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The Army Log of a Lowly Cultist


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Well I said I would do it, and I did it. Models arrived yesterday so I got to work on one of the bikers. For my first time ever painting pink, I'm quite happy with this guy, and a whole army of this will look, at the very least, striking on the tabletop I think.




I don't feel like that's too bad for something painted in the last few hours of a 36 hour stint of being awake. Better quality pictures will come when he and his bike are finished, and when I can be bothered finding something to use as a white background and when I've fixed my desk lamp so I can have some decent lighting.


The models in the army are as follows and hopefully they will all be featured here eventually:

20 Daemonettes

Herald of Slaanesh

5 Bikers

Chaos Lord on Bike

4 Obliterators

3 Rhinos

15 Noise Marines (Forgeworld Kakophoni)


If anyone has a problem viewing the images or anything, please let me know. I am notoriously bad at this sort of thing.

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Well spotted. I haven't highlighted anything other than the pink yet, so I'll be cleaning up stray bits as I do. The scariest part of this is highlighting the black, it's going to be so difficult sad.png

Highlight with dark grey, then wash with Nuln Oil to bring it back closer to black.

Alternatively for a very much non-GW approach, wash in a dark blue, green or red (red is best for the pink miniatures) and then coat with 'Ardcoat, the 'ardcoat bends the light and brings out the colour ever so slightly and it reflects the light back, thus avoiding the need for traditional highlighting.

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Think this guy is close to finished now. Got a bit of tidying up to do, might have to redo some of the pink, and should probably put in some finer bright highlights. Really not used to painting relatively large flat surfaces like the front/sides of the bike, don't really know how I feel about this guy now. But hey maybe it'll look good as a full unit.



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