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doubles tournament....

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Hi guys!


We have a doubles tournament coming up in a month or so, and me and my buddy just playtested our intended list for the first time. The limitations for listbuilding is:


1000 pts per player

Share 1 CAD

No player may take all the slots of any kind (so player A cannot use all 3 fast for example)

1 HQ and 1 troop minimum per player.

Armies doesnt affect eachother (IC cant join other player units, cant cast spells on each other and so on)



So me and my buddy, we opt for the allfluffy alliance of Blood Angels and Orks.


1000 pts Blood angels


Librarian - lvl 1, veritas vitae

Furioso, fragcannon, heavy flamer

- Drop pod

5 Tactical marines

- razorback - twinlinked lascannon

5 tactical marines - missile launcher

2 attackbikes - multimeltas

5 assault marines - 2 meltaguns

6 Devastators - 2 plasmacannons, 2 lascannons

1 Predator - autocannon, las sponsons


1000 pts Orks


Mad dok Grotsnik

2 x 5 meganobs

2 trukks, ram

18 ard boys, nob with klaw

battlewagon - 2 big shootas


In our first game, we faced off against a Chaos space marines / Chaos Daemons list



2 x 10 cultists

2 maulerfiends, tendrils

Heldrake, reaper autocannon)




1 Tzeentch herald on disc

1 Tzeentch herald

1 Khorne herald on juggernaut

16 horrors

11 horrors

10 khorne puppies (i think there where 10 at least)

10 screamers


Had some decent dice luck (specially with my predator). Some highpoints being:

1. Belakor took a wound from perils subsequently crashing and taking another wound in a ruin for that pesky 2+ cover before flying up again. My predator then got 2 hits and transferring these into 2 wounds. Our opponent jinks, rolling his 2 saves of snake eyes. Belakor dead.


2. Predator facing off against the heldrake, shots the autocannon, opponent elects not to jink. 1 hit, 1 pen, and a 4 on the table. 18" in front of his heldrake, my predator


3. Round 1, my predator gets a nice shot at one of his maulerfiends, scoring a immobilized result, removing it from the game altogether.


4. Assaultmarines getting a rearshot at the helbrute, blowing it up, and taking his Tzeentchherald on the disk with it in the result.


The game went for a total of 6 rounds, over which we lost a total of 3 units (both trukks and the devastators) while the enemy only had 1 unit of horrors left. End tally was 27-9 for BA/Orks alliance.

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