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Looking to get back into the game - need advice


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Dear Sirs and Ladies,

Anyone have time over to give some friendly advice to a returning Blood Angels player?



About 10 years ago or so we used to play on our old pool table. around 4th ed? Mostly just annihilation missions with massive HQs as they were cool.


Models  I've found in the closet while digging through:


1 unassembled rhino
2 unassembled assault marine boxes (10 models total)
1 tactical squad (10 models)
/w plasma gun&sgt
1 tactical squad (10 models)
plasma gun
missile launcher
9 scouts /w snipers
Brother Corbulo
Chaplain with jump pack
Death Company with 7 models, no upgrades.
I think the Rhino was for these. This was from back when you rolled per squad for death company.
a mixed squad I used to play as a sanguinary high priest with a 9 strong honor guard (10 models total)
jumpacks for all
standard bearer
2 plasma pistols
power fist
3 power swords
2 lascannon marines
Bits and pieces from these boxes. Plasta pistols, power swords, the odd power fist. Assault boxes has 1 axe 1 sword 1 fist per box
Are these okay? How/what should I field? We'll be playing about 1000 points and maybe slowly working towards 1500points. Without drop pods I feel very vulnerable, from the little I've read around people seem to favor them heavily.
Sneaky edit:
I'll be playing against deathwing terminators and chaos space marines (cultists, shooty stuff but can't remember which mark. Had some possessed too). If we get another friend along, unlikely but possible, he has Necrons and Ulthwë eldars.
Any pointers are highly valued!
Thank you for your time.
P.s. if anyone has good tutortial videos on getting into 7th ed and general gameplay I'd appreciate it.
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Looks like a promising core of models. I would suggest getting some jump packs for the Death Company as 3 points each is a bargain for them. Tactical squads in a Rhino are fine although if you can pick up a Heavy Flamer somewhere that will work a lot better as it can move and fire.

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