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"Renegading" space marines

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Ok folks, I'm after a little painting wisdom from your extensive hobby minds.


I'm looking to build and paint a small splinter group from one of my homebrew chapters that are in the early stages of falling to the influence of ol' papa nurgle. My basic idea is to keep the normal colour scheme, (black and purple vertical split, since you ask) and add a copious amount of weathering, dirt, chips and scuffs, along with a sallow, sickly flesh tone on exposed skin.

I'm tempted by the GW technical paint 'typhus corrosion'. Does anybody have experience of using this one? Online reviews seem pretty favourable, but I usually get a more balanced view on here.


Thanks in advance.

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I love typhus corrosion and use it on all of my tanks or rusty blades. It gives a nice texture and you can dry brush with ryza rust to give it a nice rusty look.


I also use it with powders around engine and exhaust components to show oil and whatnot spilling out. It's also great for gangways and drop pod floors.


I have though never used it in a marine. For them, I tend to favour sponging chips on, using washes and also adding powders for dust. There is no reason you couldn't use it, but it would make them look very messy so it all depends how extreme you want to go

Most people slop it on which really doesn't work for anything other than full blown walking rust-bucket Nurgle units.


It's much better used in moderation, as a realistic 3D rust alternative to sponging rust/paint chipping, or as grime on treads. It can be used as a pin wash in joints and undersides, giving a filthy, aging look to your homebrew marines. Just be careful in how you apply it. Thoughtless slathering will just make it look like they rolled around in mud.

Check out the awesome work by Forte for ETL IV, he's made a strong Nurgle champion whilst still using very non-Nurgle colours





One way I've used to weather power armour is to drybrush with Leadbelcher, and then apply small dabs of Ryza Rust, followed by a wash of Seriphum Sepia, it picks up the damaged edges of the area. You can use tiny dabs of Typhus Corrision around the ages, or as the early stages of rust on top.


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