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Marv's Blood Angels


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Hi all,

As I mentioned on here a while back, I have started off a small Blood Angels army to go with Company of Dark Angels (which I haven't done anything with for 2 years :'( ) and my Space Wolves Great Company.

The idea started off as running the Shield of Ball minis as the detachment with my Wolves, but you know how these things go....

Anyway, below you'll see the first pics of my army. They'll be joined by a few other bits and bobs, but I'll keep you updated on it! The plan is to get these guys finished to circa 2000 points within the next year. As I have loads of Space Wolf stuff to sort (and I really want to get one project finished) these guys will be playing second fiddle for the time being...

Anyway, enough rambling on.....enjoy!

Captain Karlean


Sanguinary Priest


Death Company




Death Company Dreadnought


Full force pic


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That red is great. It looks pretty much exactly like the old GW BA red they used to paint their BA as. Is it easy to do? Are the large rocks on the bases made from that slate looking stuff in the basing kit?

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Thanks for the comments guys.


@Zeller - I have a guy do my painting for me.  Last summer I had a knee op and the pain meds gave me a bad case of hand-wobble.  Since then, work has been really mental busy so I've kept him painting for me.  He's done all of my Space Wolves (you can see the thread here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/301167-my-armywith-pics/ ) and I think he does a really good job and his prices are reasonable.  He includes a resin base with the commission but he does sell them separately if you want to get your hands on some!


I've planned my army out and, on top of the above, we'll see:

Librarian Dreadnought (got this)

Fragioso Dreadnought (got this)

The Terminators from Space Hulk (got these)

10 man Tactical Squad with Rhino (thinking of a HB, Grav and Combi-grav) (got the tacticals)

10 man Tactical Squad with Rhino (thinking of PF, melta gun and multi-melta)

5 man Sanguinary Guard (got these)


Baal Predator

10 BP & CS Death Company (got these)


I haven't costed the points yet so not sure but thinking it'll probably be close to 2k





Thinking of using a blood chalice & deathmask / iron halo from the upgrade sprue and a nice sword from somewhere to convert one of those flying stormcast eternal dudes from the Age of Sigmar to make a new Sanguinor....just waiting on the bits sites!

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