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Fallen Angels: Flesh Tearers WIP

Cadmus Tyro

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Your Flesh Tearers look intimidating as hell. Excellent work.

Thanks Bjorn, I've really enjoyed trying a few new techniques with them, it's given the unit a new lease of life! I think I'll update my rhino and tactical squads next.


Great red, great lenses and the right amount of battle damage.

Thanks mate, glad you like them! Thanks for the feedback.
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Bit of a distracting side project before I get into more painting! I've always wanted to use a standard bearer, but they have never really seemed worth their points....until now.

Here's my flesh tearers ancient:





Still not sure about the head, it's not glued on yet! He also needs a banner, several chains and as many purity seals as I can get away with/find in my bits box.

Does he look "ancient" enough?


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It's a great pose, but if you're planning on a hanging a banner from that crosspiece, he's going to be staring right at the back of it :)

Yeah, that's why I can't decide on the head position (and haven't glued it yet), it looks like a natural position, almost like he's presenting the standard and ensuring it is in position, almost admiring it....I don't know l, perhaps he should be looking he other way!


I'll hang the banner and post a few head positions to get some opinions.

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As you say, hang a banner mockup first so you can play with head positioning so it feels right to you- it is art after all, not science! You can keep his focus on the pole, but tilt the head back a touch so he's looking more at the aquila - the glory of the emperor etc. Of if the banner is short enough, he could be looking just under it with a small tilt down. You can always leave gluing the head until he's painted!

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