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My Blood Angels are finally coming together.


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So after a few years hiatus I've decided to pick up the hobby again. My roommate gave me a bunch of old models to mess with so I've got a lot of WIP with nothing completed.


I really like this community so I decided to share my work hereto help motivate me to at least lost regular updates.


So far...


This is my favorite model right now: my custom AOBR sarg. Carving out that lockless chrome dome was hard work. Also filed down the left shoulder to get some BA SWAG on there.http://i.imgur.com/gmrrn6lh.jpg

And the makings of my meltacide squad.http://i.imgur.com/58sOHxHh.jpg

And here is my WIP custom kitbashed Dante. He will have to wait.


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More updates:

Heavy flamer complete.

My tac sarg accompanied by some bolter marines previously painted from my friends old collection.

Also, I decided to turn the dark angels character into my preist.

I'll rebase the models for now, but eventually I'm going to have to repaint them, asi probably won't do the exact color scheme.

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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/2Wgyc" data-context="false"><a href="//imgur.com/a/2Wgyc">Blood angels update</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I tried. haha.....several times now. 

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I tried using the URL in the image thing, that didn't work. I also tried using IMgur's "embed image" code, and that didn't work either. 


Also, thank you for your help, and putting them up for me:)

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Once hosted (either externally or in the B&C gallery), right click the image and select copy image location. Then, either select the image button on the reply toolbar and paste in the url or use the following bbcode:

[ img=paste url] (with no spaces)

html doesn't really work on here, so don't bother with it smile.png

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Wow, that's so easy. Thank you so much!

Here's a picture of the squad that was missing. I need to fix the gun hand on my sarg. The magnet came out wonky and as it turns out, the gun is I the way of adding the shoulder pad.


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  • 2 weeks later...






I'd like some feedback on the bases. I'm not so sure about just the sheet of cork. I'm thinking about doing pieces with green stuffed "pebbles" in between to make it look more like rock and dirt than concrete. Or, at the very least, rubble concrete as opposed to pristine asphalt. This is a war game after all. 


Also, those are chaos legs with the straps and rivets shaved off to look more like fancy ceramite armor of the future. I also took that sweet sweet chain axe and put it to use on the flamer, I think it came out pretty well. I'm going to have two flamers in one of my JP assault squads and I wanted bayonets for them. 


Stripped some paint off of a lot of old models I got from my room mate. I'll have about 20 Jump packs with bodies attached now. Maybe more if I convert a few more legs. That Inferno pistol Sarg has repositioned legs BTW, I forgot to mention that or take pictures along the way. Basically I just carved out the joint material in the knee and the hip of the left leg to position it that way and green stuff makes it look halfway decent; I'm hoping the primer will fill any gaps I missed, and I used a good 'ol cover-up purity seal on the outside of the leg to hide the joint from the outside look. On the left leg I carve out the joint at the hip to just angle the leg back like one of those crappy action figures, and use green stuff to make a new, very thin layer joint material that will again hopefully be covered up by primer. 

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The cork looks cool. I like how you've built it up a bit.


Some sand and slate can make good rubble. I also shape bits of sprue to make metal girders /bars, which can be quite affective.


The leg positioning on the inferno gun slinger look great, I wouldn't have guessed you repositioned them with you telling us.



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What do youean by sand and slate? Do you mean materials or the fished look?

I'm liking the sergeant converted from the AoBR one, I'm definitely stealing that pose!

I'm glad you like it! Fair warning, carving out the leg can be time consuming. The neck guard is all attached and weird. After that the green stuff is pretty easy to fill in any issues.
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Some more work on the assault marines. It's a grueling process but I really want the torsos to match. I have itches and plastic crack helps me scratch them.

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What do youean by sand and slate? Do you mean materials or the fished look?

I'm liking the sergeant converted from the AoBR one, I'm definitely stealing that pose!

I'm glad you like it! Fair warning, carving out the leg can be time consuming. The neck guard is all attached and weird. After that the green stuff is pretty easy to fill in any issues.

Oh yes, I've already cut the head off one! I have the torso ready for a Blood Angel head and your sword arm smile.png

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Here's the first ten Assault marines. No Jump packs yet as I'll be priming them separate. 

All C&C appreciated. 

The sarg is some old metal model with some new upgrades. I don't know how to feel about his huge BA belt buckle, I think it might be too big, but I've already carved down the buckle that was under it.

The flamers have chain axes from the old chaos assault squad guys I used some of the legs from. 

The second sarg with the sheild is going to have either the Power fist or the thunder hammer out of my Death company kit that's on it's way. Also custom chain-meltagun for the squad. 

That's what my future Dante might end up looking like. That's a ways down the road though, as I'm not sure I want to struggle with those wings quite yet. 

And the last one is just a picture of the station.  

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My order came! I didn't want to pay for shipping so I 'had to' get the transfer sheet too ;)


Straight over to getting that pimpcup in the left hand.


Back to the preist! I'm not sure what to do with that facemask. Im thinking I might have to carve up a deatgmask to shove in there.


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