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Fallen Angels: Flesh Tearers WIP

Cadmus Tyro

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Cheers Charlo. In 5th + 6th edition I found Seth a little underwhelming. However in 7th my brothers ork army would disagree!

I find he is quite difficult to use and requires a planned delivery system and a carefully timed assault. I used to have a problem with nob squads - not any more..... 7-9 strength 9 ap4 attacks on the charge (re-rolls from the chaplain), with additional wounds on 6's, puts a dent in that unit. I also find him good at challenging MEQ HQ units (without eternal warrior). I think you just have to pick your target, he is quite an unforgiving unit to use.


Still don't understand why he's a LoW though!

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Yeah, the LoW combined with a 3+ save is what gets me. I know the FT are a dwindling lot but you'd think they could get a suit of artificer Armour for thier master!


He seems best at taking down multiwound models and Imperial Knights etc before they strike back for sure.

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Thanks Herald. My red recipe uses the older GW paint range:


Chaos black undercoat

Watered down layer of merchite red.

Wash with badab black

Slowly build up merchite red with thin layers, leaving recesses.

Dry brush Red Gore

Wash with Baal red (used as a glaze)

Edge highlight with bleached bone.


Since GW changed their paint range I've been trying (and failing) to find a similar scheme using Khorne red.

I'll post some pics later if you're interested.

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@evildrcheese: cheers, the thrusters were originally metal/washed. I used some smoke weathering powder to darken it a little, the picture doesn't really give you he best impression of the actual texture. Although I may need to revisit it and add a few more layers to build up the effect.
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Thanks Herald. My red recipe uses the older GW paint range:


Chaos black undercoat

Watered down layer of merchite red.

Wash with badab black

Slowly build up merchite red with thin layers, leaving recesses.

Dry brush Red Gore

Wash with Baal red (used as a glaze)

Edge highlight with bleached bone.


Since GW changed their paint range I've been trying (and failing) to find a similar scheme using Khorne red.

I'll post some pics later if you're interested.

Excellent, thought I got a few of those right, I have a half finished Seth from about 3 years ago with that sort of blend, kinda gave up as I was a little useless in the beginning ;)


I was planing to do the same with the current range for me next Seth project although Khorne red seems a more bloody colour than deep wine red. Im sure itll look just as good though.


Keep up the awesome work

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Hmm good question, I have too many projects on the go! For my flesh tearers, I'm working on three drop pods and a converted flesh Tearers version of Dante. A few of my older projects require basing and weathering. I'm aiming to finish up a 2500pt force, I might post the list at the start of a WIP blog at some point!
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@herald: this tactical marine was painted recently using the new GW paints (apart from the red gore!)

Chaos black spray

Watered down coat of Khorne red

Wash with nuln oil

Build up thin layers of Khorne red

Drybrush red gore

Wash with carroburg Crimson

Edge highlight worth bleached bone.


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@herald: this tactical marine was painted recently using the new GW paints (apart from the red gore!)


Chaos black spray

Watered down coat of Khorne red

Wash with nuln oil

Build up thin layers of Khorne red

Drybrush red gore

Wash with carroburg Crimson

Edge highlight worth bleached bone.

Excellent, ill have to try that recipe next time ;) looks great

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  • 1 year later...

Greetings Brothers,

in light of 8th edition, it is time to resurrect this thread, and my flesh tearers force. I've not played a game of 40k since 7th edition dropped, but I've decided to re-develop my force for 8th, in the hope (perhaps a vain hope) that 8th will bring a degree of balance back to the game. Today I gave my heresy army project a rest and tried my hand at adding some weathering effects to my sanguinary guard.

I'm aiming to attempt OSL and weathering, to make this army really "grim dark" (or should that be grime dark?). Heres the before picture:


Still WIP, but here's the after shots:




To finish him off, he needs basing and the lower legs will receive some fresh mud splatter and powders.

What do you think?


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Feels like I'm about to be burnt to a crisp with that jumpjet!  The weathering on the armor is awesome; really looks like he's been in battle for such a long time that he hasn't had a chance to get his armor retrofitted.  Really digging the detail!

Thanks mate, now I've just got to motivate my myself to finish the squad!


Awesome steaks and scratches on the armor! The osl turned out really nice and compliments the weathering to give him a nice gritty and realistic look.

Cheers buddy, and thanks for the inspiration!
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Wow … that one is truely beautiful … in a pragmatic, flesh-tearery-way … you know, what I mean. :happy.:  If I can make such incredible scratches and lens glow effects some day, I have reached everything I hoped for … in the hobby. … you know, what I mean. Words and me – don't have a good today.


I just say it again: Wow! Perfectly painted! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!


P.S.: Really better Photographs than the first ones in this thread! The white Background really helps.

Edited by Filius
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Wow … that one is truely beautiful … in a pragmatic, flesh-tearery-way … you know, what I mean. ^_^  If I can make such incredible scratches and lens glow effects some day, I have reached everything I hoped for … in the hobby. … you know, what I mean. Words and me – don't have a good today.


I just say it again: Wow! Perfectly painted! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!


P.S.: Really better Photographs than the first ones in this thread! The white Background really helps.

High praise indeed, thanks! I'm still working on my photography skills! I blame the camera...;)

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Really nice stuff! I feel inspired! I have spent the evening removing shoulders from my standard Blood Angels and have bought some Flesh Tearer shoulders, will definitely be using your thread as an inspiration when I start painting.

Yeees! More flesh tearers! Welcone to the chapter brother. I started with regular BA in second edition, but their 5th edition incarnation led me to make the decision you have made, I've not looked back...


those are looking really nice mate. love the glow effects you have there.


Cheers, any plans to extend your flesh tearers force?
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+++ Sarcarnas killed the ignition to his jump pack, allowing the inertia of the jump to carry his armoured form gracefully down towards his prey. The shattered ruins of the imperial habitation block rushed to meet him, the darkness lit up beneath by enemy muzzle fire, accompanied by the staccato of bolt rifle fire. Return fire from the pinned flesh tearers tactical squad in the open plaza, haphazardly and ineffectively ricocheted from plastecrete walls.

Sarcarnas hit the ground hard, knees flexed, he used the momentum to spring forwards towards his target. The blue behemoth stood with his back to the drop site, legs braced in a standard astartes firing position. The primaris space marine stood a full foot taller than the flesh tearer. It did not bother Sarcarnas that this warrior was clad in the livery of the ultramarines, he had killed many traitor and loyalist astartes, he had come to see loyalty in the imperium as a subjective and some what unhelpful term.

The warrior turned, lightning fast reflexes raised the bolt rifle to meet the charging warrior. The primaris was fast, but Sarcarnas was faster. He twisted his two handed blade in an upward arc, severing both the Warriors lower forearms, blood jetted as the bolt riffle dropped to the floor, harmlessly emptying the remainder of the magazine into the adjacent wall in a spray of shrapnel and dust.

The ultramarine managed to stagger half a step forwards before the second upward stroke opened up his armour from groin to shoulder. Sarcarnas' momentum carried him over the falling primaris, a bolt round from his angelus pattern bolt gun finishing his opponent. The well timed shot looked like an unaimed afterthought, but the round at close range shattered the face plate of the ultramarine as Sarcarnas moved to engage the second primaris.

The second squad member fell easily as Sarcarnas allowed his blade to glide high, decapitating the warrior. By now the remaining sanguinary guard had joined the melee, adding the sound of clashing blades and agonised death cries to the cacophony of battle. The flesh tearers veterans made short work of the primaris squad, new technology and brute force no match for the combat prowess of the veteran sanguinary guard. What was Guilliman thinking?

Sarcarnas strode towards the only living ultramarine left in the ruin. The blue armour of the fallen warrior was mottled with the evidence of multiple bolt impacts, the vibrancy of the ceramite dulled by dust and clotted blood. By his helmet markings the warrior was the squads sergeant, his breathing was shallow and laboured, life clung to him, barely. Sarcarnas knelt beside the stricken warrior and removed the helmet clasps, he met the dying ultra marines gaze.

"By whose authority did you engage my company ultramarine?"

Sarcarnas seethed, his helmet vox rendering the words venomous.

"By the command of the Primarch, he ordered there were to be no civilian casualties, your actions were compromising..."

"Guilliman is an idealistic fool, he has no authority over sons of the 9th legion" Sarcarnas cut in. "We answer to the command of the emperor alone".

"The emperor has fallen, entrusting the imperium to the only warrior who has the authority to command" spluttered the ultramarine, through blood flecked lips.

"The emperor has been supplanted!" Corrected Sarcarnas, as he watched the final spark of life leave the ultramarine.

He motioned to the long range vox carrier "Signal the fleet, hostile activities instigated by primaris ultramarines, planetary assets neutralised, suggest preemptive strike on fleet, attention Gabriel Seth, code priority vermillion"

"Receipt confirmed, the chapter master has authorised strike, secure ground position and standby for further orders" responded the vox operator.

Sarcarnas looked to the sky as the heavens erupted in a blaze of fire....+++

+++pict capture: upload ultramarine primaris suit data files+++


+++subject identified: Veteran brother Sarcarnas, sanguinary guard+++




Sanguinary guard gentrified!

C&Cs welcome,


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