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Planning a Mechanicum Ark Bridge Diorama


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So, I'm thinking of what I'm going to do after the ETL and (apart from finishing my Emperor) I was thinking of scratch building a diorama of the bridge of a Mechanicum Ark. The first thing I need to do is figure out what stations and personnel I'm going to have on said bridge. The following is what I've come up with so far.


Feedback on any additional stations, number of personnel, layout and naming (especially the Mechanicus titles) welcome.



+Main Deck Stations:


++Archmagos Explorator's Command Station

++Archmagos Locum Explorator's Command Station


++Helm / Maneuvering / Astrogation Station for Magos of Astrogation

++Weapons / Tactical Station for Magos Astra - Ordinatus

++Engineering Station for Magos Astra - Macrotechnica

++Auger / Auspex for Magos Astra - Logis

++In-System Comms Station for Magos Astra - Lictanex / Transmechanic


++Menial / Logis Servitors supporting the above


++Deck Enginseer's Station

++Deck Rune Priest's Station


++Inquisitor's Observation Station (assuming an Inquisitor is accompanying this expedition)

++Officer of the Fleet's Command Station (as liaison assuming Imperial Fleet Vessels are accompanying)


++Deck Security Battle Automata



+Peripheral Chambers to Main Deck:


++Navigation's Chambers w/Attendants

++Astropath's Long Range Communications Chamber w/Choir



+Secondary Deck Stations:


++Wing Command Station for Magos Astra Secutarius

++Ground Command Station for Magos Autokrator

++Security Station for Magos Secutarius

++Imperial Guard Command Station for IG Commander

++Imperial Navy Command Station for IN Commander



+Non Bridge Stations:


++Logistics / Administration for Magos Munitoria Logis

++Salvage / Resupply for Magos Vulpaxis

++Medical for Magos Biologis / Genetor

++Manufacturing for Magos Fabricatus / Macrotek

++Crew Operations for Magos Lachrimallus

++Automata Operations for Magos Dominus

++Maintenance / Deck for Magos Auxilla - Enginseer



Other than that, there may be Legio Titanicus or accompanying Adeptus Astartes but they wouldn't have permanent stations.

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I have some hardwired Titan servitors taking up space, if you need some bodies in the background.


For other deck stations, there are some more good models in GW's range. There's a servitor attached to Inquisitor Kamazarov... Karmasutra... Kangaroo... whatever's throne that would fit nicely. And a few scribe/lexmechanic figures in the Inquisition henchmen line.


For layout... try to avoid any overt Star Trek cues. Maybe something like a Titan's head but much, much larger. Or take cues from church choirs or pipe organ layouts. Oh, a stained glass window in the background!


Sorry, this is yours to design. Good luck!

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Yeah, I'm planning on something that looks more like a foundry, with gantries and Servitors embedded in walls over multi levels.
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Ok this is seriously exciting.

If you are willing to use some non-GW miniature parts might i suggest Counterblast for the brains and bell-jar bubbledomes (i have some i'll be using on several projects myself) to get the brains-in-bell-jars from some of Blanche's Mechanicus artwork.

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I've been reading too much of the Mars series again and I like the idea of different Magos at different stations. I really need to pin down the list first though, then sketch the layout, then look for or build parts.
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