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Tycho advice

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Hello chums!


Pretty simple question really. If you absolutely HAD to take Tycho (normal sane version) as your HQ, then what else would you take?


I've got to the point where perhaps a command squad with meltas or a sterngaurd squad to pair him with makes sense and then sort of lose the plot.


Help a third company brother out.

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"Command Squad"... blegh. Give me an Honour Guard or give me death! tongue.png

Personally, I'd only ever field him as Death Company.

But if he was rollin in his swanky goldyness I'd probably back him up with his own Honour Guard, a terminator librarian w/ t-hammer termies, and both squads in Land Raiders of some kind.

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Thanks for the input both.


I like the idea of Sternguard over the honour guard (good catch girot). More bodies and better shooting. Guess you'd need to make a choice between drop pod, rhinos, landraider or foot.


Drop pod then sort of commits you to getting another two.

Rhino doesn't seem pimp enough

Maybe a landraider could be cool but seems a waste of the assault ramp

I'm leaning towards foot


Perhaps will post a list in the other forum.


Does Tycho's bolter stop you from taking another relic?



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Special Characters cannot take any further Wargear.


As for Relics in general, the only restriction is that you can't duplicate them in your army and yes, one Independent Character could, if you wished, take the Valour's Edge, Angel's Fury and the Veritas Vitae.

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Bit of a Relic revelation going on here for me.


Thought you could have one full stop.


Thanks for the clarification, this is great news!


The background here is I was eyeing up a priest with The Angels Wing jump pack attached to an assault squad as like a mobile deep striking reserve.


I think with Tycho sat in a big squad of sternguard heading up some devastators and tacticals it makes sense to think about counter punchers.

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Best advice? Don't use him! Wakka Wakka.


But he's okay for a fluffy captain, he won't do much though with no AP in combat, but AP4 on Blood song is okay I guess.


Maybe ask your opponent if he can have the dead man's hand back for 30 points or something!

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Can't see a reason to take either version of Tycho now, unless you were going for a pure fluff list. 7th ed codex really butchered him IMO


however, and to answer your question;

if I were to take him, I would put him into a sternguard squad only. Maybe give him a razorback, but most likely I'd pod him.

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Thanks for replying, I totally take on board the fact he's a somewhat bizarre choice.


I'm thinking of started a blood angels force from stratch, which as I see it is a really nice position to be in as there's all sorts of freedom to theme the army quite strongly.


Dante and his golden mates have been done fairly often, and all death company force would be cool but perhaps a bit grim dark for my taste (also want to paint red). So I was thinking a young Tycho army set in the second Armageddon war post his elevation to captain would be great. I could also model him without the face mask.


Yeah sure it might play terribly but I have a sneaking suspicion with some sensible other choices it could just work. Perhaps time for a list?

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If I was going to take tycho I would proxy his model with a regular captain with artificer armour, a combi melta and a power sword for 5 points more than tycho himself. (I'd probably add a relic but meh).


As for things to run him with id suggest either


: stearnguard in a pod/raver back/ storm raven

: attach a jump pack to the model you have(as a proxy captain ofc) and run him with a 10 man squad on assault marines with double melta for a bit of fun

:in a storm raven to try and deny your enemy slay the warlord.


Sadly everyone here is all to aware that gw screwed over tycho the same if not more than the screwed over the sanguinor. So I'd vote proxy yea heart out :)


Maybe even use him as a really cool stearnguard veteran Sargent

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Hi Silverson,


Thanks for the reply. Interesting last sentence; I have a list up in the sub forum where I'm using official Tycho but almost in a vet sergeant role for the Sternguard.


Drop pods I'm getting my head around. Can't see a downside for a shooting squad like SG to come down first turn as long as it's not too aggressive. Waiting for reserve roles is a different story!



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