Taurox can use a wee points drop of beef up the armour.

Aaaaand maybe give the Taurox Missile Launcher Skyfire

Regiment specific rules like chapter tactics would be cool for sure.


Imo, some RTs (regiment tactics) and a few point adjustments and a glut of formations like every codex gets lately and the ig would be fantastic. Still great now.

I think orders will be overhauled for better or worse. Wyvern will be toned down. One new plastic kit will probably be awesome. One will leave everyone in mild confusion--like a new vet squad with shotguns or a command bunker or something. 


Artillery could really use a new model--some kind of all-in-one medusa, basilisk, kit would be great. I think the basilisk tank is one of the few areas that GW doesn't have the best quality/detail models(forgeworld is glorious but the chimera chassis is lacking).


My wish list would be coaxial vanquishers, monster hunter rounds, and maybe some squadron bonuses. New doctrines, for infiltrate or whatever could be great for rules and fluff, and could really increase sales without even releasing a new kit. I could see a 'death world' platoon, or a penal legion getting some formation rule sets. Imagine if they actually released a 50 man conscript box. 


My bet would be a new codex spring of 2016, but GW loves to experiment. Just as things took off so quickly, they might slow down again. I wonder if there'll ever be another Armageddon style campaign.


Artillery could really use a new model--some kind of all-in-one medusa, basilisk, kit would be great. I think the basilisk tank is one of the few areas that GW doesn't have the best quality/detail models(forgeworld is glorious but the chimera chassis is lacking).



Since GW is invested in the new Taurox chassis, expect to see variants, just like how lots of other things are based on the Chimera chassis. It just makes good business sense, even if we don't particularly like the models.

I'd like to see plastic Valhallans/ steel legion. Love having my Valhallan army, just stinks having to eBay it whenever I want to expand it.


Having a close combat unit that could take on marines would be great.


I like the idea of army specific doctrines like the space marines have. Valhallans should get "send in the next wave" back. I loved running conscripts when we had that rule.


Formation bonuses would of course be awesome.


Lastly but no least, forward observers for scouts. How awesome would that be if it would make treat barrage weapons as direct fire, regardless of line of sight as long as your forward observer had line of sight.

Building off what hunterkiller said, Artillery spotters rules would be cool. Maybe the barrage weapon uses the highest BS of a unit within line of sight of the target. Maybe if we had more that infiltrates aside from ratlings (i don't know what else infiltrates, aside from elysian FO vets and Stormtroopers). 


I want all the old regiments to get plastics, they had such character and variety, I don't care it they're web order only or limited store availability, they need to happen. Also plastic KASRKIN! 

Rough riders should get artillery spotters, and infiltrate. The idea of plastics for mordian's and maybe some of the others would be great. The best idea would be to release separate battle boxes, with smaller 10 man squad boxes with HWT teams for each. New rough riders would also be appreciated .

Don't play these days, but a return of the 2ed preliminary barrage rule would be nice. So prior to the first turn you could have x amount of battle cannon pie plates equal to the number of LRBT (all variants at the time which was 2) basilisks and griffons in your army. Dropped on your opponent.


Also agree with the ret of you guys, plastics of the old metal models and an update to the Cadian and catachan models.

What do I expect will happen? The Wyvern will get nerfed, the Taurox will get buffed, and everything else will get adjusted slightly to keep up with the upward trend in Codex Creep. I also expect the addition of Detachments that emphasize Guard's ability to bring lots of men and tanks, which will be a thinly veiled attempt to move more plastic (God bless them).


What do I wish will happen? Some kind of Regimental Doctrine system conferring various Special Rules (infiltrate, move through cover, stubborn, etc). Addition of field artillery, spotters, or anything else actually new instead of a rehash of an old concept in the same way that Scions were just rehashed Stormies, and Taurox were rehashed Rhinos.


The fluff and crunch for the Guard are good. I'm more than content to let it stay good and not play the Russian Roulette of Codex Nerf that we always play when new books come out.


I'd like to see something that helps to justify the existence of vox casters. Spotting for ordinance weapons, expanded range for orders and other abilities, etc.

They used to be able to call down a "barrage" which I think was a battle cannon pie plate


Oh hell yes. But I think making them like actual radios would be better. Since military radios are all UHF, and the vox have multiple antenna, we can assume that they have both line of sight and long range capability. So, 18" range with no LOS, or unlimited with.

I love the idea of revamping the Vox system to make it a more integral part of orders, as coms systems are in real life. It would give extra special flavor to the regiments which choose not to take them also (ie their men don't need information, they just charge/fight/die).

While I like the idea of having vox able to call in artillery, it would be broken. Instead have vox extend the range of orders (for simplicity's sake just make it 24-36 inches or unlimited), and granting artillery the ability to scatter as normal when firing at a target that is in line of sight to a vox-equipped unit (coordinated fire). 


I'm going to play test that. 

How could they buff the taurox?given that it's loadout is already determined by the kit i doubt they'll change that so that leaves as with rules and pts cost. And i'm not sure anyone is willing to spend the current price for a mere 50 pts unit...so that leaves us with rules....of which I'm not sure how to boost it even more...


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