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Starter Alpha Legion; 1500 points


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I want to start building a 30k force, would appreciate any suggestions.  



Autilon Skorr



Legion Tactical Squad

10 chainswords

legion vexilla


artificer armour

power axe

melta bombs


dozer blade


Legion Tactical Squad

10 chainswords

legion vexilla


artificer armour

power axe

melta bombs


dozer blade



Legion Terminator Squad

thunder hammer

banestrike ammo


Heavy Support

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnaught

aiolos missile launcher


Legion Heavy Support Squad

5 volkite culverin

augury scanner


Fast Attack

Legion Seeker Squad

5 combi-plasma

banestrike ammo


melta bomb


dozer blade


I know that 1500 is small for Legion lists but want to start building up to more while having something playable in the interim.  I will be playing against bot 40k and 30k lists.


Thank you. 

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Not bad, but I think you're a bit heavy on anti-infantry. And in 30k Terminators don't have Deep Strike like the 40k ones, so they'll be foot-slogging across the board without a transport.


Autlion Skorr has access to the Chosen Duty RoW, which makes Veterans into Troops. Seen as though you're giving your Tacticals chainswords anyway, maybe swap them for said Veterans? 10 Tacs with chainswords is 170 points vs. 10 Vets for 200 points (plus Vets get 2 Attacks, squad-wide Melta Bombs as an option, and Veteran Tactics). Giving them the Sniper USR makes them pretty good against infantry.


This will allow you to swap the HSS for a dedicated anti-tank option, like Rapiers. Choosing Infiltrate for your Mutable Tactics will get them nicely postioned to destroy tanks!


Deredeo is great for transports and medium tanks (plus the Marine-killing Aiolos launcher) - very good choice there. Also having those Seekers for a round of anti-TEQ is good too, but not sure I'd pay for the Banestrike on them (the Vets will do that better).


Hope this helps!

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I would NEVER pay for Banestrike on Seekers. They have the better Scorpius Ammo which is Rending/Shred but heavy 1.


And If you give Tac Vets the Sniper USR, never give them Banestrike Either.


The rest is Caillum has said.

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Thank you for the replies.  It does make sense to use Chosen Duty.  I was assuming I could either take the mutable tactic of infiltrate or if I only wanted it on 3 infantry Skorr can select infiltrate as his warlord trait freeing up my mutable tactic.  Were you thinking of laser destroyer rapiers?


What about this as an adaptation, a little less infantry killer focused:



Autillon Skorr

master of the legion

chosen duty ROW



Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

5 additional veteran tactical marines



artificer armour


dozer blade


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

5 additional veteran tactical marines



artificer armour


dozer blade



Legion Terminator Squad

thunder hammer

banestrike ammo



Deredeo Pattern Dreadnaught

aiolos missile launcher 


Legion Medusa

twin-linked bolter



Legion Seeker Squad

5 combi-plasma


melta bombs


dozer blade


I was thinking the Medusa, with its increased range and versatility could be better than 2 Laser Destroyer Rapiers.  

I am used to ATSKNF, making me unsure about giving up legion vexilla for nunico-vox, I can have both if I give up the Sergeant's artificer armour.  This list has also had to give up on the 2 melta bombs in the troop slot.  I felt that I am more likely to want to infiltrate the Seeker squad so though its smaller melta bombs would make sense on it, I guess 2 Laser Destroyer Rapiers instead of the Medusa would free up more points.


What are others thoughts on this list?  Have people found Rapiers superior to a Medusa against tanks?


Thanks again for your help.

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Now I admit up front I've not used a Medusa but the Laser Destroyers are win in an AL list - the infiltrate really terrifies the opponent to the point that you're already winning the battle, most will adjust their battle plans to compensate for where you might o may place your infiltrating rapiers. When that happens you're already on the front foot.


Medusas dont have LA:AL and so makes it easier to plan around, plus the short range (and I know it's the same range as laser destroyer but that's where infiltrate comes in) makes it easier to avoid. Not sure on points but if you can get 2/3 in for the price of a Medusa then go for it.


Better still, try both out and see what works for you - but i'd be tempted with the rapiers personally unless you're maxing out that artillery battery.

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