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Quick Question - Grey Knight Terminator Hands

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I plan on getting a Grey Knight Terminators kit to build my chapter's terminators. I noticed the sprue comes with a rather large Daemonhammer. This is fitting, because I also plan on building that classic Chapter Master on Bike with way too much bull:cuss to be fair and he needs a sizable hammer weapon. I just want to know - are Grey Knight Terminator weapon hands like those holding the Daemonhammer, falchions, etc the same size as standard Tactical Marine hands?


Does the same hold true for standard Terminator weapon hands (excluding power fists) and Tactical Marine hands?


My next question is for the lore junkies.


I intend to build custom Terminators using Grey Knight Terminators and www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space_Marine-Infantry-and-Accessories/BLACK_TEMPLARS_TERMINATOR_STORM_SHIELDS.html


The plan involves some kind of combination of Grey Knight Terminator bodies (with as little of the fiddly book bits and decoration as possible) with giant Black Templars Storm Shields, either wielding falchions or swords, and possibly magnetising for Thunder Hammers as well.


I am curious if there is any lore reason that a standard Astartes chapter would be able to acquire Grey Knight Terminator helmets. I can simply attribute the armour to being some kind of older, modified mark from the artificers, but are the helmets specific to the grey knights, or can other chapters access them?


Thank you

Grey knights hands aren't too different. The older open palmed models had a bit of extra detail. I've seen guys use GK arms on regular termies and it not look TOO out of place.


GK helmets are instantly recognisable but there's a lot of good conversions using them.

you can get Emperors Champion style helmets that look great on TDA.

Also check out the Cataphractii helmets.


Hope this helps. Happy hobbying.

I plan on getting a Grey Knight Terminators kit to build my chapter's terminators. I noticed the sprue comes with a rather large Daemonhammer. This is fitting, because I also plan on building that classic Chapter Master on Bike with way too much bull:cuss to be fair and he needs a sizable hammer weapon. I just want to know - are Grey Knight Terminator weapon hands like those holding the Daemonhammer, falchions, etc the same size as standard Tactical Marine hands?


Does the same hold true for standard Terminator weapon hands (excluding power fists) and Tactical Marine hands?


My next question is for the lore junkies.


I intend to build custom Terminators using Grey Knight Terminators and www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Space_Marines/Space_Marine-Infantry-and-Accessories/BLACK_TEMPLARS_TERMINATOR_STORM_SHIELDS.html


The plan involves some kind of combination of Grey Knight Terminator bodies (with as little of the fiddly book bits and decoration as possible) with giant Black Templars Storm Shields, either wielding falchions or swords, and possibly magnetising for Thunder Hammers as well.


I am curious if there is any lore reason that a standard Astartes chapter would be able to acquire Grey Knight Terminator helmets. I can simply attribute the armour to being some kind of older, modified mark from the artificers, but are the helmets specific to the grey knights, or can other chapters access them?


Thank you


The triangular helmets are specific to GKs. They look really good on vanilla Terminators, and I have seen a poster here use them for his Exorcists Librarian Terminator, which looks amazing, and the chapter is closely related to the Inquisition and the GKs so the shared equipment is not a problem.


If I were you, I would recommend using the Paladin helmets. These are less iconic and "GK" than the standard triangle helmets, and you can make the argument that it is a rare pattern of Terminator helmet that looks more like power armored helmets, such as Tartaros and Cataphractii, because there are power armor helmets that look like knight helms and Paladin Terminator helmets, so it's a closer match and not as shoehorned.


If you really like the look of the GK parts, and this is a custom chapter, you can simply make them a chapter affiliated with the Inquisition, and this should open up a lot of reasonable explanations for why they wear GK gear.


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