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Gearing up DC Squads


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Okay, first up, I don't want to build a cheesy or list tailored army. Just getting that out there.


I've ordered my first DC squad about a week ago and I've been thinking a lot about how I want to use them, deciding that I'll eventually get 3 squads who will specialise with taking out different types of targets (Though I will of course have the option of taking them all in a big ass cheese horde if I REALLY hate my opponent).

I'm thinking of getting these squads mainly for collectability's sake as I feel I have more freedom in painting them than with most of my other models. 


But here's the question, how should I fit out these three theoretical squads? I'm thinking like this:


Anti Horde: Maybe dual lightning claws each & a chaplain w/ power fist

Anti Armour: Thunder hammer, power fist, power axe, 2x Bolter & Chainsword (hehe), chaplain with power weapon

Anti Troop: 4x Bolter & Chainsword, inferno & power fist, Astorath the Grim


NOTE: I probably won't ever take all three squads in one battle in most circumstances for fairness' sake.


I'd love some feedback! (Feel free to put me in my place if this is a jerk list! I'm still learning the game :P) Thanks!

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Howdy! As for your loadouts you aren't far off! The thing about the DC is that on the charge, they will murder pretty much anything, without upgrades. But then you are sat there waiting to get shot by your opponent. You need a balance of weapons and bodies to see you through and only just win combat, but hopefully keep your opponent tied up.


The "go to" for most here on the forum is 8 guys, 2 power weapons and a fist/thunder hammer. This is everything you need unless your opponent is running a load of MC, then you just bring an extra fist.


I'd never bother with LC on the DC, just a waste of points compared to a simple power sword, you won't need rerolls to wound with S5 charge and 5 attacks.

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Howdy! As for your loadouts you aren't far off! The thing about the DC is that on the charge, they will murder pretty much anything, without upgrades. But then you are sat there waiting to get shot by your opponent. You need a balance of weapons and bodies to see you through and only just win combat, but hopefully keep your opponent tied up.


The "go to" for most here on the forum is 8 guys, 2 power weapons and a fist/thunder hammer. This is everything you need unless your opponent is running a load of MC, then you just bring an extra fist.


I'd never bother with LC on the DC, just a waste of points compared to a simple power sword, you won't need rerolls to wound with S5 charge and 5 attacks.

Thanks for the response! This sounds good, firm logic and all, but are there any viable BA units that work with LC? Maybe Vanguard vets or an Assault squad? Honestly I just want an excuse to maybe have 2 or 3 LC dudes in my army because I love how they look

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Oh my yes, they are the coolest weapons!


One trick that I keep mentioning on the forum is assault terminators with LC with an attached inquisitor with Rad Grenades. These lower enemy toughness by 1. The inquisitor can then cast the hammer hand psychic power on the squad for 1 extra S.


You end up with S6 Shredding claws that will be instant deathing anyone natural T4 or lower!


But obviously this is expensive.


Vanguard can take dual LC but they are very expensive in points compared to the vanilla codex ones sadly, still awesome though. If you take one of our formations that contains a 10 man sternguard squad in a Stormraven and two 10 man vanguard veteran squads with jump packs, all of them get a free combi weapon/ power weapons or LC for free :) ... But then they suffer from not having the +1I from our detachment.

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Oh my yes, they are the coolest weapons!

One trick that I keep mentioning on the forum is assault terminators with LC with an attached inquisitor with Rad Grenades. These lower enemy toughness by 1. The inquisitor can then cast the hammer hand psychic power on the squad for 1 extra S.

You end up with S6 Shredding claws that will be instant deathing anyone natural T4 or lower!

But obviously this is expensive.

Vanguard can take dual LC but they are very expensive in points compared to the vanilla codex ones sadly, still awesome though. If you take one of our formations that contains a 10 man sternguard squad in a Stormraven and two 10 man vanguard veteran squads with jump packs, all of them get a free combi weapon/ power weapons or LC for free smile.png ... But then they suffer from not having the +1I from our detachment.

I definitely like the sound of that! I was intending to get some terms anyway and I certainly wouldn't mind an Inquisitor, thanks for your help!

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A command squad isn't a terrible place to stick some lightning claws, as you can usually have a guy or 2 running around tanking with a ss, and the lightning claws help to make up for the relatively low numbers of attacks the unit puts out. Works great to help out any captain/Dante with a couple extra pw attacks that are really likely to wound. And if you want combi weapons on your shooty sarges, but still want them to pack something for cc, a claw is the best if you don't have a second ccw/pistol.


But I second the DC loadouts already said here, and alot of times, if your short on points, you can skip the pw's as well, just 2 fists/hammers (hammers look cooler) will usually let you murder anything that has a 2+ save and survived the 30 regular attacks they already took.

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I am a firm believer in chucking in a couple of inferno pistols in a squad. This gives you the ability to crack a transport and then charge the contents straight away.


I run the same with my Sanguinary guard. Add a couple of meltacide assault squads and that gives 4 units (2 of them very mobile) that can output multiple melta shots per turn. This is usually enough that I don't need to bother with dedicated anti-tank units as enough of my army carries armour busting weapons with them.

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I'm trying to run each BA jumpy squad with at least one source of melta fire, so you have a chance to destroy the transport and charge the transported...its when that fails I can run into big problems...

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