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Sons of Tyranny - Blood Angels Renegades

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Hey! I stumbled across your blog by accident, and those minis look pretty good! I too am surprised how well the bits come together and also the color scheme is cool!


Maybe you could do something about the brightness in the photos so we can admire your army even better :D

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  • 1 month later...

Update after a bit of a hiatus (will try to get some better pics for those that requested- thanks for the comments!)


I have my first tourney coming up on Feb 20th so I'm cranking my building and painting into overdrive (13 out of 15 death company are fully painted, sanguinary guard are finished, bits acquired to kitbash a nice fluffy evil sanguinary priest, 3 drop pods on the way). Lists are 1850pts, restrictions are somethig like no FMCs and some other stuff that doesn't really apply to me.


Opponents that I know of are running AdMech, Daemonkin, and Guard- there will be other stuff aside from that for sure.


Looking at the following for my list


Baal Strike Force



Sanguinary Priest - JP, VV, Relic blade (considering going with Valour's Edge or possibly even a power maul), meltabombs




Death Company x 7, JPs, power fist


Death Company x 7, JPs, power fist


Sanguinary Guard x 5 banner, power fist, 4 swords


Fragioso, pod, HF




Tactical squad x 5, HF, combiflamer, meltabombs, lasplas razorback


Tactical squad x 5, HF, combiflamer, meltabombs, lasplas razorback


CC scouts x 5, meltabombs



Fast Attack

Assault marines x 5, pod, 2xmeltas, combimelta, meltabombs


Assault marines x 5, pod, 2xmeltas, combimelta, meltabombs


Bike squad x3, MM attack bike, 2xgrav, combigrav, meltabombs


Heavy support

Baal pred- assault cannon, hb sponsons

135 pts


Total - 1821


Got room for a pair of infernus pistols or power weapons- unfortunately I do not have any models built with that sort of gear at the moment, and it is pretty unlikely that I will.


Will run the priest with SG, first pod wave composition will depend entirely on who I'm fighting. Plan is to disrupt their deployment zone turn 1- pred and razorbacks screen my jump infantry, bikes go where needed. Hopefully I get lucky with reserves and I drop my scouts where they add to any havoc being caused by the pod troops...


EDIT- shoud have noted that this is supposedly going to be a "friendly" tourney so hopefully there won't be anything too ridiculous.

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Just ran a practice game at my FLGS vs. a guard list.


I had:



Sanguinary priest, JP, power weapon



2x 7-man Death Company Squads, power fist, jump packs

1x Sanguinary Guard, banners, fist, swords

Fragioso in a pod, HF



CC Scouts, meltabombs

Tactical Squad, heavy flamer, meltagun, combimelta, pod


Fast Attack

Assault squad, 2 meltas, combimelta, meltabombs

Attack Bike MM


Heavy Support

Baal Pred, assault cannon/HB sponsons


His list:


LR Punisher, Pask, lascannon hull and HB sponsons

Regular LR, lascannon hull, HB sponsons

2x meltavets in chimeras, carapace armor

1x foot meltavets, carapace armor

2x banewolves, multimeltas

3x armored sentinels


I deployed and went first, 1 DC squad on each flank, one by itself and the other supported by the meltabike. Center had the Baal Pred screening my Sanguinary Guard. He had banewolves and footvets facing my unsupported DC, a building and some terrain between them. Sentinels and Chimeras in his center, tanks on the other flank facing my DC and meltabike.


Turn 1 me:

Podded in the tacticals in a pass directly in front of his Banewolves, boxing them into his DZ. His foot vets were hiding in the woods right nearby. Torched 3 of his vets with the heavy flamer, meltas exploded the lead Banewolf and killed 3 of my tacticals.


Meltacide pod scattered, almost falling off the board but ending up directly behind both his tanks. Stunned and stripped 2 hullpoints off Pask's tank.


Baal pred got a side armor view on one of his Chimeras and wrecked it with 2 glances and a pen with his assault cannon.


Everyone else moves forward, with the unsupported DC moving towards the center behind some terrain.


Turn 1 him:


Moved his tanks up, shot at my DC squad with both, killing only 2 and stripping a wound off the bike.


Surviving banewolf wiped out the melta combat squad, vets killed 2 marines from the flamer squad including the flamer.


The vets whose chimera got wrecked on the previous turn moved on and shot into my meltacide squad, killing 1.


Sentinels moved up into the terrain my center DC were hiding behind, shot them and did nothing.


Meltavets in the surviving Chimera disembarked and exploded my Baal Pred.


Turn 2 me:


Scouts came in from reserves directly next to his footvets on the flank, shot them in the back killing 3. Surviving tacs shot at the banewolf, doing nothing.


Fragioso scattered, landing directly behind his Sentinels. He shot, doing nothing. DC charged them, wrecking one and stripping a hullpoint off another.


Sanguinary Guard shot up his vet squad that had just killed my Baal Pred, killing all the meltas and the sergeant. Subsequent charge wiped them out. (Angelus Bolters were quite useful, nulling his carapace)


Meltacide squad shot his regular LR in the rear, wrecking it. DC on the flank charged Pask's tank, wrecking him. Meltabike shot at his last Chimera, which made a cover save.


Turn 2 him:


Footvets shot at my 2 surviving tacticals, killing 1. His last banewolf moved away, hoping to get to my center DC and shot my fragioso with the multimelta, which failed to pen.


Sentinels shot at my center DC, doing nothing.


Last Chimera shot at my meltabike, did nothing.


The other vet squad continued shooting at the meltacides, killing 1.


Turn 3 me:


CC scouts shoot and then charge his footvets, killing all but 1 and staying locked in CC.


My last tactical marine charged his last banewolf, wrecking it with a krak grenade.


Fragioso shot and charged the Sentinels, wiping them out.


Center DC charge and wreck his last Chimera.


SG have no targets and do nothing.


Flank DC charge his surviving vet squad, wiping them.


At that point we called the game. Overwhelming victory for the Sons of Sanguinius.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the tourney yesterday, will try to get some batreps up in a bit. I played the list I detailed a couple posts back.


Played against Dark Angels in game 1, and he brought 3 or 4 tactical squads, LR redeemer with deathwing termies and Belial, ravenwing bikers with ML2 libby, and gravbikers. He conceded in the middle of turn 2. I meltacided his Land Raider carrying Belial and Deathwing Termies on Turn 1, subsequently wiped them with fire from a Baal Pred and a Death Company charge on Turn 2 (one actually died to bolt pistol fire from the DC). The razorbacks and heavy flamer tacs performed extremely well, the later negating his rerolling 3+ cover saves on his bikes and the former just shooting stuff off the board with all that fast AP2 fire.


Game 2 was against Eldar. He brought that formation with BS5 Dark Reapers, a bunch of wave serpents and fire prisms, wraithguard, and jetbikes. Table deployment was lengthwise, but there was lots of cover and I rolled night fighting+night vision on the strategic table so I got extremely lucky with that. Boxed him into his deployment zone with pods on turn 1, lost a bunch of stuff moving up the table to the point where I couldn't get a charge off with my elites until turn 3, but once I did get them off I ended up killing a bunch of stuff. Wraithguard were absolutely brutal, vaporizing my Sanguinary Guard and Priest and literally everything I deepstruck.We ended up calling it a stalemate on turn 4 because we were both exhausted.


On a related note, magnetizing my assault marines turned out to be a disaster so I think I'm going to end up just gluing their backpacks on. Doubt I'll ever be running them with jump packs..

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