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Are death masks worth it if alongside Dante?


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So I'm building a BA army (My very first wh40k army) and I'm bringing Dante with some sanguinary guard. However, I noticed that Dante grants the fear special rule withing a 6" radius so are the 100pts worth of death masks worth bringing or should I spend it on something else?

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Welcome to the Blood Angels! You made a great choice for a first army. Blood Angels have an awesome aesthetic, the best of all 40K fluff, and enjoy an excellent community here on B&C.

On to the meat of the question. The first answer I will give you on death masks is... YES. Death masks are an iconic part of one of our most iconic units! The models look AWESOME painted with the masks on. They truly represent the hopeful , Angelic side of our Chapter.

The second answer- no. If your running them with Dante, doubling up on the Fear USR doesn't really help. While once in a blue moon you could spilt Dante more than 6" away and they you could wish you had it but... in all honesty Fear rarely comes into that much effect with the Sanguinary Guard- the people it effects-Orks, Guardsmen- you generally have no problem slaughtering anyway.

Also am kind of confused where you are getting 100 points from. They are way cheaper than that.

Good luck and welcome to the Blood Angels! Glory to Sanguinius!

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Welcome to the Blood Angels! You made a great choice for a first army. Blood Angels have an awesome aesthetic, the best of all 40K fluff, and enjoy an excellent community here on B&C.

On to the meat of the question. The first answer I will give you on death masks is... YES. Death masks are an iconic part of one of our most iconic units! The models look AWESOME painted with the masks on. They truly represent the hopeful , Angelic side of our Chapter.

The second answer- no. If your running them with Dante, doubling up on the Fear USR doesn't really help. While once in a blue moon you could spilt Dante more than 6" away and they you could wish you had it but... in all honesty Fear rarely comes into that much effect with the Sanguinary Guard- the people it effects-Orks, Guardsmen- you generally have no problem slaughtering anyway.

Also am kind of confused where you are getting 100 points from. They are way cheaper than that.

Good luck and welcome to the Blood Angels! Glory to Sanguinius!

Hey, thanks for the response! I'm magnetizing the masks so I can switch them out but yeah they should look just as cool without deathmasks. Also, I thought DMs were 10pts each? S if I'm taking 10 of them it would be 100pts? Also, would it be possible to just take a couple of masks?

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They are 1 pt per model or 10 pts for a full squad. Even in the previous codex they were only 25 pts. for the whole 5 man squad.


The exact wording is "The entire squad may have death masks…1 pt/model" so you have to equip all of them.

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They are 1 pt per model or 10 pts for a full squad. Even in the previous codex they were only 25 pts. for the whole 5 man squad.


The exact wording is "The entire squad may have death masks…1 pt/model" so you have to equip all of them.

Oh wow okay, thanks! They're probably worth bringing regardless then if they're that cheap

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They are 1 pt per model or 10 pts for a full squad. Even in the previous codex they were only 25 pts. for the whole 5 man squad.


The exact wording is "The entire squad may have death masks…1 pt/model" so you have to equip all of them.

Oh wow okay, thanks! They're probably worth bringing regardless then if they're that cheap



Step 1) Get the codex!

Step 2) Profit.


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