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What would your boss say?

Brother Raul

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   OK let me run something by you. Just say you were handed the three most lucrative contracts at work, or had to deal with the three most important customers/ suppliers. Just say that you did the smallest of the three tasks/accounts first even though doing the biggest task/account second, would really affect the smallest of the three down the track. So you still signed off on the smallest of the three before completing the biggest and then the second biggest, which screwed over the first (smallest) job you signed off on.


   What would your Boss say? I hope the guy, who's idea it was to release the Codex:BA  before Codex:SM and Codex:DA, boss' says your fired.


I could have waited the 5 months or so. Space Wolves first is fine, they don't follow the Codex. It seems that GW recently had a meeting where it was decided that after being codex compliant for 10,000 years the Blood Angels decided hey you know what? Russ was right after all! If that's the case how come Gulliman had to beat up Nassir Amit? There I feel better already.

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Once again, I am surely in the minority, but I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. And I'm saying this as someone who has a vanilla army that is of equal size to my BA army. 


The Battle company detachment is overrated in 1500-1850 point games. You just don't have enough points to be creative with your lists. Vehicle squadronning is meh. Your opponent kills one of those vehicles in the squadron and they lose their bonus. 


Yes, I wish my BA dreadnoughts had 4 attacks base. Although, with Libby dreads, Cassor, and the Quickening, I usually have 4+ attacks on my dreads anyway.  I do wish my scouts had BS/WS4. Beyond that, meh, the new SM codex is much like the old codex. 


I still prefer playing my Blood Angels over my Imperial Fists. 

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Once again, I am surely in the minority, but I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. And I'm saying this as someone who has a vanilla army that is of equal size to my BA army. 


The Battle company detachment is overrated in 1500-1850 point games. You just don't have enough points to be creative with your lists. Vehicle squadronning is meh. Your opponent kills one of those vehicles in the squadron and they lose their bonus. 


Yes, I wish my BA dreadnoughts had 4 attacks base. Although, with Libby dreads, Cassor, and the Quickening, I usually have 4+ attacks on my dreads anyway.  I do wish my scouts had BS/WS4. Beyond that, meh, the new SM codex is much like the old codex. 


I still prefer playing my Blood Angels over my Imperial Fists. 


Other than paying the same amount of points for a worse unit (dreads, scouts, terms) one problem I have with the whole thing is the trait system. Now we all love the FTSF and BSF. They are fluffy and fun. One thing they lack is obj secured and that was fine. But now marines get all these bonuses AND obj secured on top of it all. I mean we don't even have red thirst by default we have to take BSF and lose obj secured. All vanilla traits have two things going on for them and if they use the gladius then they also get doctrines. All the while getting obj secured. 

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Brothers, lets not do this to ourselves.

Having more than one thread full of vitirol just leads to a toxic atmophere in the whole sub-forum.

Things will only seem worse and worse every time we come across yet another copy/paste "We suck now" post.


Chin up, comrades, we've certainly been through worse.

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It's funny because we actually don't suck at all. Just go find the post I made in the etl thread a couple pages back if you need an uplift.


No offence to you Raul, the topic is entertaining but we should just probably close it though...

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