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my blood angels successor. The Order of Bitter Ashes.


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Name: Order of Bitter Ashes


• Primarch: Sangunius

• Logo: A Gilded, Winged Blood drop 

• Fortress: The Amaranth 

• Doctrine: Close Combat, Assault

• Renegade or Loyal: Loyal (to The Emperor Sanguinious!)

• Homeworld:Erciyes Prime

• Homeworld Type: Death World

• Homeworld Population: <10,000 Imperial Citizens

• System Name/Type: **********EXPUNGED***********

• Segmentum: *********EXPUNGED*********

• Codex Astartes Compliant: no

• Arch Enemy: Chaos Daemons.

• Founding: Unknown (XIII?)

• Battle Cry: "Eternity Awaits us! For Sanguinious! "


• Chapter Relics:


The Death shroud of Sanguinious

The  Shroud is  kept in  a box protected by a stasis  field.  If  the  stasis  field  is  turned  off any  Blood Angels  that  are  nearby will be  driven  into an  ecstatic state by the psychic  vibrations.


-The Angels Wings (Relic Jump Pack)


-Lilliths Kiss (Fury of Baal)


-Cloak of shadows  (Shroud of heroes from Codex Dark angels)


• Perception of Humanity:Veneration of mankind in general, but always see that they know their place.


• Chapter Master: Marius, Master of the Road of Bones.

• Alternative title for Chapter Master: "Master of The Road of Bones"

Notable members:





The The Order of Bitter Ashes bear a close resemblance to the Blood Angels, with noted differences.


-Tactical, devastator and assault squads: Red with golden trim and decoration.


-Sergeants and veterans: Red with golden trim and decoration; Golden helmets


- The Black Hand(Death Company): Black, with golden trim.


- Honor Guard: Red with gold trim and decoration.


- Sanguinary Guard: Following a long Tradition of warriors, The Order of Bitter Ashes keep their artificer armor Gold.


-Keepers of the Blood (Sanguinary Priesthood): White power armor and back pack, gold trim and golden helmets. Rank denoted by the presence of red or black  hooded robes.


Works with:


• Dark Angels (Confrontation with a Fallen Dark Angel named ******REDACTED******)

• Blood Angels (Exterminatus ref.#09337)

• Blood Drinkers ( Chapter Master Orloc of the Blood drinkers space marines shares a dark secret with Chapter Master Marius)

• Eldar Strike Force +++++++(Defended Hive World Portus against a Lord of Skulls.


Famous Battles

• Destruction of the Chaos Lord of Skulls "Gris'h nakk" 


• Defeated the renegade Space Marine Uprising on Calsiss I.


• Destruction of the Eldar Battlegroup Heresay.

•  Extermination of Xenos presence on Space Hulk: Tomorrows Lament 


• Recovered Imperial world Shu Heru from Necron invasion.




• Chapter Master: Marius, Master of the Road of Bones(count as Dante)

• Librarius: Chief Librarian Lazarus, Noddist Scholar (count as Mephiston)

• The Black Hand ( Counts as Death Company )

• High Lord Ashur, Keeer of the blood, (, 99 Guardians) (count as the Curobolo)


Battle companies: 


• 1st Dominion: "The Ashen Knights"  (50 Knighted Veterans. Includes Sanguinary Guard.


• 2nd Dominion: "Lamias Regret" ( Lord Ashur, 50 Childer.)


• 3rd Dominion: "The Lash" (Death Company)


• 4th Dominion: "The Crucible" (Captain Suketh, company of 100 marines)


• 5th Dominion: (Captain Japheph, Company of 100 marines )


• 6th Dominion: "The Outer Gates" (Human serfs and men at arms. Allied Imperial Guard)


Specialist Formations:


Like the Blood Angels, The Apothecary of the Order of Bitter Ashes are revered and held in great esteem. 

Referred to with the title "Keeper of the blood" within the chapter, and they act as the chapters spiritual guidance and leaders. 

They are typically not associated with any particular company, but maintain their own secretive hierarchy, and lead the Chapter as a whole. (To represent The Keeper of the bones, See: Codex Blood Angels, Sanguinary Priest)

The blood-rites performed by the Keeper of the Bones call upon the Order of Bitter Ashes to embrace the Red Thirst, rather than shun it.


The vampiric nature of these rituals has been carefully hidden from anyone outside of the chapter. Unlike the Blood Angels, The Order of Bitter Ashes revel in these rites, making a communion of blood.


Primary Company for Gaming:

1st Company


Active number of Marines: Less than 500


Gene Seed mutations:

Upon the implantation of the Chapter Gene seed, The aspirants flesh drains of any color, leaving the flesh alabaster white. Similar to the gene seed mutation of the blood angels, the The Order of Bitter Ashes are driven by an insatiable blood thirst, largely believed due to a mutation of the chapter's Omophagea gene seed implant. Members of the The Order of Bitter Ashes have been known to live more than 7 centuries, or longer....


Unique Rituals:


The Ashen Knights are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. This reclusive Chapter, whose chronicle threads through many dark passages of the Imperium's history, is believed by some sources to be an unacknowledged offshoot of the Blood Angels. The upper ranks of the command is known to seal themselves away in vast stasis crypts when not on campaign, Leap frogging their leadership through the mellennia. Many times has this ritual taken prescidence to any military engagement, often changing commanding generals mid-battle.


To "Walk the road of Bones" Refers to a mystical connection the Chapter shares with its venerated dead. The lack of presence of Dreadnoughts is notable, as preventing something as beautiful as death is abborant to The Order of Bitter Ashes.

Chapter Master Marius, Keeper of the Bones, is said to rest in a stasis crypt with the remains of at least 2 former masters of the Chapter, learning their secrets as he rests in stasis

As little is known about The Road of Bones outside the chapter, much of this is speculation.  


The gene flaw passed down by the The Order of Bitter Ashes is one washed in red ichor.

Like many of the sons of Sanguineous, blood-drinking rituals are common place and The Order of Bitter Ashes suffer a literal blood-lust.


The Sanguinary Priesthood of the Order of Bitter Ashes are referred to with the title "Keeper of the Blood" within the chapter, and they act as the chapters spiritual guidance and leaders.


The Chapters Librarians are said to possess the ability to communicate with, and are even rumored to resurrect, the dead. 

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I think this should go into the Liber Astartes section. Just ask a moderator to move it.


Someone was inspired by the Grails Covenant trilogy and oWoD Vampirism in general. If you want to so obviously steal, the vampire's name is Japheth


What is the Emperor Sanguinious [sic]? This aberrant and possibly heretical belief should be explained.


The Black Hand practices much more restraint in oWoD than you would expect from the DC. Maybe either refluffing your DC or changing the name would be better.

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Decent and plausible fluff so far. How do you wish to expand it? For some reason, it took a while to find out if they were loyalist or not as I didn't find it clear. Perhaps mention it in the summary at the start?

Also, if you can spare a moment, would you be up for writing a piece on your Successor here? The linked thread is a though exercise on how your Successor may differ from the norm by having a unit (or more) use rules from another Codex. Could be interesting for you smile.png

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