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++Chaos Project Log Showcase - rednekkboss++

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I've messaged a few, but they've not got back to me. I figure I'll just keep posting plogs, and the vast majority of questions I could ask are probably answered in there somewhere anyway.



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+1 to project logs/threads. They are great for keeping things together and not cluttering up the board. It can also provide inspiration and answers to those who want to add something different to their own forces.

Good idea having this Dragonlover. Both IP's and Kraut Scientist's threads have provided me with inspirations. The others presented here are great too, and certainly worthy of showcasing.

Keep it up brother, you are immortalising the Chaos community with your deeds. This must surely please the Dark Gods laugh.png

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Very nice choice. I love thamiers colour scheme and his conversions are outstanding. +1 for thamier.

Isn't it just? Thanks to this thread I've spent three days reading the thing! Some really nice models, that green glowing rune scheme is amazing.

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Do you like Juggernauts? I hope so, because this week we're showcasing Venomlust's Blood and Shadow! A two-army log (so far) chronicling the Shadowborne, a warband that follow Be'lakor and the Brass Stampede, the Khorne Daemonkin they're currently allied with/duping.


Shadowborne marine:




The mount for Arcturos Gorehowl:




Gorehowl WIIP:




Juggernaut Spawn:




Count-as Biker:




Like I said, hope you like Juggernauts! This is a nice bite-sized plog at the moment, weighing in at a tidy 4 pages, and certainly one to watch. Can't wait for Gorehowl to get some paint on him... in fact, I'm gonna go ask about that right now.



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Do you like Juggernauts? I hope so, because this week we're showcasing Venomlust's Blood and Shadow! A two-army log (so far) chronicling the Shadowborne, a warband that follow Be'lakor and the Brass Stampede, the Khorne Daemonkin they're currently allied with/duping.


Shadowborne marine:



Gorehowl WIIP:




Juggernaut Spawn:




Count-as Biker:




Like I said, hope you like Juggernauts! This is a nice bite-sized plog at the moment, weighing in at a tidy 4 pages, and certainly one to watch. Can't wait for Gorehowl to get some paint on him... in fact, I'm gonna go ask about that right now.




Just had a quick look that Venomlust's log when adding the topic to the Daemonkin commuinty topic.  Lot of cool conversion.  The model in the quote above my favrout, hopeful see a lot more cool models for Call of Chaos along with all memeber of the Chaos forum :D

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Oh snap! Thanks for the kind words, brothers. I've been unable to get a lot of stuff done recently due to school/family reasons, but over the next week or so I plan to work on my army quite a bit.

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This week, blood and shadow give way to a tide of rot, as the pestilent ranks of Chaeron's Death Guard stride into view. Subtitled 'Rebuilding a Legion', it's the story of one man and his seemingly infinite hoard of models stretching back 20 years. Seriously, if a Chaos Marine model exists, there's at least one in here somewhere, with the exception of a couple of Forge World kits.


Completed squad:








WIP Bikers:




Lord of Rot:








Small army shot:




So, yeah. Just goes to show that once you find a colour scheme that works, it works on basically anything. A fairly simple plog weighing in at 8 pages, there's not a lot of faffing around with fluff and fiddly modelling, just page after page of glorious paint jobs.


Stay tuned, cos this week's a double bill...



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As a bonus round, I'd like to showcase my own Nine Legions project, since it's my birthday Monday. The realisation of a plan I came up with when I was 14, I finally have the time and money to do it. It started out as 2k of each Legion, but that may be upped to 2250 or even 2500 with the demands of the new edition.


Autocannon Havocs:








Khorne Raptors:




Khorne Chosen WIP:




Black Legion Chosen WIP:




The paintjobs and modelling are solid. This is very much a gamers army, so everything is functional, with not a lot of frippery going on. There's only six pages to it as well, mostly due to me being distracted by the Daemonkin codex coming out.



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From functional, to the work of a deranged artisan: GuitaRasmus' Dark Mechanicum! Truly stunning work, and all concepted before the Ad Mech codexes were even the merest breath of a glimmer of a hint. Truly the work of a man who looks at a kit in terms of what other kits the bits would look better on!


The Kaban Engine:




Terminator Lord:




Arch Heretek Karulek:




Painted Helbrute:




Painted Maulerfiend








Sadly, GuitaRasmus isn't adding anything more to this project currently, having been distracted by Word Bearers. Still, this plog is 18 pages of pure joy to read, especially when it comes to making the larger kits work together coherently. I know I'm gonna use Maulerfiend shoulders on a Helbrute at some point thanks to this!



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I can only shake my head in disbelief at how awesome those minis are. 


I know right?


Incidentally, my apologies for the lack of showcase this week. My lungs tried to escape via my mouth over the weekend and I didn't have the energy to put one together.



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