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Greetings, brothers.

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Good tidings, friends.


New to the forum. Just saying hi.


I've been in the hobby, off and on, for going on 15 years. I love the painting and hobby side of 40K as much as the playing, sometimes more so. I'll be sharing my swathe of ADHD fueled projects, probably condensed into a single thread.


I've lived in Austin, TX for just over a year, now and I'd love to meet some fellow players that are into the narrative. Beautiful, immersive battles of whatever looks cool is the pinnacle of the hobby for me. Finding some kindred souls would be great.


Last key detail about me is that I don't have much time for people who dwell on the negative. GW isn't perfect, and they make some odd decisions, but consistently crying about every single release, codex, etc is just rude. Especially if you attack anyone with a different opinion.


That's all. Looking forward to a great time on the site!


- The Last Templar

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