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If Blood Angels Had a (non useless) battle company...

The Unseen

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So looking at some of the leaked Tau/Ravenguard campaign books, there appears to be an example of the Pinion Demi-battle company formation. Can anyone tell if the symbol at the top looks like the "Forces of the Imperium" icon rather than the Space Marine icon? It doesn't look familiar and I am wondering if it is a specific new icon or if it's an already know one. Perhaps this means it is a formation we can use?

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... its a winged skull with a sword through it. Thats the Space Marine one. I have never heard of or seen a specific 'Forces of the Imperium' faction symbol. Blurb at the bottom references Captqins and Chaplains, then goes on the list all the standard swaps a SM Demi Comoany can do (Captain Sicarius, Kor'so Khan etc for Captain, Chaplain Grimauldus or Cassius for a Chaplain). We aren't getting it.
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It's literally embaracing.

The main assault, aerial fast assault chapter that have no viable charging from  deep  strike  units.

GW took our vanguards and gave that charge after deep to all vanilla forces.

They took storm raven and now everyone has it.

What the huck?


I think we got dark-angeled guys.

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How is 3 stormravens and 30 Tactical Marines (@ around 1000 points and around $360 bucks) considered not viable. .. oh wait.


It is what it is man. We will overcome!


Just have to finally build and paint my ravens. .. then the assault termies... and the termie Librarian. .. then go to go.

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How is 3 stormravens and 30 Tactical Marines (@ around 1000 points and around $360 bucks) considered not viable. .. oh wait.


It is what it is man. We will overcome!


Just have to finally build and paint my ravens. .. then the assault termies... and the termie Librarian. .. then go to go.

Well if we look close, we can see that it's not appropriate - we pay 1080 points for a chance for the rest of roster that in deep strike to charge.

So - basicly it's or 420, or 770 points for the atacking force.

420  is actually nothing - 100p for an hq, 110-250 for  2 troops.. and that's it - we made the whole 2 tactical  squad making charge for deep strike! so 1500 is off

770 is slightly  better,  but essentialy - you have 400-500 points for a  single full packed squad, or several really small.

and  don't forget that you need something good and  durable on a table in case of failure  3+ (even  with reroll)

And god forbid if you want to take Dante!


Looking at this you'll  come to conclusion that this formation is not for a typical game - it's too big for what it actually gives. But i've played it on apocalypce  and that was good. I think it's  the only way  to make humble terminators  playable

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I'm not a tournament guy- if I fail the 3 plus reroll I'll say 'good job you won. New game'


My plan is the formation with an Archangels detachment- Captain Karlean, a naked level 2 Terminator Librarian, and two squads of Terminators- one TH&SS with Archangel Host banner, and one Tactical Terminator squad (Space Hulk minis- because they are too cool NOT to use). Not much can survive that much S 9 on the charge... the Tacts have the important job of combt squading to eat overeatch and clog up counter charges.

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:/  Man, this is aggravating. 

And its not like they can throw more at the BA in their minds...They've "done their duty".


Bleh.  So frustrating. 

Oh well - doesn't mean we cant use them as counts as BA. It will make an awesome formation.

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Casual players would probably allow Blood Angels to use the formation.


I'd let others. 




On a side note, this is why we need to be set up more like a supplement than a standalone. The book would have the same fluff for us and our successors, the same wargear, the same special options, but it would say, "Tactical Marine: See Codex Space Marine. Special Options: Sergeant may take x wargear from Blood Angel Armory"


That way our generic guys will have the same stats. Scouts will stay the same. Dreadnoughts will roughly stay the same. Etc. 

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I don't find the time to paint or game at the moment, so the best I can do at the moment is to hang in front of my computer and write stuff on the internet.

I haven't used the new BA codex in a game, so my view on this might not be totally accurate...but I feel that it's pretty frustrating to see how other SM factions get really nice bonuses through formations for quite cheap and we're still paying premium even though the BA did bring most of the assault oriented units into the SM codex(VAS formation for RG in this example). And even if we paid the premium, our formations can't hold up with that. That's mildly annoying. geek.gif

Nontheless, switching codizes is not an option. I'd rather build and paint and wait until the next release of our codex(wich should be quite soon, perhaps in 2 years laugh.png ) than buy another book before that.

To get to the OP's question, I feel that objec secured and RT is pretty lush for a company formation-thing, since we already get RT through the BSF. I really like the 'charge after deepstrike if no scatter'-rule that some of our members came up with, perhaps as a sort of chapter tactic for the entire army.

A rule that'll fit the background of the Chapter and will also enable us to put our initiative bonus to use.

To be honest, even when playing with the 5th edition codex, I found it hard to actually get a proper charge off, with overwatch and all that. FC was cool in theory, but proved to be pretty lame game-wise in 6th edition. I believe it's the same problem now, +1 initiative and Strength sounds very nasty, but when only half of your guys make it into combat it's very situational. Not even mentioning that you have to successfully make a charge.
Perhaps Priests could be a 1-2 model HQ choice? Perhaps even to reflect the more and more upcoming duality of the Blood Angels, enable the selection of a Chaplain for every Priest you take without taking up a slot?

Ah well, this goes way too much into wishlisting. Just my two cents.


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Snorisnorrisson : You made a good point....i was thinking about it too, and maybe the Sanguinary priest should be a 1-3 SP for 1 HQ slot. That would make sense.


Charlo : I readed about the new Tau....don't even think being able to approach them to charge range, well, maybe with Shielded Terminators in a Land Raider, if you are lucky, they would survive the Overwatch^^. Oh, i like the new Str6/Ap3 weapons some tau got....no really, that would be fun to charge...

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Those new Breachers are nothing... they have to get within FIVE INCHES to get S 6 AP 3. Any zeno that gets that close to Blood Angels without charging knows whats going to happen... plus one Heavy Flamer can destroy a unit of Fire Warriors- I know that from experience.
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Just read through that rumoured RG formation again...and damn, it's good. Just get your CC scouts camo cloaks, set them up midfield by infiltrating, and move up. Only one of them needs to survive, and it can be locked in combat as the VAS arrive. I WANT IT!! Just imagine that with RT and the BSF bonus blink.png


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I suggest you check out the Decurion they and WS have just got :P


But no, hopefully we have one coming with so em really cool auxiliary choices!


Although really I suppose everyone else needs these rules to be good. We rock the table regardless ;)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but we can simply attach this RG Formation to a BSF, right? Wouldn't get BSF bonuses but who cares - the Vets get to charge from DS!!


If you don't fancy painting them as RG you could just paint them as BA instead. As long as they have the right wargear I can't see anyone complaining about that...

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but we can simply attach this RG Formation to a BSF, right? Wouldn't get BSF bonuses but who cares - the Vets get to charge from DS!!


If you don't fancy painting them as RG you could just paint them as BA instead. As long as they have the right wargear I can't see anyone complaining about that...

Yep. My armies are often going to be made up of BA, SW and RG all under the same colours

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The funny thing is the RG formation makes Vanguard Vets like our 5th Ed ones were (remember our codex-specific Heroic Intervention?) only better as no scatter at all 9" from scouts (who can Infiltrate of course).


Totally awesome.

5 ed.vanguard had Descent of Angels by default, so it was somewhat better

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