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Armored Brigade Supplement

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Hot on the heels of the last fan-supp I wrote is an armored brigade version. This is for all you tread heads out there, and a bit for me. I'm planning an armored component next, since I need to do something different. 


I really drank the Air Assault kool-aid, and I love the idea of an elite airborne force.


Let's face it though, you can't win a war by airpower alone. You need boots on the ground, and those boots need support. That's where this comes in, the idea here is to provide a supplement that gives us the power of the old Armored battlegroup list from FW, while letting us use the newest C:AM toys.


Here's my initial thoughts:



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The Armored Spearhead: Only ground vehicles with the type tank and walker may be included in this list. Aircraft may be taken as well.


Armored Fist: All infantry models must take a dedicated transport. Additionally 1 Armored sentinel squadron or one hellhound squadron may be taken as part of the platoon structure, this is in place of heavy weapons and special weapons squads.



Force org:

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Mandatory                 Optional

1 HQ                          3 HQ

                                  3 Elites

                                  3 Troops

                                  3 Fast Attack

2 Heavy Support        4 Heavy Support


This is all I have so far. The idea is to take the things that don't have the ability to move and shoot well, out of the picture and replace them with things that help them, and promote synergy within the list. 


Let me know what you think, does the chart need more HS slots? Do there need to be more troops slots? Comments, Questions, and Concerns are always welcome.

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Adding to the Platoon is cool, its what you could do back in the day but I'd stick to a single Sentinel squadron - perhaps just a Scout one permitted? Otherwise it makes the FOC pretty large, though to be fair I doubt many would be spamming Platoons in a tank list! The FOC is looking ok, what will you be putting in the Elite slots?

I keep coming back to the FW: IA Armored Battle Group. You can take Armored Fist squads without the need for a PCS. It saves a lot of points if your not worried about orders. Just keep them protected with your heavy hitters.


Plus, the Thunderer is by far my favorite tank. Strength 10 pie plate and AV14 for less than than a bare bones LRBT... I want to add a second one... Anti-grenade mesh is a must. Having a save against those pesky CC attacks with grenades is nice...

Adding to the Platoon is cool, its what you could do back in the day but I'd stick to a single Sentinel squadron - perhaps just a Scout one permitted? Otherwise it makes the FOC pretty large, though to be fair I doubt many would be spamming Platoons in a tank list! The FOC is looking ok, what will you be putting in the Elite slots?


Some folks don't like the sentinel, which I guess I understand. I figured I'd go with the Armored sentinel as the platoon add on since, the scout is a bit squishy, and the intent was to have a mobile heavy weapons team, which the Armored sentinels can do very well. That's why I offered the hellhound as an alternative, and it goes well in a mech list. The intent is that this FOC is optional, and offering something in the platoon structure that can replace the HWS/SWS options and keep up with the chimeras is what I was going for.


As for what I'm adding to the elites, well, It's going to be pretty much a straight palette swap of the C:AM, so Ratlings, Stormtroopers and Ogryns/Bullgryns. I opened up the HQ slots a bit more so you can get more BS4 Vanquishers. Maybe I'll add a rule to the Tank commanders that gives their squadron BS4 for more accurate Vanquisher goodness. 


I don't really want to make up units since that's getting into balance issues. 



I keep coming back to the FW: IA Armored Battle Group. You can take Armored Fist squads without the need for a PCS. It saves a lot of points if your not worried about orders. Just keep them protected with your heavy hitters.


Plus, the Thunderer is by far my favorite tank. Strength 10 pie plate and AV14 for less than than a bare bones LRBT... I want to add a second one... Anti-grenade mesh is a must. Having a save against those pesky CC attacks with grenades is nice...


I'll probably port over some of the unit upgrades, but platoons are platoons, it's there for those that really want to do a really combined arms mech army. All infantry must be mounted in a chimera, so vets in chimeras are still a thing if you want to have troops. I'm really trying to cater this to tank heavy armies. So I don't anticipate anyone taking this to run infantry, but it's there if you want some extra bodies.


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