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Brand New sternguard, How do I even?


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So I recently came into possession of some old 2nd/3rd edition figures and I am trying to decide what I want to do with them. One thing I don't have is a sterguard squad which seems popular/useful. I did some searching and it looks like a few people have different ideas on how to kit them. Given that I don't have a lot of melta squads running around, and given that this is a question totally asked in a vacuum, How should one kit these guys out?


My initial thought is spamming combi-meltas but then what about the two special/heavy weapons dudes?


I am being pretty vague about what kind of models I have already since there is just so much I have and so much left unbuilt that I don't know how useful this information is.


Opinions and tactics are helpful. Hopefully we can get an updated link on the BA tactics thread from our discussion!

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This question was asked not too long ago and there is an excellent topic about it.


After reading some of the posts, I thought Id try out a setup run by UnkyHamHam. Basically a 10 man squad, 5 combi meltas, 5 bolters, melta bombs, pod them in and then combat squad them.

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How many have you got?

I found myself in a simial situation a few weeks back. Luckily managed to get my hands on 10 sternguard on the cheap.

I made two squads of 5 Sternguard, one squad all with combi-meltas, the other all with combi-plasma and a powersword on each Sgt.


It's an uber-expensive way to go, but I'll only really use them in the formation that gives you free special weapon upgrades anyway so, meh.

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I ended up with 9 figures. Not sure where number 10 went but I got them for $15 so I won't complain for now.


I did see that topic but it was kind of all over the place so hence the new thread. Besides, two new major armies can possibly change things regarding loadout (more combi-gravs? heavy-flamers out the wayside?)

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Sternguard should come with an Admiral Ackbar style warning. It's so easy to overspend on them.


Generally, you don't need to load up on combi-weapons, just a third of the squad will do but ideally it depends on what you have planned for them. I'm still fond of having a heavy flamer in there as a change deterrent, but the other special compliments the combi-weapons that I choose.

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Look at your go  to list, than fill in the gaps. It best place to start when adding a new unit to your collection. Also magnets will help so you can swap out the weapons based on what you feel you need.  Also how much points do you want to invest in them they get pricey quick.


Than look at some out side factors, transports how they rolling on foot, LR type rhino/razorback pod or hitching a ride in storm raven. Each weapon load out works better in different transport options. 


Smaller thing to look at is what formations or detachment you using. BSF CAD. This can play factor in to their roll on the table. 


Flamers, ok in all comers list, key in horde, and overall good when facing tau guard or nids, they play well with a heavy flamer. I have another use for them as a deterrent stick a few flamers in 10 man sq. and they work well for counter charge, or jump to offensive and use them. You still get 2 A with these guys. With BSF they can lay on the hurt.  If poding or raven in  a sq. and leaving them unsupported than look in to adding a flamer, if your able to stop charge they earn keep. 


Melta all around armor killer and high T, don't be tempted to fire all 9 melta at one target unless you really really want it dead. And melta can be selected in overwatch just in case you need to strip a W off something nasty running at you.  Melta is solid choice just about every list has something you want and need to smack in face with melta shot. They pair up with any transport options you might want to use,  However if points are tight ASM in pod with duel melta will be the better options that SG with combi-melta. 


Plasma, me personally I was never a fan of it, but wont hate on its effectiveness to beat :cuss, Its kind like Bill Cosby of 40k great knocking bitches out, but can blow up in your face and ruin your day.  If you area is full 2+ saves or high W stuff than shooting mini suns at them is great. They can hold up agasint most light AV stuff. If you go full plasma you can pretty nope just about anything you shoot at, great if you're looking at alpha striking something. Horde, grav cent that come in via drop pods. Thunderwolves, Big nids and ect. 


Grav the new hotness of day, These are very usefully unless you're facing tons of little bugs running around then not so much. As if come across all footslogging Ork list you're going to wish you selected another weapon choice. But those are rare list, normal list as something of AV value, big nasty CC beat stick, and some 2+ stuff as well.  Someone wants to be funny and take 9 obliterators, than just erase they with grav, same hold true for all the cent starts falling from the skies. Another thing about them is firing in overwatch, the risk vs reward here depends on what is coming to push your :cuss in. BT racing towards you might be worth trying to concuss it, and than pounce on with 2A. 


As for special weapons their good at mimics what combo weapon you took just to keep the threat up. However you're paying for special ammo so taking is special paying for something and not using it.


Same goes with heavy weapons if heavy bolter could use special rounds that would make them temping.


Power weapons they due have 2A and with BSF they will be striking first over a lot of stuff, so it doesn't hurt to add one to Sgt. in you're looking for up close and personal bid or dropping them to enemy battle lines. 


Have fun building and lit bashing them. 

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I think with our access to cheap meltacide Assault drops, superior horde killing in out flamed out Tacticals & Grav being on a perfect resilient/ mobile platform with bikers, Sternguard struggle to find a place in our lists - Especially among the Elites section what with Dreads, DC, SG, Command Squads, Terminators and Vanguard Vets all sharing the slot and also having better role definition in most cases.


You pay a lot for the Special ammo in the units cost, so In my eyes it's best to use them for that. In my eyes you need to drop them in your opponents backfield to stop retaliation, decimate a unit and then continue to cause trouble with your ammo, hopefully being able to take anything else on.


If you are going combi's, I'd avoid Flamer (the ignore cover ammo is essentially the same) and Melta (we have cheaper sources). This leaves Grav and Plasma. Plasma can kill yourself, but is good against 90% of targets (with your ammo being the better choice if not) while Grav has even more shots and can harm much the same as plasma, except for super tough Wraiths and Riptide level threats, where it excels.


Grav seems the most logical choice, as otherwise your ammo covers every save from 3-6+ (even if 3+ is risky) so I'd go for a few of those to bring down one of the aforementioned threats along with the poisoned ammo usually.


I'd always advocate a Heavy Flamer if you are podding them too (which really is the best option IMO) It's jsut free extra wounds and kills for the cost.


On the defensive, they are just marines, sadly, nothing more so you need to be careful with them.


One weird trait about them is that they have 2A base, afterall they are veterans. If you stick a Sanguinary Priest (or Corbulo even, both being footsloggers) in with them, they become WS5 (and I5) and can really take a charge, especially with a Power Weapon on the Sarge. They have pistols & grenades too so just like regular marines it's all about playing to your supreme versatility. Maybe a Pistol shot and 3 S5 I5 (6!!! with Corbsy) each on the charge would do more damage and keep them safer in your opponents turn than letting loose with the special Bolters.


I'm in a similar position to yourself Spagunk, I found a full squad of Rogue Trader Beakies and am considering having them represent some Sternguard as they only have bolters and what I think Is an Old School Multimelta, but it looks enough like a heavy flamer for me to get away with it I think. I have some FW Graviton Guns I'm sure I can cut up and stick to them to be combi-grav too... Hopefully :P

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I think with our access to cheap meltacide Assault drops, superior horde killing in out flamed out Tacticals & Grav being on a perfect resilient/ mobile platform with bikers, Sternguard struggle to find a place in our lists - Especially among the Elites section what with Dreads, DC, SG, Command Squads, Terminators and Vanguard Vets all sharing the slot and also having better role definition in most cases.


You pay a lot for the Special ammo in the units cost, so In my eyes it's best to use them for that. In my eyes you need to drop them in your opponents backfield to stop retaliation, decimate a unit and then continue to cause trouble with your ammo, hopefully being able to take anything else on.


If you are going combi's, I'd avoid Flamer (the ignore cover ammo is essentially the same) and Melta (we have cheaper sources). This leaves Grav and Plasma. Plasma can kill yourself, but is good against 90% of targets (with your ammo being the better choice if not) while Grav has even more shots and can harm much the same as plasma, except for super tough Wraiths and Riptide level threats, where it excels.


Grav seems the most logical choice, as otherwise your ammo covers every save from 3-6+ (even if 3+ is risky) so I'd go for a few of those to bring down one of the aforementioned threats along with the poisoned ammo usually.


I'd always advocate a Heavy Flamer if you are podding them too (which really is the best option IMO) It's jsut free extra wounds and kills for the cost.


On the defensive, they are just marines, sadly, nothing more so you need to be careful with them.


One weird trait about them is that they have 2A base, afterall they are veterans. If you stick a Sanguinary Priest (or Corbulo even, both being footsloggers) in with them, they become WS5 (and I5) and can really take a charge, especially with a Power Weapon on the Sarge. They have pistols & grenades too so just like regular marines it's all about playing to your supreme versatility. Maybe a Pistol shot and 3 S5 I5 (6!!! with Corbsy) each on the charge would do more damage and keep them safer in your opponents turn than letting loose with the special Bolters.


I'm in a similar position to yourself Spagunk, I found a full squad of Rogue Trader Beakies and am considering having them represent some Sternguard as they only have bolters and what I think Is an Old School Multimelta, but it looks enough like a heavy flamer for me to get away with it I think. I have some FW Graviton Guns I'm sure I can cut up and stick to them to be combi-grav too... Hopefully :P

I just have won tickets to this cruise since I am in the same boat as you guys: got a brand spankin' new box of Sternguard really cheap but I haven't even opened it for a few months now. There just seems like so many other options for Elite slots. I originally thought they would be a great counterbalance to my armies that tend to go overboard on the stabby factor, but clearly that's going real well.


As Charlo pointed out they really are not bad at all in Melee. If I do end up using them, I will most likely treat them as truly versatile Tacticals, throwing a Priest (or maybe even the Corbster) in there w/ a Lightning Claw Sgt (to keep the Combi-weapon). Even with only 5X guys, they have ammo and combo weapons that can handle almost any situation, 3+/5+FNP, and 10x WS5 S5 I5 (or I6 w/ Corbulo) Attacks on the Charge should you ever decide to do that. I think that may be the single most versatile Space Marine unit yo can get, right? Heck throw them in s Fast Las/Plas Razorback for even more versatility.


Hmmmmm. Maybe I will open that box after all...

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Why are you guys saying that they are 'good' in melee? They are only WS / S 4 models with 2 attacks base and no ap, just like assault marines. mellow.png

Better then tac marines, sure, but the wound output is not impressive. And if you charge that means not using the specialist ammo.

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They can certainly hold their own if required to do so.


I run mine as a 9 man squad with a power fist on sarge (partly because it's a sweet model) and partly because I run mephy with them, buffing them with Divination powers and it helps if anything with a 2+ tries to hold us up.



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