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a few questions from a new recruit


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Hi there everyone! 


First off let me say i've scoured over posts here and have already found answers to some of the questions im looking for but I'd still like some advise on starting a Blood Angels army. I come from a Dark Eldar backgound in 4th ED and I loved the assault element they had, much has changed since then but I still like aggressive up close style of play, hence Blood Angels!


1) Will I need both the SM and BA codices?

2) How versatile can BA be? I understand their strength is clearly in assault but are they strong enough in that area to have a smaller firebase for support?

3) Looking to start with 750-1000 pts would good purchases be..

     - Librarian or Astorath

     - Tactical Squad + Razorback

     - Scouts with Snipers

     - Furioso + Drop Pod

     - 10 Death Company

4) Do you find the "fluff" of Blood Angels to be deep and colorful in comparison to other SM chapters? I personally have never been a huge fan of SM because I feel the characteristics of them to be dry and predictable.



Thank you in advance for your time reading through my questions and to any answers you may reply with! 

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I'm a recent convert to Blood Angels after deciding to take the plunge on Shield of Baal and reading into them, so my experience with the BA's is pretty recent.


1) No - you just need the BA dex to play them.

2) Quite versatile.  If you want to run a gun line, you can.  Obviously, the unique BA units are tailored for assault, but they do have the standard heavy support choices of codex:SM (with centurions being the most obvious omission)

3) Looking to start with 750-1000 pts would good purchases be..

     - Librarian or Astorath - LIBBY - in 1000pt games, Astorath is too expensive points wise.

     - Tactical Squad + Razorback - Good shout, but look at a drop pod (explanation to follow)

     - Scouts with Snipers - personally not a fan of sniper scouts but they have their uses! ;-)

     - Furioso + Drop Pod - Make it a lucius pod to make sure you can get him into combat.  Also, remember the rule of drop pod assault - half your pods arrive turn 1 rounding up....so aim for 3 pods so you can deploy 2 pods on turn one 

     - 10 Death Company - just be careful how you arm these guys - they can be a points-sink.....thinking about the pods again, maybe run them without jump packs and pod them in to get your 3 pods...?

4) Do you find the "fluff" of Blood Angels to be deep and colorful in comparison to other SM chapters? I personally have never been a huge fan of SM because I feel the characteristics of them to be dry and predictable.  - I was always sceptical of the 'space vampires' but now, having read the dex and some background fluff, they have really grown on me!  Much more interesting than some others that could be mentioned! 


Hope my 2p helps!

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I just started tabletop wh40k back in November and have played 75% BA 25% Imperial Guard.


1) no. BA codex and BRB (Big Rule Book) are all you need*


2) BA are suprisingly versatile...if you keep an open mind. Most SM lists out there can be "Bloodified." I look forward to using my Vanguard Vets and Sternguard Vets mostly because I forget I have them. BA have many strong unique units and characters that really shine but the "standard" units are there as well in all their glory or lack thereof. If you tune out the power gamers that dictate THE WAY to win all the time, then there are so many different ways to play BA. TLDR: just look at how different all the myriad lists are on the Blood Angels List page...I bet there is more variation there than any other SM Chapter (though SM as a whole will obviously have more)



   - Librarian or Astorath. Both. You will get use out of both, though only invest in Astorath (both $ and points) if you plan on using 10 man+ units of Death Company.

     - Tactical Squad + Razorback.  Yes. 2 of each can't go wrong. NEVER buy Rhino kits (assuming new, off-the-shelf at GW prices). For like $3 more you get the weapon sprues in the Razorback kit. Always worth it to have that option...even just to eBay for some quick cash that makes up the different without blinking an eye

     - Scouts with Snipers. Debatable. The sniper rifle part, that is. As 1 of 2 Troops choices (not including Deathstorm hijinks) in the codex, you can't go wrong getting a box or 2 of Scouts. As to what equipment is best, there have been endless debates on that.

     - Furioso + Drop Pod. Hells yes and yes. Furioso w/ Frag Cannon in a Drop Pod is, in my experience, the single best unit the Codex. Even if it dies it will have done so drawing fire and attention away from the rest of your army. If it survives....

     - 10 Death Company. Yes. Nothing else need be said. Soon, padawan, you will understand.


4) Blood Angels fluff is only good if you like to grapple with the very definition of what it means to be human. It sucks unless you're into the concept of man as the Noble Savage and his everlasting tightriope walk between the light and dark halves of his soul.



4.5) Not sure what other fluff you have read but check out Sanguinius. He was the only Primarch that Horus himself feared/thought should have been Warmaster instead.


*it's 40k...... "that's all I need...."

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Like previous comments have stated, the drop pods are best in odd numbers to get the best bang for your buck on the turn one strike. In such case, I think starting with a razorback and one pod will do well. I personally have one pod one razorback and one rhino due to not having planned things out. I'd probably rather have three pods just because I prefer them, but literally spending 70 bucks for transports that aren't necessary seems daunting at this point. Any who, I think that you should get the one pod for now,and when you have more units (sterngaurs, assault squads with meltas, more tac squads with flamers) that want to be in pods, make the purchase later.


I would also suggest you magnetize the jump.package on your DC. That and/or buy some extra bits to make ten bolter DC for drop pods.

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1) No, just the BA codex is all you really need to start with.


2)BA are still Space Marines so can the shooting game, they're not the best at it, but they're not exactly slouches either.


3) Out of the two I'd pick a Librarian over Astorath, but remember a Librarian is a support character, so ensure you have something good to attach him to to make better, rather than making something mediocre good. If you're planning on taking a second HQ, a normal Chaplain is a solid choice to attach to the DC.


Tac Squad in a razorback is another solid choice. I'd load out a plasma gun and combo plas on the sgt and put them in a las/plas razorback. Being fast you can move 12" and fire both weapons, making the most out of the fast rule. Also packing a lot of decent S ap2 makes them an ideal platform for dealing with medium vehicles, monstrous creature or elite infantry.


Personally, I'd go with BP/CCW scouts, give em camp and perhaps a Melta bomb on the sgt. These guys give you lots of deployment options and if you can get the charge they can punch above their weight.


Furioso with frag cannon and heavy flamer in a drop pod is also good. Excellent for dropping and dealing with infantry. Problem is one pod in isolation is easily dely with. Consider more pods whenn you expand on this initial list. Drop Melta asssault marines are also fairly decent, this would also give you the choice of dropping anti armour or anti infantry.


Death Company are pretty much an auto take. Take a couple of powerfists and then just BP/CCW. The Chaplain really helps with rerolls on the first round of combat. I also include Dante for Hit n Run, which is fantastic for repeating the bonuses of furious charge, rage, and rerolls from the Chappy.


4) Blood Angels have a great story. I don't think you'll find anyone arguing against that in this sub forum.



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I simply don't think razorbacks are worth it. Unfortunately, because I love the idea behind them. What the drop pod offer is very valuable. I just hate the model and the price.


Scout snipers: I have yet to see them do anything in my games. Give them a knife and furious charge any day.


I haven't seen much BA versatility. Shoot at the enemy a bit and then jump up and punch them in the face.


This is ~999pts


Chaplain and 8 DC with jump packs, 1 power fist and a power sword


Fragioso in a pod


Tactical squad, heavy flamer, melta gun and combi-melta, drop pod


Scouts with shanks


Assault squad in a pod with 2x melta and combi-melta


Vindicator with overcharged engines.

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4) I have always loved the epic, heroic nature of the space marines. Maybe they are a little cliche, but I don't really see it that way. They are the indomitable defense of humanity against the hoards of those who would see them dead, not to mention all those daemons. If you are worried about your space marines being a little too perfect, you're in the right place, I think. The blood angels struggle against their vary nature constantly, and I think they are, as a consequence, THE most noble Space Marine chapter. Also, if you want tactical precision and all that, go talk to the Ultramarines. If you want the enemies of the Emperor ground to a pulp beneath his armored fist, you call the Blood Angels.


As stated above, we have the best Primarch

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Thanks for all the help everyone!


- Referring to Drop Pods. Is having none or two then better than having just one? Would running a Dreadnaught without a Pod be useful at all?

- Razorback I figured would be nice having the extra AT 



4) I have always loved the epic, heroic nature of the space marines. Maybe they are a little cliche, but I don't really see it that way. They are the indomitable defense of humanity against the hoards of those who would see them dead, not to mention all those daemons. If you are worried about your space marines being a little too perfect, you're in the right place, I think. The blood angels struggle against their vary nature constantly, and I think they are, as a consequence, THE most noble Space Marine chapter. Also, if you want tactical precision and all that, go talk to the Ultramarines. If you want the enemies of the Emperor ground to a pulp beneath his armored fist, you call the Blood Angels.


As stated above, we have the best Primarch


The cliche vibe of the SM has always led me away from them. If anything I've always leaned more towards C:SM because of that! haha. From what Ive read so far about the Blood Angels their "flaws" certainly make it more interesting for me. Ultramarines are boring as all hell IMO.


Another question.. whats the difference between an Assault Squad and Tactical Squad? I understand that an Assault Squad can be equipped without a Jump Pack, so then what differentiates them from a Tactical Squad? Is it just squad size and loadout or are there actually some special rules going on there to?

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A single Dreadnought in a Drop Pod is essentially a distraction unit. Of the four we get take with our Codex, the Furioso Dreadnought equipped with a frag cannon (affectionately known as a Fragioso) is the best in this role. 

General consensus on Drop Pods is that you want an odd number as this maximises the amount you bring deploy on the first turn.

  • One Pod is a distracton
  • Three can be an effective alpha strike
  • Seven or nine brings you into the realm of a Drop Pod army.

That's not to say this is a "be all and end all" rule, merely a guideline.


The different between an Assault Squad (often referred to as Regular Assault Squad [RAS] over here) sans jump pack and a Tactical Squad is the weapon options and if taken in a Combined Arms Detachment (CAD), Objective Secured.

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Another small, albeit essential difference, between RAS and Tac Marines: The assault squad can have 2 Special Weapons (typically melta) in a squad of 5, as well as a combi on the sarge. Tacs can only have 1 special weapons, irregardless of unit size.


FYI, the Vanilla assault squads on have access to Flamers and Plasma Pistols. We're blessed with the access to Melta and Plasma Guns.

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