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Sons of Tyranny - Blood Angels Renegades

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Hi all,


First post here on Bolter and Chainsword, I am currently in the process of getting back into 40k (haven't played since 5th edition) and will be revamping my Blood Angels. Right now I'm trying to work out the fluff behind them, I have some rough ideas rattling around but was interested to see what everyone thinks. 


So, here it is so far:


-right around the Second Founding (before the loyalist legions have been properly broken up), a BA company, along with the Inquisition and other assorted imperials, was off killing daemons, lead by a particularly powerful Bloodthirster

-the battle was going extremely poorly, with the imperials on the brink of defeat. The Inquisitor had a chat with the commander of the Blood Angels, who reluctantly agreed to order his men to give into the Black Rage (maybe they did some kind of ritual or something, haven't figured that part out- important thing is they voluntarily did it for the Inquisition, and expected to be put down mercifully once the job was done)

-they ended up turning the tide, Grey Knights (are they a thing at this point? can't recall) kill the Bloodthirster, everyone lives happily ever after

-...except instead of giving those DC guys the Emperor's Mercy, the Inquisitor ends up dragging them up to his ship (not sure how yet) and putting them on ice, telling the commanders on Baal that he'd put them down as requested by the force commander (oh, and he couldn't send the bodies back, seeing as they'd gotten a bunch of Bloodthirster juice and other Chaos stuff on them, or some such excuse)

-with the Second Founding going on, nobody really had time to verify this, so the Inquisitor basically absconded with a company of popsicled Death Company marines to do with as he pleased

-naturally, he performs all kinds of horrible experiments on them to try to turn the Black Rage/Red Thirst to his advantage. This all takes place over some thousands of years (maybe the inquisitor is immortal? or has an equally insane line of successors? haven't decided) until they've more or less locked it down and created a particularly warped (albeit "stable") strain of the BA geneseed. Current concept is they're mutated so that if they don't give into the Red Thirst, they go into ragemode.

-New marines are created, but first gen ones are still around. They are very unhappy about having their proud tradition of discipline in the face of their curse being forcibly ripped from them (not to mention the whole not being given the Emperor's Mercy thing in the first place), but are generally too busy being either sitting around in stasis or being dropped on rebelling planets to do much about that

-in effect, this Inquisitor (or his successors) creates his own private Space Marine retinue which he uses as he pleases, unleashing them on whatever he needs absolutely, unequivocably murdered, with no witnesses, innocent or otherwise, left alive.

-oh, and he has a psychic "off button" installed so he can recover them after they've finished depopulating whatever city he's dropped them on


Eventually, he makes the mistake of getting more lenient with them. They're allowed to stay out of stasis, and to keep them from murdering their own crew, he feeds them captives to keep the Red Thirst sated. Naturally, this is a terrible idea, and after a few hundred years of plotting and scheming, the original force commander (who is still alive and in charge of these guys) finally takes his revenge. After this betrayal and enslavement, these particular Blood Angels are jaded enough to start screaming Death to the False Emperor, etc, etc, and now operate out of the Malestrom in their stolen Inquisition ship (strike cruiser? battle barge? suggestions? was thinking of some tricked out inquisitorial ship with cloaking and enough facilities to produce new recruits and weaponry for the chapter (which is an overstrength company in size at this point)) and go about raiding various worlds for slaves and striking at the Imperium whenever they can.


I will write all this up in a properly narrated chapter bio eventually, once it's been fully hashed out.


So, there you have it. I am very open to criticism and suggestions. Fire away.

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As far as the ship what if it was one of the inquisitions black ships sent about to gather up psykers, that is really the only one I can think of where you would have people looking the other way enough to not notice the company of marines you have with you... As far as turning renegade why not do it ala knights of blood (they remain loyal to big E but view the high lords et all as corrupt and are not loyal to them and were labeled renegade for it.


Sorry for bad format on a phone at work

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Welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword!


You do appear to have the basis for some good fluff, but I would perhaps set it a few thousand years later. the Grey Knights was still in it's infancy having been "hidden" from Horus during the Heresy, so it's unlikely they could have fielded a company to kill off a particularly powerful Bloodthirster and friends. Similarly, it's too soon for the Inquisition to appear with their own agendas.


You could still have it originating as a Company, maybe even originating from one of our Successors - perhaps even a defunct one like the Flesh Eaters who were rather bloodthirsty in the first place.


If you're interested, there's a thought exercise happening on here at the moment whereby we are encouraged to imagine how a unit with rules from another source could work with our Successor Chapter. Perhaps this might give you some inspiration to flesh out certain parts of your story :)

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Thanks for the comments!




To tell you the truth, I feel like the 'renegade-but-still-loyal' angle is a bit overplayed with BA successors. At this point, my guys are a bit to jaded to feel anything resembling loyalty towards Big E, and they're definitely sliding towards Chaos in some respect given their more unsavory predilections and continued exposure to the warp. Not to mention they have nothing but contempt for humanity as a whole. For the past however many thousands of years, their only exposure to non-Astartes humans has been to the very people that enslaved them, or to the people those people sent them to murder (i.e., dirty heretics, xenos collaborators, etc.) They view themselves as gods and mortals as food, plain and simple. 


Whether they fall to outright Chaos worship or not is still up in the air- if it makes their war against the Imperium (which at this point is their primary mission) easier, I could certainly see them going that route, leaning towards Khorne (for fairly obvious reasons).


HOWEVER, I am toying with the idea of having them continue to venerate Sanguinious, in their own way, and even show some odd degree of friendliness towards loyalist BA+successors (for instance, if they happen to take a prisoner from a BA derived chapter, rather than kill/torture/exsanguinate him they'd be more likely to sit him down and tell him the truth about what happened to them and let him go, if only to try and drive a wedge between BA and friends and the Inquisition). Not sure how I'm going to play that angle out, I've considered them going ultra-heretical and deciding that Sanguinious is an avatar of Khorne (or maybe Chaos Undivided? He was an angry bloodthirsty albeit attractive and artsy guy that "gifted" his children with a horrible affliction, and he was pretty cunning)


As for the ship, well, it's gonna be a warship. Could be modified with pilfered xenos tech for stealth, it is the Inquisition after all. 




You make a very good point, that was one of my initial concerns with the overall plotline. I think I will push this up a few thousand years and start looking at different successors that they could plausibly have been pilfered from (or maybe I'll make them their own chapter which the Inquisitor simply listed as annihilated following that war). As for that thread, looks like some interesting stuff- with the SoT I'm planning on sticking with the BA dex as is. The way their death company will work fluff-wise is they're going to have a dedicated squad or 2 within the chapter that purposely fasts before battle in order to throw them into the BL- they either then die in battle or get to gorge themselves on blood following victory to pull themselves back out of it. 

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If you plan on going through with that, some conversion with Khorne bits would end up looking pretty awesome. My BA are too goody two shoes to even consider it but I think it could be done well.


The Blood Angels really are the best assault Marines, that make most Khorne worshipers jealous.

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Figured I might as well post what I'm looking at for my army list as well. My opponents run Guard, Tau, and Dark Angels:


Flesh Tearers Strike Force - 1500pts


HQ- 225pts

Chaplain (Warlord) - JP, Veritas Vitae - 120pts

Chaplain - JP - 105pts


Elites- 517pts

DC Squad x 7- JP, Infernus Pistol - 176pts

DC Squad x 7- JP, Infernus Pistol - 176pts

Fragioso - Heavy flamer, drop pod - 165pts


Troops - 205pts

Tactical Squad x 10- drop pod -  205pts

Combat squad 1- Heavy flamer

Combat squad 2- Meltagun, combi-melta sgt.


Fast Attack - 400pts

Assault squad x 5- JP, 2x meltagun, hand flamer sgt. - 115pts

Assault squad x 5- JP, 2x meltagun, hand flamer sgt. - 115pts

Assault squad x 5- Drop pod, 2x meltagun, combi-melta sgt. - 115pts

Attack bike x 1- Multimelta - 55pts


Heavy Support - 135pts

Baal Predator- Assault cannon, HB sponsons - 135pts


Total works out to 1482 out of 1500, so I have some points to play with.

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Mybe drop hand flamers and infernos, add two power fists to Death Company. Melta bombs on Tact Sgt, 2 JP Assault Sgts. Like 'n the MSU on your guys though. Interesting how all that targeting priority plays out against those heavy shooty armies.
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That sounds like a decent idea, will definitely make me feel a bit better about running my DC into harder to kill stuff (i.e. dreadnoughts, monstrous creatures)


Given that I will be facing fliers, I am considering phasing out my Baal Pred (and probably the attack bike) and leaving a Deredeo Dreadnought in my back field.

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When you say "facing fliers" I'll assume you mean "facing Vendettas" as Tau fliers as a joke.

The interceptor/ skyfire from the Deredeo is not a bad idea. Plus those super seeker missiles on it absolutely chew up Marines! Vendettas make armored vehicles very sad... so many twin linked lascannons

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok so I did a bit of thinking on the background-


I'm planning on keeping the general gist of it- Blood Angels/successors betrayed and enslaved by the Inquisition eventually rebelling and falling in with the ranks of the Archenemy.


However, I think I might go a slightly different route with how they get there. One thought is how the Flaw is manifested with these guys: I think, given the radical Inquisitor's goal with his little project being to use the Black Rage to form his own personal Astartes death squad, the experiments on the geneseed will be directed towards getting them in that state asap. That is to say, once they've been fully implanted and reached Astartes status, the Black Rage instantly takes hold. No chance given for a heroic internal struggle, none of the Primarch's humanity- this particular Inquisitor thought that was a weakness that needed to be corrected and in turn decided to make them into berserk space vampires straight out of the box. And of course, the original survivors who are for all intents and purposes proper Blood Angels/successors, will be forced to witness this.


This will be accomplished by means of warpcraft and other extra-heretical mumbo-jumbo. However, on the flip side, if they survive long enough they will start to become more and more lucid (a side effect that was not at all intended by our mad Inquisitor- these guys are intended to be disposable, and them becoming more and more aware of their unfortunate situation is adding a degree of risk to their useage), eventually organizing into proper tactical and assaul squads and fighting in a slightly more codex manner. These will absolutely be in the minority, and will to a man all be fully given into the Red Thirst. In keeping with the original theme, they'll need to keep properly hydrated (sanguinated?) or they'll start slipping back into crazytown.


Training Marines will be probably be along the lines of sticking some kids in a coffin, doing the usual biological implant stuff, and psychoindoctrinating the hell out of them until a Death Company Marine pops out (this will of course have an absurd attrition rate which will lead to more dire consequences further down the line)


They'll have a nice hidden base on an asteroid somewhere and their very own Black Ship. The former will store up to a full Chapter's worth of chrogenically frozen Death Company and will be where most of the creation of new marines/R&D happens, and the later will be sent out to go drop them whereever needed, and will, to some degree, have the limited ability to replenish its forces by the aforementioned creation process.


Eventually, word of this project will get out to more right-thinking factions of the Inquisition, who will go positively berserk when they find out one of their own had purposely tainted space marine geneseed and proceed declare a conclave, resulting in an Inquistorial fleet showing up at the asteroid base, boarding it, and unplugging all the frozen guys. This was meant to have coincided with an ambush of their Black Ship, but that will go wrong due to a convenient warp storm or something along those lines. The resulting psychic backlash from 9/10ths of a Space Marine Chapter with tainted geneseed being simultaneously murdered will be the thing that ultimately pushes the survivors over the edge, and they devote the rest of their existance to making the Imperium suffer for the death of their Battle-Brothers. They end up fleeing into the Maelstrom until the heat dies down, probably fighting under Huron Blackheart as mercenaries for awhile, and proceed to pillage and raid with the goal of collecting enough slaves and scrounging up enough Blood Angels geneseed (their Sanguinary Priest and Librarian will know how to do the whole corruption bit to it at this point) to replenish their ranks.


I definitely want to further explore the idea of them worshipping Sanguinius as a god- since they're going to be effectively starting out in the Black Rage, perhaps their warp corruption does something to their halucinations to push them in this direction.


Any thoughts?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Sergeant with combimelta.


Not too happy with the lighting, I'll try to get one up in natural sunlight later this week...the flesh is extremely pale but it's sort of hard to tell in this picture. These guys are definitely mutants at this point.


First Death Company model fully painted...I'm thinking of distinguishing them from regular assault marines by smearing a bit of blood over their helmet visor...not sure my freehanding is up to it, but what I'd really like to do is a bloody handprint to mark them.


We still have purity seals and oaths of the moment! We ran out of parchment awhile ago though... (again, sorry for the bad lighting)


Brother Varus here was so excited about tactical squads getting heavy flamers in 7th edition, he ran straight to the vehicle bay and "borrowed" this one from the chapter's only surviving Baal Predator.

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  • 2 weeks later...


5 Death Company ready for the tabletop. Mixture of Chaos and BA bits, trying to add a little bit of corruption to everyone; these guys do still consider themselves loyal Sons of Sanguinius though they are, for all intents and purposes, at war with the Imperium.

They're currently in the default chapter color scheme. I think what I may do to distinguish them more from everyone else is to take a bit of blood for the blood god (I'm loving the effect on weapons so far) and smear it over their helmets to mark them. Some sort of pre-battle ritual.

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