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AM + new DA dex + SW or knight


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I am a Nurgle worshipping heretic. I also love fallen guard and DA. I was so bummed with the 6th edition AM dex that they weren't AoC anymore and my CSM dex is kinda sucky lately anyways so I think I'm going to do a 2000 point survivor Fallen + AM list.


so far I have this planned


AM Primary detachment


Shadow sword LoW

ADL with comms for my reserves for my CCS to sit on with flamers in case they get charged

veterans with meltaguns

veterans with meltaguns (should i do the scout upgrades on both of them?)


DA secondary detachment

Librarian in termy army divination

Chaplain on bike + 6 DA bikes with 2 plasma guns (7 dudes how nurgly)

tacticals with 2 plasma guns

tacticals with 2 plasma cannons

5 termies with asscan and combi weaps

5 termies with asscan and combi weaps

5 termies with asscan and combi weaps


now i can add an imperial knight here or


SW lord on thunder wolf with fist and shield + 10 fenrisian wolves for wounds

10-20 SW troops


i'm building alot of this with 3 dark vengeance boxes. the idea is to have a gun line somewhat bubble wrapping my shadowsword then dropping all my termies in hopefully second turn then supporting them with SW/knight as needed (also as points allow). I normally play chaos armies so I am super nubly with imperial tactics... also since I'm using CADs I don't get cool formation benefits.... any suggestions?


Probably fighting Eldar/DE combo

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Against those opponents it might be better to have more units rather than expensive ones. A LoW is going to attract a lot of attention, and one other than the Shadowsword would probably be worth considering. A giant pie plate that ignores cover for example.


With Marine allies Vets are less appealing, other than the 3 special weapons so its usually better to stick to Platoons to provide some numbers and resilience. They're good for escorting Baneblades and protecting from deep striking and assault too.


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