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Blood Angels or Raven Guard for a army


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I been thinking about making a space marine army. I like to make the army around a jump pack and assault theme. But im torn between the Raven Guard and Blood Angels. I like  both chapters and they fluff, but im not gonna build them both :( 


On the plus side for the Blood Angels, they have Furious Charge, +1 imitative, one of the best assault units with the Death Company and though the Sanguinary Priest, they get +1 weapons skill and Feel No Pain.

On the negative side they Vanguard Veteran’s weapons options are more experiences then for the Raven Guard. Less options for toy’s like Thunderfire Cannon.   


Plus side for the Raven Guard/Space Marines, to start with both of the negative from the Blood Angels. Using the Skyhammer Annihilation Force with using 10 man Devastator Squad and Combat Squads them to get 4 units, to get ridt of sd mush overwatch as possaible (thinking about making the formation from the Imperial Fist, for the tank hunter and re-roll boltguns) . Raven Guards chapter tactics give them the best jump pack options.

Negative side at the plus sides for the Blood Angels. 


But will the Raven Guard give a more all around army the Blood Angels?


I would like to hear your that actually all ready play the army’s, what you got to say.


Im gonna post this in the Raven Guard forum too, to get they operation too. 


Thank you for your help in advance :)

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Well as a Blood Angels player for the past 16 years, I have to say that if your going to have a debate on two chapters, it might as well be us and the Ravenguard!

So my first question is, although you will be playing them on the table top, which of the two armies do you prefer asthetically? Which do you feel gives you more creative freedom?

On the question of playability, I would recommend you don't mistake past editions of 40K for this one. If you want a BA army and want the Skyhammer Annihilation Force...go for it. The models of that force wont have red thirst or furious charge...but they can still dish out a world of pain on your opponent.


Whatever you pick, I say go DIY. Make your own chapter. Take the best and worst that you want and enjoy the army you play. Then use the rules, in a legal manner, as it pleases you. No need to only be restricted to one codex in this edition!


closing thoughts: For Sanguinius! Join us Cousin and we will drink deep in Victory!

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Since all your arguments are based on rules (and mixing chapters to gain the most benefits) as opposed to which chapter is actually best, I'd say go with Raven guard/Fists :)


BA are cooler, more interesting, have better looking units, a better Primarch, more character than the Raven guard, but gimmick/formation/point cost wise, Raven Guard are better.

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I thought saying what Zenith said would be too negative but yeah he is right.

If your in it to just win, BA are not and will never be your army. If your in it for the total hobbyist (painting, fluff, gaming) then BA are one of the best choices. A biased opinion but true none the less!

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It's funny, I had a look at your parallel thread in the Raven Guard forum, and the only response is saying that Blood Angels are the better choice.


It's interesting how that works. The Grass is always greener.

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Rule of cool imo. Look at the special units in say space marine dex and our dex and go with what you think is coolest! Do you want death co. or Furioso Dreads Baal Preds or do you want Storm Talons or centurions. Personally Id love to add centurions to my army and probably will coz they would look ace in Ba colors.


But again I'd choose BA every time for fluff. We are "good  guys" kinda just not really in control of it, ends up bloody... more like a certain chaos god.. but the goal of victory was for the emperor honest!


 "I am bad and that's good(when aimed at xenos), I will never be good and thats not bad, theres no one I would rather be than painted red, blood thirsty and just a bit naughty."



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Thanks for all your feedback. 

Think what I'm gonna do is to build a small  Blood Angels army and Raven Guard army too. 

But I'm gonna build the blood angels one around what makes (in my eyes) specific, the death company, Dante, Sanguinary Guard, the Sanguinary prist and fast Vehicle. Not many jump parks and just have a fun time with it :)

And make a small Raven Guard army high mobil small units with a big punch :)


Ones again, thanks for your help

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Raven guard scouts with teleport homers and beacons if they can get them!


Maybe raven guard scout bikers from the scout detachment so they can jink and get a mega cover save, then letting your Blood Angels deepstrike in perfectly without scatter?

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Oh a Blood Angel Army flying solo is perfectly playable, but most of the Xeno armies can have some staggeringly powerful builds.

If you know you are up against, say, Eldar and you know your opponent builds pretty hefty lists, its worth taking allies like Space marines, Imperial Guard or Skitarri to fill in any gaps in you list.


Eldar can potentially be good at everything, speed, firepower, psychic, assault, armour, you name it.

Blood Angels tend to have to focus on one thing or another, (a speedy, close combat list for example) so we can take Skitarri as allies to bulk up our shooting capability, or Imperial Guard for longrange firepower etc.


You can take your solo Blood Angels army and have a really great game against most lists, but if you want to win every time in a competative scene then it's best to invest in some non-BA buddies.

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Oh a Blood angfel Army flying solo is perfectly playable, but most of the Xeno armies can have some staggerinly powerful builds.

If you know you are up against, say, Eldar and you know your opponent builds pretty hefty lists, its worth taking allies like Space marines, Imperial Guard or Skitarri to fill in any gaps in you list.


Eldar can potentially be good at everything, speed, firepower, psychic, assault, armour, you name it.

Blood Angels tend to have to focus on one thing or another, (a speedy close combat list for example) so we can take Skitarri as allies to bulk up our shooting capability, or Imperial Guard for longrange firepower etc.


You can take your solo Blood Angels army and have a really great game against most lists, but if you wantr to win every time in a competative scene then it's best to invest in some non-BA buddies.


I never have won every time no matter what list is. LoL I have very strange luck with dice. I have made 30 armor save with my old CSM army then with the same dice fail 20 shots (same squad/same game) LoL


But thanks for the answer, BTW I am more of "play for fun" type of player; never been a tournament. 

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Oh a Blood angfel Army flying solo is perfectly playable, but most of the Xeno armies can have some staggerinly powerful builds.

If you know you are up against, say, Eldar and you know your opponent builds pretty hefty lists, its worth taking allies like Space marines, Imperial Guard or Skitarri to fill in any gaps in you list.


Eldar can potentially be good at everything, speed, firepower, psychic, assault, armour, you name it.

Blood Angels tend to have to focus on one thing or another, (a speedy close combat list for example) so we can take Skitarri as allies to bulk up our shooting capability, or Imperial Guard for longrange firepower etc.


You can take your solo Blood Angels army and have a really great game against most lists, but if you wantr to win every time in a competative scene then it's best to invest in some non-BA buddies.


I never have won every time no matter what list is. LoL I have very strange luck with dice. I have made 30 armor save with my old CSM army then with the same dice fail 20 shots (same squad/same game) LoL


But thanks for the answer, BTW I am more of "play for fun" type of player; never been a tournament. 



Then the BA should be a perfect army for you. :)

We have amazing fluff, some of the best looking models in the game, a huge selection of units to choose from and straight up best online community of any other army/chapter. With all that going for us, it hardly matters that we arn't "top tier" on the cheese-scale.

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Oh a Blood angfel Army flying solo is perfectly playable, but most of the Xeno armies can have some staggerinly powerful builds.

If you know you are up against, say, Eldar and you know your opponent builds pretty hefty lists, its worth taking allies like Space marines, Imperial Guard or Skitarri to fill in any gaps in you list.

Eldar can potentially be good at everything, speed, firepower, psychic, assault, armour, you name it.

Blood Angels tend to have to focus on one thing or another, (a speedy close combat list for example) so we can take Skitarri as allies to bulk up our shooting capability, or Imperial Guard for longrange firepower etc.

You can take your solo Blood Angels army and have a really great game against most lists, but if you wantr to win every time in a competative scene then it's best to invest in some non-BA buddies.

I never have won every time no matter what list is. LoL I have very strange luck with dice. I have made 30 armor save with my old CSM army then with the same dice fail 20 shots (same squad/same game) LoL

But thanks for the answer, BTW I am more of "play for fun" type of player; never been a tournament.

Then the BA should be a perfect army for you. smile.png

We have amazing fluff, some of the best looking models in the game, a huge selection of units to choose from and straight up best online community of any other army/chapter. With all that going for us, it hardly matters that we arn't "top tier" on the cheese-scale.

Yea I agree, for me "fluff" is always more important than "cheese". And from what I have seen; if you watch "cheese" armies end on ebay for sale when there a rules change.

I played/stuck with CSM (only got rid of them because of lack of a job-pay bills) when other players changed out for the new "hot" army. And despite my dice rolls - I have beaten those armies (Tau when they 1st came out).

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Also, if you have the opportunity to play with the BA objective cards, do. Our cards work very well with our codex (for obvious reasons) and can really help vs. generic cards with SM codex adherents.


I went up against a really nasty ork army a few months ago but decided to play objective cards and handily won in Victory Points. You may get decimated but if you can score enough VP, you still win.

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