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Looking for Advice/inspiration

Cryonic Harvest

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After a decade long hiatus I returned to 40k, starting a new space marine army.

I initially chose Astral Claws, based solely on the colour scheme as I have never really been a fluff fanatic. I did proceed to research the fluff, with all of it being related to the Badab War. Although I like the story, I don't really like idea of playing a chapter that no longer exists, especially one that went to the dark side!


It seems pretty conclusive that any Astral Claws that were captured or that surrendered, were executed for heresy.


I like the idea that some of the Astral Claws didn't follow Huron on his path of destruction, choosing to rebel against him either as soon as he became chapter master, or once his intentions became obvious. I thought that if they rebelled early on they may escape the fate of their once battle brothers.


My idea was that this splinter group, having proved their loyalties to the Emperor, were allowed to continue and eventually grow as a new chapter, the Lion's Penance.


The Lion's Penance, veterans of original Astral Claws teachings, chose to continue to use the battle tactics that they were masters of, training new recruits in the same ways of war.


The imperium kept a close eye on the activities of the Lion's Penance, looking for traces of heresy. Therefore it would not be uncommon for the Lion's Penance to be accompanied by allied support, usually in the form of Inquisitors or Ad Mech.


This is all I have so far, so this is pretty early in development. I am looking for advice on the feasibility of this idea and some inspiration for furthering development, having little knowledge of 40k fluff.


Thanks for your time!

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Hi Cryonic Harvest, welcome back to the Hobby, and thank you for being open to our feedback.


I really like your idea, read a bit more to remember the Badab War, thought about what could help you.


Considering the lore, and how people would react, here is what I believe is the most important bit:



I like the idea that some of the Astral Claws didn't follow Huron on his path of destruction, choosing to rebel against him either as soon as he became chapter master, or once his intentions became obvious. I thought that if they rebelled early on they may escape the fate of their once battle brothers.



I'm going to give you a sample narrative based on your idea that the Lion's Penance broke off before that, just to give you a Proof Of Concept, for brainstorming.  Perhaps the trickiest, yet most important, part is when and where the Lion's Penance "broke away" from the Astral Claws.


I'm going to intermix canonical lore in gold with my own ideas (not in gold, but in regular font).



--- rough draft outline for the Lion's Penance ---



The Astral Claws became fleet-based before the Badab War, leader of several Chapters to guard the Imperium's border, the "Maelstrom Wardens".  Being fleet-based means leaders have some sort of autonomy because the Chapter was spread out.  This sort of looser organisation would later allow Huron room to scheme, and for the eventual founder of the Lion's Penance to break away from the Astral Claws.


After the previous Astral Claws Chapter Master, Rovik Blake, fell in combat, the charismatic Huron was popularly appointed the new Chapter Master, by far the youngest in its history.  By definition, Huron was neither the most senior nor the most experienced...though perhaps the best at politicking.  There would have been other contenders, like the Lion's Penance founder.  However, during a time of crisis, this humble leader chose not to jockey against the ambitious Huron for the sake of duty and Chapter, despite the urging of his loyal followers.


Huron appoints himself the Tyrant of Badab after stopping a coup against the previous government.  This event should have raised red flags.  Those that would follow the Lion's Penance founder would again beg him to call out Huron, but again he chose not to.  It was a difficult situation; as a possible contender for the Chapter Master position, he would have been seen as the ambitious usurper, not Huron.  Thus, again, for the sake of duty and Chapter, he did not contest for power.


150 years go by with Huron in power, despite not paying his Grand Tithe as Badab's governor of resources, manpower and, most importantly, geneseed.  That doesn't mean he wasn't doing anything.  In fact, he was secretly expanding the Astral Claws, including absorbing the Tiger Claws Chapter that was thought lost, giving them the geneseed to expand their forces.



--- the sleeping lion stirs from slumber ---



Now, this part is interpretation.  Many of the Secessionist Chapters didn't know Huron's mad scheme.  They followed him according to oaths they made when they were commanded to follow the Astral Claws as Maelstrom Wardens.  And considering Huron's interest in intrigue, I believe it's possible he didn't tell all his own Chapter's brothers about his plan, only his inner circle.  Huron would have seen the Lion's Penance founder as a threat to his power, gave him the most remote and dangerous tasks to keep him out of the way.


However, the Lion's Penance founder was a great strategist in his own right.  He adapted to high-risk missions by utilising highly mobile tactics, lightning strikes, moving in to attack before the enemy knew what hit him.  Despite being kept out of the loop and sent on apparently suicidal missions, he realised Huron must have had more Space Marines to replace him.  Quietly investigating on his own, he realised the Chapter's numbers must be greater than what they should be (which was growing to be 3,500, far beyond the 1,000 normally), started questioning how and...most importantly...why.


Let's assume the Lion's Penance pieces the mystery together, like the Tiger Claws secretly being used to buff up Astral Claws' numbers for power, before anyone else.  Even then, what would he prove?  So Huron took over governorship of a world...so did the Ultramarines, and they were loved for it.  So Huron expanded his Chapter beyond the normal amount...the Black Templars and Space Wolves do the same, yet none question their devotion.  Again, at that point, revealing the Chapter's secrets would make the Lion's Penance founder the traitor, not Huron.


But most of all, how could he get the word out, WITHOUT Huron, the master of intrigue, catching on to him?


(For forging a narrative, I'll suggest there was no Astropath or Librarian the Lion's Penance founder could trust.)



--- a mighty lion needs not roar to make his will known ---



The traders guild (who were genuinely greedy) and the Adeptus Mechanicus (who were just trying to do their job) sent a collection fleet to Badab that Huron wiped out, prompting the Fire Hawks to send a ship to investigate, which was attacked, boarded and had 20 of their Marines taken prisoner by the Mantis Warriors.  This incident of Brother Marine fighting Brother Marine was the last straw for the Lion's Penance founder.  He was wracked with self-doubt, but this is what pushes him into action.  His suspicions were confirmed, now he has to inform the Imperium...somehow.


The Fire Hawks prisoners were returned to their Chapter, amidst a tense stand-off and threats-exchange between the Mantis Warriors...and a contingent of Astral Claws.  This is the thing that stuck out to me.  It was a Reservoir Dogs moment, everyone on hair triggers, nerves on the edge of a razor; it could have been a huge shootout.  In fact, immediately afterwards the Fire Hawks did encroach into their space, where the Astral Warriors were already waiting in ambush.


However, the confusing part was...why did Huron send Astral Claws at all?  He would be revealing his hand too early.  Let the Mantis Warriors take the hit (and he would, later, possibly organising the assassination of their Chapter Master).  To send Astral Claws there, 2 Chapters against 1, just escalated tensions...unless he wanted to provoke the situation, get members of his Chapter shot up, to have a cause for war against the Fire Hawks.


And whom would he send as the sacrificial lamb?  Why, his old rival, the Lion's Penance founder, of course.


As for the Lion's Penance founder, this was perhaps the only chance to get a message to the Loyalists...quietly.



--- crouching dragon, hidden tiger ---



Let's consider a Fire Hawk prisoner was an officer, a Veteran Sergeant or something, under the Mantis Warriors' "care".  Before the prisoner was returned, the Lion's Penance founder, as an Astral Claw, could have requested a chance to talk with him before the meeting.  Of course, as the Mantis Warriors would be keeping guard, the Lion's Penance founder couldn't speak with the prisoner alone nor completely candidly.


The Astral Claws were known to be arrogant.  The Lion's Penance founder would play this up, meeting the prisoner as if over a drink, bringing wine and some baroque silver chalices with the Astral Claws' badge to this meeting.  No doubt there would be Mantis Warriors guards in the room...who were probably rolling their eyes over the pomp & circumstance.


The Lion's Penance founder would, according to their haughty reputation, talking to the prisoner without meeting his eyes.  Instead, he'd play with his cup, fiddle with it, making irritatingly loud scratches on the silver.


As if to use visual aids, he'd assemble some of the chalices to represent each of the Maelstrom Warden Chapters under the Huron's control.  The Astral Claws, obviously, but also the Executioners, the Lamenters, the Mantis Warriors...all represented by cups with the Astral Claws badge.  Of course, this would be considered extremely arrogant, and the Mantis Warriors watching this would probably groan inwardly.


The Lion's Penance founder would pause for effect, play with his cup some more, fiddle with it, making those same irritatingly loud scratches on the silver.  Then in a strange move, he would mention his own Company's numbers, taking the Fire Hawks prisoner's own undrunk chalice, and place it with the others.  Why would he do that?  Wouldn't it be easier to use his own goblet that he'd been toying with to represent his own men?


The purpose was that it's a message: despite appearances, I am actually on YOUR side.


Then as if for some over-the-top flourish to end his diatribe, he slams down his own chalice, the cup he was playing with, fiddling with, making irritatingly loud scratches into the silver.  Then he'd talk about the incredible power of Huron, pouring wine into that scratched up chalice until it was overflowing.  Then the Fire Hawks prisoner would look at the cup and notice something.


The Lion's Penance founder wasn't playing or fiddling...but he was scratching away.


On the Astral Claws badge of a cat's head, he had methodically scarred it with even stripes.


It was a 2nd message: Huron has hidden the Tiger Claws Chapter in our midst.


Thus, in a lengthy speech in front of witnesses, the Lion's Penance founder snuck 2 important messages through.  Most likely, the Fire Hawks prisoner wouldn't even know what the Tiger Claws were, as their Chapter had disappeared centuries ago.  However, by passing it on to his commanders, who would then share it with the Inquisition, who would then interrogate an Astral Claws Apothecary about the very issue of the Tiger Claws year later, they would discover the Lion's Penance founder was indeed loyal and could helpful to end the Badab War.



--- the secret history of the Badab War ---



That was not a minor discovery.  It was the explanation of why, despite hitting the Astral Claws hard, they always seem to have replenished their numbers, a huge secret of Huron's.  It was at this point the Inquisition started getting involved; before they were merely observers.


The Inquisition would then infiltrate agents into the Lion's Penance founder's fleet, which was deliberately positioned to fight xenos as not to turn bolter and chainsword against their fellow Space Marines.  Then together, they plan the fall of Huron and an end to the Badab War.


Of course, the Inquisition would never let that be recorded in history, far better to have a black & white picture of heroes and villains.  Better the lie.



--- a drink between old friends ---



Even after proving their loyalty, the Inquisition would have to take the Lion's Penance founder and his loyal men into custody.  Technically they were still Astral Claws, whom were excommunicated as a whole.  They'd probably have been guarded by other Space Marines...like the Fire Hawks.


As they're awaiting transport to the High Lords of Terra, a Fire Hawk fully encased in full power armour goes to the Lion's Penance founder's cell.  There's an Inquisition Acolyte or Servoskull recording everything that would be said, which would be scrutinised and lead to lots of interrogation.


The Fire Hawk says nothing.  He just reaches through the bars, holding something perfectly ordinary under the circumstances to give to the future founder of the Lion's Penance.  Then he simply leaves and the two never meet again.  The Lion's Penance founder looks at what he was given.


It's a prisoner's cup, filled to the point of overflow.


The Lion's Penance founder later finds out he was given the task of discreetly organising the loyalist remnants of the Astral Claws into a new Chapter.  When he asks why he was given this honour when he was technically excommunicated, an Inquisitor tells him there were elements in the Fire Hawks strongly advocating his innocence.



--- fin ---



Sorry for the long post, I got carried away.  Let's summarise with the themes.


Your Chapter is the Lion's Penance.  What are they penitent for?  For failing to stop their own Chapter?  Sure.  For not being able to warn the Imperium directly?  Yeah.  But most of all...for their founder not seizing power from Huron in the 1st place, because he was too humble?  Definitely.


This way, your Chapter is a direct opposite of the Astral Claws.  Huron was too ambitious.  Your Chapter's founder was too modest.


However, at the same time, he was just as good at spycraft as the Tyrant of Badab.  He would have to be!  The story of the cups is a narrative demonstration of that.  A lot of times, we're just told a Chapter's founder is just so good, so smart, so much better.  You have to take their word for it.  Here, you have some evidence, that ties in very well with the canon of the Badab War.


For your army, you probably already know about the Forgeworld Chapter Tactics for the Astral Claws.  They utilise high maneuverability units like Bikes and Speeders (which was why I mentioned it earlier) and Stubborn to prove their loyalty to the Imperium.


The final thing...it might be my hubris, if so, disregard the following idea.  The Fire Hawk prisoner character really developed as I was writing this, he was such a breakout character.  The Fire Hawks would later become the mysterious Legion of the Damned.  If you liked my above ideas, please consider a Legion of the Damned squad in your army, where the Sergeant IS that Fire Hawk prisoner, who drops by once in a while to check how his old friend's Chapter is doing.


Thanks for reading.

After a decade long hiatus I returned to 40k, starting a new space marine army.

I initially chose Astral Claws, based solely on the colour scheme as I have never really been a fluff fanatic. I did proceed to research the fluff, with all of it being related to the Badab War. Although I like the story, I don't really like idea of playing a chapter that no longer exists, especially one that went to the dark side!


It seems pretty conclusive that any Astral Claws that were captured or that surrendered, were executed for heresy.


I like the idea that some of the Astral Claws didn't follow Huron on his path of destruction, choosing to rebel against him either as soon as he became chapter master, or once his intentions became obvious. I thought that if they rebelled early on they may escape the fate of their once battle brothers.


My idea was that this splinter group, having proved their loyalties to the Emperor, were allowed to continue and eventually grow as a new chapter, the Lion's Penance.


The Lion's Penance, veterans of original Astral Claws teachings, chose to continue to use the battle tactics that they were masters of, training new recruits in the same ways of war.


The imperium kept a close eye on the activities of the Lion's Penance, looking for traces of heresy. Therefore it would not be uncommon for the Lion's Penance to be accompanied by allied support, usually in the form of Inquisitors or Ad Mech.


This is all I have so far, so this is pretty early in development. I am looking for advice on the feasibility of this idea and some inspiration for furthering development, having little knowledge of 40k fluff.


Thanks for your time!


Welcome, Cryonic Harvest, to B&C and the Liber in particular. I see Not 1 Step Backwards has made quite a comprehensive reply, kudos to him. I think the name of the Chapter itself is an interesting choice - it suggests that they wear their shame on their sleeve, perhaps it could be a defining trait for them. Maybe they are a chapter that despises secrecy, preferring to be open and transparent in what they do. That is not to say they are not bold - it could the opposite, the astartes of the Chapter may wish to be bold and brash, taking relish in their openness.


How exactly would they feel about being watched all the time? Do they think they deserve it? Possibly. Do they pull on the reins, finding their overseers stifling? What do you think, brother? 

The concepts here are pretty cool and seem rather well fleshed out, I'm sorry but I don't really know what to add (I'm not extremely familiar with Badab)


However, I'd suggest "Lions penitent" or "penitent Lions": these names reference the warriors in the chapter, and not their actions, which is the usual way of naming chapters. You can keep "Lion's Penance" as the penitent crusade that they are now on to prove their loyalty to terra.


Also, I believe there are only two instances where space marine organisations have been split to form new chapters : 2nd founding and Sons of Medusa. I believe the canon states that these are exceptions in every way, so I'd suggest you use the 26th Founding (in 738M41 which is a few years after huron's rise to power I believe). There would then have to be a bit more work to have another chapter name before they become the Lions Penitent, and Not 1 Step Backwards ideas would become more complicated to implement (which is a shame because they are good ideas)


Good luck!

Hi Cryonic Harvest, welcome back to the Hobby, and thank you for being open to our feedback.


I really like your idea, read a bit more to remember the Badab War, thought about what could help you.


Considering the lore, and how people would react, here is what I believe is the most important bit:




I like the idea that some of the Astral Claws didn't follow Huron on his path of destruction, choosing to rebel against him either as soon as he became chapter master, or once his intentions became obvious. I thought that if they rebelled early on they may escape the fate of their once battle brothers.


I'm going to give you a sample narrative based on your idea that the Lion's Penance broke off before that, just to give you a Proof Of Concept, for brainstorming. Perhaps the trickiest, yet most important, part is when and where the Lion's Penance "broke away" from the Astral Claws.


I'm going to intermix canonical lore in gold with my own ideas (not in gold, but in regular font).



--- rough draft outline for the Lion's Penance ---



The Astral Claws became fleet-based before the Badab War, leader of several Chapters to guard the Imperium's border, the "Maelstrom Wardens". Being fleet-based means leaders have some sort of autonomy because the Chapter was spread out. This sort of looser organisation would later allow Huron room to scheme, and for the eventual founder of the Lion's Penance to break away from the Astral Claws.


After the previous Astral Claws Chapter Master, Rovik Blake, fell in combat, the charismatic Huron was popularly appointed the new Chapter Master, by far the youngest in its history. By definition, Huron was neither the most senior nor the most experienced...though perhaps the best at politicking. There would have been other contenders, like the Lion's Penance founder. However, during a time of crisis, this humble leader chose not to jockey against the ambitious Huron for the sake of duty and Chapter, despite the urging of his loyal followers.


Huron appoints himself the Tyrant of Badab after stopping a coup against the previous government. This event should have raised red flags. Those that would follow the Lion's Penance founder would again beg him to call out Huron, but again he chose not to. It was a difficult situation; as a possible contender for the Chapter Master position, he would have been seen as the ambitious usurper, not Huron. Thus, again, for the sake of duty and Chapter, he did not contest for power.


150 years go by with Huron in power, despite not paying his Grand Tithe as Badab's governor of resources, manpower and, most importantly, geneseed. That doesn't mean he wasn't doing anything. In fact, he was secretly expanding the Astral Claws, including absorbing the Tiger Claws Chapter that was thought lost, giving them the geneseed to expand their forces.



--- the sleeping lion stirs from slumber ---



Now, this part is interpretation. Many of the Secessionist Chapters didn't know Huron's mad scheme. They followed him according to oaths they made when they were commanded to follow the Astral Claws as Maelstrom Wardens. And considering Huron's interest in intrigue, I believe it's possible he didn't tell all his own Chapter's brothers about his plan, only his inner circle. Huron would have seen the Lion's Penance founder as a threat to his power, gave him the most remote and dangerous tasks to keep him out of the way.


However, the Lion's Penance founder was a great strategist in his own right. He adapted to high-risk missions by utilising highly mobile tactics, lightning strikes, moving in to attack before the enemy knew what hit him. Despite being kept out of the loop and sent on apparently suicidal missions, he realised Huron must have had more Space Marines to replace him. Quietly investigating on his own, he realised the Chapter's numbers must be greater than what they should be (which was growing to be 3,500, far beyond the 1,000 normally), started questioning how and...most importantly...why.


Let's assume the Lion's Penance pieces the mystery together, like the Tiger Claws secretly being used to buff up Astral Claws' numbers for power, before anyone else. Even then, what would he prove? So Huron took over governorship of a world...so did the Ultramarines, and they were loved for it. So Huron expanded his Chapter beyond the normal amount...the Black Templars and Space Wolves do the same, yet none question their devotion. Again, at that point, revealing the Chapter's secrets would make the Lion's Penance founder the traitor, not Huron.


But most of all, how could he get the word out, WITHOUT Huron, the master of intrigue, catching on to him?


(For forging a narrative, I'll suggest there was no Astropath or Librarian the Lion's Penance founder could trust.)



--- a mighty lion needs not roar to make his will known ---



The traders guild (who were genuinely greedy) and the Adeptus Mechanicus (who were just trying to do their job) sent a collection fleet to Badab that Huron wiped out, prompting the Fire Hawks to send a ship to investigate, which was attacked, boarded and had 20 of their Marines taken prisoner by the Mantis Warriors. This incident of Brother Marine fighting Brother Marine was the last straw for the Lion's Penance founder. He was wracked with self-doubt, but this is what pushes him into action. His suspicions were confirmed, now he has to inform the Imperium...somehow.


The Fire Hawks prisoners were returned to their Chapter, amidst a tense stand-off and threats-exchange between the Mantis Warriors...and a contingent of Astral Claws. This is the thing that stuck out to me. It was a Reservoir Dogs moment, everyone on hair triggers, nerves on the edge of a razor; it could have been a huge shootout. In fact, immediately afterwards the Fire Hawks did encroach into their space, where the Astral Warriors were already waiting in ambush.


However, the confusing part was...why did Huron send Astral Claws at all? He would be revealing his hand too early. Let the Mantis Warriors take the hit (and he would, later, possibly organising the assassination of their Chapter Master). To send Astral Claws there, 2 Chapters against 1, just escalated tensions...unless he wanted to provoke the situation, get members of his Chapter shot up, to have a cause for war against the Fire Hawks.


And whom would he send as the sacrificial lamb? Why, his old rival, the Lion's Penance founder, of course.


As for the Lion's Penance founder, this was perhaps the only chance to get a message to the Loyalists...quietly.



--- crouching dragon, hidden tiger ---



Let's consider a Fire Hawk prisoner was an officer, a Veteran Sergeant or something, under the Mantis Warriors' "care". Before the prisoner was returned, the Lion's Penance founder, as an Astral Claw, could have requested a chance to talk with him before the meeting. Of course, as the Mantis Warriors would be keeping guard, the Lion's Penance founder couldn't speak with the prisoner alone nor completely candidly.


The Astral Claws were known to be arrogant. The Lion's Penance founder would play this up, meeting the prisoner as if over a drink, bringing wine and some baroque silver chalices with the Astral Claws' badge to this meeting. No doubt there would be Mantis Warriors guards in the room...who were probably rolling their eyes over the pomp & circumstance.


The Lion's Penance founder would, according to their haughty reputation, talking to the prisoner without meeting his eyes. Instead, he'd play with his cup, fiddle with it, making irritatingly loud scratches on the silver.


As if to use visual aids, he'd assemble some of the chalices to represent each of the Maelstrom Warden Chapters under the Huron's control. The Astral Claws, obviously, but also the Executioners, the Lamenters, the Mantis Warriors...all represented by cups with the Astral Claws badge. Of course, this would be considered extremely arrogant, and the Mantis Warriors watching this would probably groan inwardly.


The Lion's Penance founder would pause for effect, play with his cup some more, fiddle with it, making those same irritatingly loud scratches on the silver. Then in a strange move, he would mention his own Company's numbers, taking the Fire Hawks prisoner's own undrunk chalice, and place it with the others. Why would he do that? Wouldn't it be easier to use his own goblet that he'd been toying with to represent his own men?


The purpose was that it's a message: despite appearances, I am actually on YOUR side.


Then as if for some over-the-top flourish to end his diatribe, he slams down his own chalice, the cup he was playing with, fiddling with, making irritatingly loud scratches into the silver. Then he'd talk about the incredible power of Huron, pouring wine into that scratched up chalice until it was overflowing. Then the Fire Hawks prisoner would look at the cup and notice something.


The Lion's Penance founder wasn't playing or fiddling...but he was scratching away.


On the Astral Claws badge of a cat's head, he had methodically scarred it with even stripes.


It was a 2nd message: Huron has hidden the Tiger Claws Chapter in our midst.


Thus, in a lengthy speech in front of witnesses, the Lion's Penance founder snuck 2 important messages through. Most likely, the Fire Hawks prisoner wouldn't even know what the Tiger Claws were, as their Chapter had disappeared centuries ago. However, by passing it on to his commanders, who would then share it with the Inquisition, who would then interrogate an Astral Claws Apothecary about the very issue of the Tiger Claws year later, they would discover the Lion's Penance founder was indeed loyal and could helpful to end the Badab War.



--- the secret history of the Badab War ---



That was not a minor discovery. It was the explanation of why, despite hitting the Astral Claws hard, they always seem to have replenished their numbers, a huge secret of Huron's. It was at this point the Inquisition started getting involved; before they were merely observers.


The Inquisition would then infiltrate agents into the Lion's Penance founder's fleet, which was deliberately positioned to fight xenos as not to turn bolter and chainsword against their fellow Space Marines. Then together, they plan the fall of Huron and an end to the Badab War.


Of course, the Inquisition would never let that be recorded in history, far better to have a black & white picture of heroes and villains. Better the lie.



--- a drink between old friends ---



Even after proving their loyalty, the Inquisition would have to take the Lion's Penance founder and his loyal men into custody. Technically they were still Astral Claws, whom were excommunicated as a whole. They'd probably have been guarded by other Space Marines...like the Fire Hawks.


As they're awaiting transport to the High Lords of Terra, a Fire Hawk fully encased in full power armour goes to the Lion's Penance founder's cell. There's an Inquisition Acolyte or Servoskull recording everything that would be said, which would be scrutinised and lead to lots of interrogation.


The Fire Hawk says nothing. He just reaches through the bars, holding something perfectly ordinary under the circumstances to give to the future founder of the Lion's Penance. Then he simply leaves and the two never meet again. The Lion's Penance founder looks at what he was given.


It's a prisoner's cup, filled to the point of overflow.


The Lion's Penance founder later finds out he was given the task of discreetly organising the loyalist remnants of the Astral Claws into a new Chapter. When he asks why he was given this honour when he was technically excommunicated, an Inquisitor tells him there were elements in the Fire Hawks strongly advocating his innocence.



--- fin ---



Sorry for the long post, I got carried away. Let's summarise with the themes.


Your Chapter is the Lion's Penance. What are they penitent for? For failing to stop their own Chapter? Sure. For not being able to warn the Imperium directly? Yeah. But most of all...for their founder not seizing power from Huron in the 1st place, because he was too humble? Definitely.


This way, your Chapter is a direct opposite of the Astral Claws. Huron was too ambitious. Your Chapter's founder was too modest.


However, at the same time, he was just as good at spycraft as the Tyrant of Badab. He would have to be! The story of the cups is a narrative demonstration of that. A lot of times, we're just told a Chapter's founder is just so good, so smart, so much better. You have to take their word for it. Here, you have some evidence, that ties in very well with the canon of the Badab War.


For your army, you probably already know about the Forgeworld Chapter Tactics for the Astral Claws. They utilise high maneuverability units like Bikes and Speeders (which was why I mentioned it earlier) and Stubborn to prove their loyalty to the Imperium.


The final thing...it might be my hubris, if so, disregard the following idea. The Fire Hawk prisoner character really developed as I was writing this, he was such a breakout character. The Fire Hawks would later become the mysterious Legion of the Damned. If you liked my above ideas, please consider a Legion of the Damned squad in your army, where the Sergeant IS that Fire Hawk prisoner, who drops by once in a while to check how his old friend's Chapter is doing.


Thanks for reading.

I really like this narrative, it is exactly the kind of thing i was looking for.


I will certainly be wanting to use a squad of Legion of the damned as the models are great, plus it would give me a chance to convert a captain based upon the narrative.


I'd prefer to keep the name the Lion's Penance because I like the idea of the original chapter members seeing every day, serving the Emperor as repentance for what they could have avoided, and a feeling that they may never reach a point where they forgive themselves.


I see the fact that they are on a tight leash by Inquisition and Ad Mech forces as a necessary consequence and one that the Lion's Penance are grateful towards because it has allowed them to continue the Emperor's work.

These allies also benefit the chapter on the tabletop as I have read that the Astral Claws didnt have a lot of access to high energy weaponary, any excuse to stick a bit of Grav in to support the bikes and speeders!


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