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++Daemon Forge: VI - Chaos Space Marines (troop chose)++

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Welcome to - Daemon Forge -

- Daemon Forge - is aimed as a hobby challenge. Each month will see a set theme for Chaos. This will range from a set unit type, single models, object marker & set themes. The aim is pretty simple. It's all about seeing cool models for Chaos.

For the fourth - Daemon Forge - hobby challenge topic, this month challenge will be - Chaos Space Marines (Troops) -.

Chaos Space Marines (troop choice) are the backbone to a lot of Legion & Warbands who battle for the ture path. From Veterans of the Long War since the Horus Heresy, to recent fallen Chapter. They are there in the front lines.

Just follow the wargear, marks & Icon they are allow in codex Chaos Space Marines, Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter or Daemonkin :D

To take part it's simple.


- For people who've been meaning to add Chaos Space Marines (troop choice), or just want to get a brand new unit added to there Chaos warbands, or maybe just a one off unit that you want to try converting or painting skills on. Now a great time to build those Chaos Space Marine models & have the model all finish with in the month.

Or already got a model built & painted in your collection

- If you already have a model with armour value in your warband or collection. Feel free to post photos of the model.

But most of all make sure the models are painted by the deadline biggrin.png

Start date: 1st July
Finish date: 31th July

For members who take part. We have these honour banners that you can add to your signature within the forum guidelines or on your "about me" page.

Banner for your "about me" part for your profile. Please do not use this on your signature unless it will be the only image (including one row of numbered squares).

Sig banner

- Daemon Forge - theme. Chaos Space Marines (troop choice).

Should look like this

A marker memeber can use for - Daemon Forge - that they may have miss out on




Also if you have any idea or theme you'd like to see in future Daemon Forge topic, please feel free to let me know.


Insane Psychopath

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Just a squad of chaos marine squad (5 to 20 models) for this one. But if you'd like I could make next month troop theme in gerneral? That way cover cult, possessed, cultist, lost and the damned + daemons?
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Still working on my entry for this (ETL takes presidence for painting) but did have a thought for next month's Daemonforge that could include all the Chaos forums, that the theme is a conversion of something from the Fantasy line into a WH40k model. Admitedly Daemon players can just go "I put it on a round base" but what they heck, they're Daemons so material rules don't apply to them anyway.

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This might be a silly question, but please bare withe me as I have been away from the B&C for literally years. But, do I post my models in this thread to join, or do I submit my entries another way?

With Daemon Forge, just post your unit(s) in this topic :D




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This might be a silly question, but please bare withe me as I have been away from the B&C for literally years. But, do I post my models in this thread to join, or do I submit my entries another way?

With Daemon Forge, just post your unit(s) in this topic biggrin.png


Thank you so much. I'll have some of my new Word Bearers up this week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First of all sorry for letting this slide a bit.  I'll try get post of my own Chaos Marine squad & rememeber everyone can feel free to post on here as well as take part in the brillaint ETL & little extra help to get those cool models finish.  As long as it a Chaos Marine (troop chose) unit & follow the wargear they are allow along with Marks, etc.. :D


Also to see the next Daemon Forge theme will be base on models that have the Daemon rule from codex Chaos Marines, Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Daemonkin, Daemons & Armour 13: Lost & the Damned.  I'll use next Daemon Forge to get a Herald converted up useing the Khorne Hero from Fantasy/single spure model. 

Also if there any theme your like to see for future Daemon Forge, please feel free let me know, all note are taken down.

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After missing the last two one, I think I join again. Here is a Black Legion CSM squad I did last year.


Black Legion Chaos Space Marines better Picture

How about something tzeentchy for next month?  I'd really like to see how others would paint a Tzeenchian/Thousand Sons CSM/Char/etc. And I would be already finished :P
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Or save Tzeentch/Nurgle/Slaanesh for when their -kin codexes come out?


I'm keen to do a Herald for the next one. Might attract some of the Daemon-forum members too.

Aasfresser, you could add a Tzeentch herald as a Daemonic ally/gone-independent Tutelary spirit...?


Perhaps not a month-long one but you could do a Daemon Forge for members to make some Chaos-themed objective counters (any number between one and six).

Another I'd like to see/do is taking a loyalist mini/loyalist minis and Chaosifying them. Bonus points if it's a named character. ;)

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whens the deadline for this?


nevermind, just seen it... sleepy eyes are sleepy... better get my finger out and finish building this squad of Word Bearers I've been looking at all week. 

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Just a squad of chaos marine squad (5 to 20 models) for this one. But if you'd like I could make next month troop theme in gerneral? That way cover cult, possessed, cultist, lost and the damned + daemons?

Please do, I have some sick ideas for Possessed and counts as Daemonettes I wanna try out. 

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