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SC6669's World Eaters

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  • 2 months later...

For some time I've had people suggest to me that I should post a pic of my whole world eaters army all together. I hadn't gotten around to it for a number of reasons. First reason: I knew I was going to be running back and forth all day, going up and down three flights of stairs getting everything set up for the photo, and then hauling it back to the shelves I have them on in the basement (as it turned out this took a little under 7 hours). Second reason: I knew there was no way I could fit my whole army on even my biggest table (this table is 24" by 62" and my berzerkers alone take up most of the space on it).


Yesterday I decided the weather was nice enough outside to get the pic taken. I wound up borrowing a second table...even then there was barely enough room for everything:




A larger version of this pic can be found here: http://s842.photobucket.com/user/Soulcrusher6669/media/World%20Eaters/WE%20Army%20Vr.%208.0%20large.jpg.html

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