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New dork in the hood


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Greetings, nerds. 
I'm not a TT gamer, although I would absolutely love it. Unfortunately, constant bills from chronic medical issues prevent me from painting minis, much less affording them, sad to say.
I was introduced to WH40k by a friend of mine, who is a wargaming monster. This was back in about 1998, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing his Eldar against his pet Chaos army. (Pop-up attacks FTR!) He & others also got me into RPG's like AD&D 2E, Shadowrun, Mutant Chronicles, Vampire, and more. We often used miniatures to represent our characters during combat, and I really loved painting, when I was able to (wasn't bad at it, either!)

After that initial introduction to the WH40k universe, I really got into the background and story. I've been a fluff nut since then, and have really enjoyed many of the PC/console WH titles, warts and all. I even modded quite a bit on the Dawn of War series (LUA coding, textures, etc.) 

I currently follow Black Library fiction, ebooks and print, and am looking forward to reading & discussing other peoples' opinions, interpretations, and criticisms. Coming from a strong writing background, I'm interested in writing 40k fiction, without causing pain to fellow fluff nazis. (Space Marines ditching their "holy" bolters when they run out of ammo, gentle and merciful Commissars, fragile Space Marines and superhuman Guardsmen, etc.)

I am opinionated, but not a jerk, and I am always open to other peoples' points of view. Hopefully, I fit in here. ;)

I'm pretty good at navigating boards, but I'd still appreciate any input on the best sub-forums for fiction and fluff discussions from you veteran folks. Thanks!

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