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Sicarian killclade with spearhead formation?


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I read a forum and saw someone say using these two formations together. The ruststalkers go into each landraiders and just shoot your way into combat and using ruststalkers as cleanup. Is that a possibility?? I'd like to try the killclade out but getting them into combat seems harsh


Edit: I'm guessing like this??


3 crusaders fully upgraded


3 units of 8 ruststalkers (not sure how to equip here)


1 unit of 5 infiltrators stock


1850 points

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Hmm, it's a neat idea., to be sure.  It would certainly deliver the Ruststalkers to the front in decent shape since their transports can't be stunned, immobilized or otherwise slowed down by normal means (as long as they stay together).  You'll have a harder time taking advantage of the Infiltrator's abilities since there's not many of them and your opponent won't have many other targets for his anti-infantry firepower.  On the Ruststalker side, the ability to charge after running is pretty decent and extends their already impressive threat range from the Assault Transports.


My total points came out to 1730 with reasonable upgrades on the Crusaders; you won't need to pay for Searchlights or Smoke Launchers and Extra Armor is relatively useless, too.  The only upgrade I'd take for them are the Multi-Meltas to add more anti-armor capability.  The Ruststalkers should work fine in either configuration, so I'd suggest running two stock (for Haywires for anti-armor work) and one with Transonic Blades for a bit more combat punch.


The big problem I can see here is that there's still 120 points left.  I'd say add more Infiltrators or a few relics to your Princeps'; perhaps The Omniscient Mask and/or a few Conversion Fields?

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The problem I see, is that you will very likely kill 3 units in CC with your Ruststalkers and will get shot down straight afterwards...

If you can not cripple the enemy army with that assault or you don't get lucky and kill him in his own assault phase you will have a very hard time.

Fun thing to field once in a while I guess msn-wink.gif

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What's the base cost of a Killclade? About 700?


I think you'd be better off picking up a Gladius with a bunch of free transports for them to hide behind, and to give you a bunch of troops to take objectives and put out some shooting. The Sicarians are fast enough that they don't even need transports to get there by turn 2.


The formation I would really like to try the Killclade with is the Gallant Lance. Who said assault armies can't be effective? Turn 2 he's being engaged by 3 Knights and 20+ grasshoppers of doom.

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