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Blood Angels allies for Dark Angels.


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Hello Brothers ! 


So, i've been a Dark Angels player for a while now, and with the new codex it's better than ever. BUT, i always had a soft spot for the BA's and their successors. 


I was wondering if it's a good combo ? I play very aggressively with my DA, be it deathwing or ravenwing, but in the end we only have 2 dedicated assault units, the black knights and the deathwing knights, and i want some HtH action !! 


I think it would complement well my army in bigger games, and just be plain fun really. 


I plan on using BA specific units and stuff i don't have access as a DA. So no tacs, terminators etc.... 

I was thinking something along the line of :


A priest as HQ 

Sanguinary guards

Death company ( love these guys so much ) 


Scouts for the taxe 

Storm raven. 

Baal pred. 


Good thing is everything is fast moving , hit hard, and can keep up with the Ravenwing. Or maybe i should go the way of formations ? But yeah, no tacs. 


Do you think the Deathstorm box is a good start if i can find a nid player who can split the box ? 


Oh, and i've been toying with battlescribe for a list, and i really have no idea how to equip the SG and DC, what is the prefered loadout ? And for the DC, Jump Packs, Rhino or in the SR ? 


cheers ! 


Brother Eurieus

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First off, welcome to the Sons of Sanguinius. I have NEVER found a chapter to be as glorious, steadfast, and all around amazing as the Blood Angels (obligatory Blood Angels Praise, although I really do mean it), but the Dark Angels are up there.


EDIT: I was interrupted. Now it's finished.


As to your question, I am not by any means a competitive player, but I LOVE my Sanguinary Guard. They are points intensive, and as such deserve a little special treatment. Definitely go for the banner, as it gives them an extra attack, which is what you want. Give them a sanguinary priest so they can wade through the enemy fire in their beautiful winged artificer armor and FnP. The axes are hardly worth it. I prefer to go all swords (remember that both the sword and axe versions of the glaive encarmie are two-handed and master crafted), but you can give them a power fist. I would just put the power fist on a priest and stick the priest in the squad. I give my sanguinary guard death masks because that is the way I think they look the coolest. The death masks just give fear, so they aren't that useful, especially against space marines. You can do special pistols, and I usually do, but the angelus bolter (their default gun), is a AP 4 stormbolter with 12" range. So it is pretty good. USE SANGUINARY GUARD THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!! This is seriously my favorite unit in the codex, in both play style and flavor.


If you are really wanting to chop up some xenos/heretical scumm, add a Dante to you sanguinary guard. He has hit and run, and an amazing stat line. I would go into more detail, but for the rule about not posting specific rules. LOOK UP DANTE'S RULES (he is a lord of war).


Death company are not as durable as Sanguinary Guard, but they are so flavorful, and amazing on the charge. They are only WS 4 this edition, but they still have 2 attacks base and Rage. I always go for jump packs, but I could see them in a land raider (or a rhino). The jump pack ones can go in the stormraven, albeit only 6 of them. I like this option, because it involves jump packs. Consider investing in Lemartes. As a chaplain he can make sure you don't just wiff in cc (plus the model is amazing!). My DC don't see enough play because I decided it would be great for every guy to have a special weapon. Seriously, I have 30 DC, and 11 of them have power fists, and 9 have thunder hammers, and the rest have power weapons. Don't go overboard on the special weapons, just take a couple (depending on squad size). I don't think I would even bother with the special pistols. You can trade their bolt pistols for a boltgun, because DC are relentless, but you do lose a cc attack. consider this option for the guys wielding a specialist weapon, if you use any specialist weapons.


Basically if you don't have your heart set on Blood Talons (which are not as good anymore anyway), use the frag cannon on the Furioso Dreadnought. You can also give it a heavy flamer on the other arm. Remember these guys have front armor 13! When I use dreadnoughts, I tend to use my death company dread, or my librarian dread. both of those are build-able using the Furioso Dreadnaught kit (only one complete dreadnaught per kit though). The fragioso is probably better than the DC dread, and there is a debate as to which dreadnaught is better with Blood Tallons, but I think if you want cc dreadnaughts, you should use the DC dread. It is a little easier to kill, and has 1 less WS, but has an extra attack and rage. The libby dread is, of course, an HQ. I love the idea, but they can be hard to use effectively. I run him anyway sometimes just because I love the uniqueness of a librarian dreadnaught. The biggest problem is that they take up an HQ slot.


If you don't want tacs, scouts are your troop choice. Kit them out how you want, but I love the idea of cc scouts. Maybe put a power fist on the sergeant, or give him melta bombs. As you know, these guys are for objective grabbing. In the last codex we had 6 troop options, so I never bought any boring tacs or scouts. Now I'm stuck playing unbound, so maybe get a second opinion on this one. There was a thread in the BA forum a while back all about scouts...


I love my stormraven, even though we now have stromstrike missiles instead of bloodstrike missiles. Aside from losing the awesome name, we lost an AP, but the missiles are still AP 2. These things are pretty versatile. I personaly think hurricane bolters are worth it, even if you are doing an anti-armor build. Remember that they have power of the machine spirit, and so they can afford to have both crowd control and anti-armor weapons. My personal build is the twin linked lascannon turret, a nose twin linked multi-melta, and hurricane bolters. These guys are fun, just be careful when dropping into hover mode to take advantage of the assault vehicle rule. One more thing, they have the rule "Skies of Blood" which basicly allows the guys and the dreadnaught being carried by the stormraven to deep strike out of it while it is zooming. It can also carry jump infantry. And a dreadnaught. Who doesn't love dreadnaughts?


I have never used a Baal predator, but I have heard that this edition the flamey ones don't do so well (they lost the scouts special rule). I've heard the go-to build is twin linked assault cannon and heavy bolter sponsons. Flavor wise I like the flamer variant better, but...


I don't know that much about our formations. I do know the one in the codex is barely worth using.


The deathstorm box has assault termies, DC, and a DC dread in it. You said you didn't want termies. The DC and DC dread from that box are troop choices, so that can be good, but the DC dread is a special character, and not all that great. The DC squad is stuck at 5 men. They might even have a fixed loadout, I'm not sure.

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The DC dread from the Deathstorm box may not seem super great for the points being he has the standard DC dread stat line, but think about it. Nothing says Blood Angels like a Death Company Dreadnought running amok issuing/accepting challenges.

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With all i wanted minus the BAal pred it takes me to approx. 1000 pts, nice start i think biggrin.png

The Baal Predator is an iconic BA vehicle, but with the loss of Scout and the move to Heavy Support, there isn't much reason to take it over the regular Predator.

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Yes i heard about that, shame , but i will eventually get one, just for the iconic factor :) 


I checked the sprues on the Deathstorm boxes, and they're all options for all the units in it, so i guess i'm getting myself the box soon, it's a hell of a deal.

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Hello brother..................we've found you lurking here. Watch what you say of the First Legi.......Chapter! Lest the Chaplains come find you.


Now that's out of the way, I would say bring BA as Jumpers. They have the best units for it by far and bring a Lions Blade from our Codex. Gives you good cheap PA bodies and a fast jumper mobility thing going. Everything else is pretty equal mines the Furioso and the Heavy Flamer Tac's. Play to the codex strengths for both and you should be good to go.

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Hello brother..................we've found you lurking here. Watch what you say of the First Legi.......Chapter! Lest the Chaplains come find you.


Now that's out of the way, I would say bring BA as Jumpers. They have the best units for it by far and bring a Lions Blade from our Codex. Gives you good cheap PA bodies and a fast jumper mobility thing going. Everything else is pretty equal mines the Furioso and the Heavy Flamer Tac's. Play to the codex strengths for both and you should be good to go.


I will never speak badly of the First Legion , Brother !! ;) 


That's what i was thinking of doing the whole time, having a fast, brutal , HtH force to complement our glorious chapter :) I'm not interested in using units we allready have access to ( except Assault Marines ) . 

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Hello brother..................we've found you lurking here. Watch what you say of the First Legi.......Chapter! Lest the Chaplains come find you.


Now that's out of the way, I would say bring BA as Jumpers. They have the best units for it by far and bring a Lions Blade from our Codex. Gives you good cheap PA bodies and a fast jumper mobility thing going. Everything else is pretty equal mines the Furioso and the Heavy Flamer Tac's. Play to the codex strengths for both and you should be good to go.

Meh, they are easy enough to distract. "Look, some guy with two pistols and a lion-hilted sword! He went that-a-way!"

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