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Alternative Force Weapons?

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Hey all, I recently splurged on the plastic librarian for my IF's, and although he is rather nifty out of the box, I am planning on changing him up quite a bit, namely running legs, a helmet and also a different, one-handed Force Weapon.

At the moment my options are either the one-handed grip on the Force Staff from the Grey Knights, but I am looking for suggestions for either a sword or an axe. I'd prefer plastics from the GW-ranges, as I have plenty of friends who dapple in all sorts of armies/factions. I am mainly looking for a nicely shaped weapon that I can add some gs-runes onto, so a large, reasonably flat blade is preferable. If it's a nice and ornate blade, I can either use it as-is, or maybe splice together with a haft from the Grey Knights box, or any of the older marine-plastics.


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Well, since it's an Imperial Fist, you are kinda obliged to go for a sword of some description. To that end, I might perhaps recommend the power sword from the updated Tactical Squad http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/space-marine-tactical-squad-power-sword-p-10134.html


Alternatively, you can't go far wrong with one of the Grey Knight swords - perhaps http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/grey-knight-marine-nemesis-force-sword-c-p-7412.html






Edit: Ahem. Just realised I misread and that you wanted one-handed swords. On that front, it is possible to cut down the Grey Knight swords to have a grip more suited to one-handed use. Depending on how your greenstuffing skills are, you could then change the pommel to one that you're more agreeable to.


Also remembered the sword from this pack - http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Crimson-Fists-Command-Squad-Upgrade-Pack. Also gives you extra Fists bits to spread around the rest of your army, too. Unless, of course, you already use this pack.


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