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Sanguine Wing and BSF drop pod mix.


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Planing on switching things up form my normal list and want to give this combo a try. 


Sanguine Wing :

Requirements: 2 Vanguard Veteran Squads, 1 Sternguard Veteran Squad, 1 Stormraven Gunship


Restrictions: All units of Vanguard Veteran and Sternguard Veterans must include 10 models. Vanguard Veterans must be equipped with jump packs.

Special Rules: 

Surgical Strike Force: This Formation’s unit of Sternguard Veterans begins the game embarked upon the Formation’s Stormraven Gunship. The Formation’s Vanguard Veterans must be placed in Deep Strike Reserve. When making Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for the entire Formation, which you can choose to re-roll. On a successful Reserves Roll, all of the units in this Formation arrive from Reserve.

1st Company Armoury: Vanguard Veteran Squads from this Formation can take a single power weapon or lightning claw per model as a free upgrade. Sternguard Veteran Squads from this Formation can take a single storm bolter or combi-weapon per model as a free upgrade.


Source: Campaign: Shield of Baal: Exterminatus


We all should know what the BSF does.


So my plan is spend a little extra on the VV give them storm shields,  I thinking i might go full retard and give everyone a shield. When combat sq. It breaks up their footprint on the board and give more charge options. They don't get the 1+ I from BSF but still there going to hit hard and would be able to survive a rd of shooting and if their charge by something nasty. Sense PW/LC are free it gives me options, thinking on doing 4 mauls 8 LC 4 axes and 4 spears, adding equal number to each of the combat sq. This way there equipped to deal which just about anything. FC boost makes maul a true beat stick to non meq stuff, and can put hurting on the big nasty CC. The spears/lances are great on charge but suffer after that so not sure if going to keep them. 


For the Strenguard thinking doing 5 melta and 5 grav., than again 10 plasma would be pure overkill for just about anything out there minus super heavy and few AV14 stuff.  I think waiting to equip this guys last after i settled on list is best approach fill any gaps that might not have points for.


For the BSF

 troop tax 2 bare bone BP/CC scouts, normally i run 2 full tac sq but i want to add more toys to list so taking the cheap route. Still undecided if i am adding homing beacons to them. Though on that?


FA slot 3 asm in pod either doing 3 meltcides or 2 and spending the points on plasma, or taking flamers and adding few marines and using them as distracting, there few horde style list so the flamers will earn there keep, plus i can spam free plasma from SG anyway.  Looking adding beacons to the pods to guide in the VV on there drops in. 



here where things get tricky cause points are starting to get tight, and i all ready  have 20 VV dropping.  Looking at 2 Dc in pods to add to drop count of pods and more threats up close so when the VV start landing it makes for hard choices. Or 1 DC and command sq as escort for HQ plus CS can be  threat themselves. 


Heavy support no room for big guns solo raven will get shoot down mostly likely same turn it arrives, however with bulk of army up close there may be too many threat and get may get pass. 


HQ i save this one for lass as points will be tight all around and is more beneficial to take a beat stick or just cheap HQ so i can add more killers. 

I would really like add Dante to mix but don't think i can spend the points and make it worth it to add him and there still being aids gays about using LOW in events. 


There some potential  between the pod heavy list and Sanguine just got find the right balance. 


Though on making this work?

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