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.....Id like to start by saying a big hello to all the people on this site, its always been a great place of reference, but never signed up till now.

Im a big fan of 30k, I first got into 40k when i was a a youngster at around the time 2nd edition space marines was new (i had a smurf army obviously due to all the space marine packaging was all geared toward that chapter). But what really got me addicted was when the 3rd edition chaos space marine codex came out, i spent ages reading the back story on abandon the despoiler and the black legion from which i was totally hooked.

So i started making my army which consisted of (i didn't know at the time because i copied the colour scheme from white dwarf ) abandon, fabius bile, a tactical squad of iron warriors, an assault squad of night lord raptors, some obliterators and last but not least a blood thirster.

Then i stopped for about 9 years, and decided due to my poor reading abilities i'd take up reading, but what would i read??? i found night bringer and was hooked, after reading up to a courage and honour (and some others in between blood angels deus encarmine/deus sanguinius. soul drinkers..ect) it was then i discovered horus rising. Man was i blown away to learn that abandon had a first name and was 1st captain to the warmaster's chapter, and fabius was a sicko surgeon from the 3rd legion.

I have read every night from that day a Horus heresy story/novel, i continue to love finding out all the unfolding stories the layered timelines from the whole of the series.

Anyways i have tried to "illuminate" all of my friends of the greatest storyline's aside from final fantasy but my attempt has been futile. So i would like to say a genuine nice to meet you.

I know i will probably be flamed to censored.gif by all the pyroclast's out there but i don't care because i love the series so much.

respect to all my fellow 30K fans.

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If you're willing, I recommend clicking the link to the second thread in my sig of the Guilliman Heresy - there's a significant timeline that has been fleshed out and there's plenty of info on the alternate universe going on there. :)

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Hiyo and welcome on board!


You get definite bonus points for your forum name, seeing as how the XII is my favorite legion.


Feel free to drop by the Age of Darkness boards to check 30k stuff out. I or any of the other Heresy mods are happy to assist if you have any questions.


Have fun and pile those trophy skulls high :D

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Thanks flint, the world eaters are interesting. i really liked reading when angron is teleported back to the adamant resolve by the emperor, and left it up to the dusk raiders to calm him down. the 8th captain is badass, i like the relationship between him and argal tal. 



Skulls for the skull throne !!!!

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