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Stormraven Assault Transport Question


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Hi all so I have just started playing BA and my idea going into them has always been to keep everything mechanized or in a transport of some kind and I am having some difficulty with some of the rules regarding assault transports and how they can work for embarking and disembarking your troops. So I have been looking at using the Stromraven because I want to deliver my death company and a dreadnought right into CC as quickly and effectively as possible. So to disembark from a transport it can only move 6". But I know I have read that the stormraven can move more then the 6" and still disembark its troops but I thought I read some rule that states if the stormraven moves more then 6" then disembarking troops basically have to deep strike on the board. If that is true it basically defeats the purpose of using an assault transport. Also since our rinos are fast can they move more then 6" and still disembark? I am sorry if these questions seem noobish I just picked up the BA codex last night and I have only had a chance to glance over the rules so far.

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I don't have a rulebook, but I'm pretty sure all fast affects is the number of weapons a vehicle can fire at full BS at each speed, and how far it can flat out. As far as I know, the Stormraven is the only transport that has any way of disembarking after moving more than 6" at all. The turn you want to disembark, you have to slow down so the guys inside can hop out. You are absolutely correct that disembarking a Stormraven via Skies of Fury prohibits those units from charging. Also note that to move a Stormraven 6" or less you must switch to Hover mode, and this makes you a very tempting target. There is a good chance you will lose the vehicle, or at least be forced to jink.


In a previous topic someone pointed out that disembark moves are always 6", regardless of whether the model disembarking has a jump pack.


I'm pretty sure what I have said is correct, but it is possible I am wrong.

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Indeed, you can only disembark if you moved 6 or less. On top of that, every troops that disembarked can only move 6" tops. If you have Jump Packs, you can get the rerolls to the charge range thanks to not using your jump pack ;)

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After the craziness of 3rd edition where infantry  fast Rhinos could move 18", then disembark and assault, GW went to considerable lengths to tone down mechanized assaults (Marines on Skateboards was how Andy Chambers once reffered to it). Personally I think they went a little too far the other way but as it stands, models embarked on a Storm Raven can only assault if it drops into hover mode and moves less than 6".


The "Skies of Fury" rule can still be handy though. If you opponent has significant AA (Eldar Crimson Death for instance), it may be safer for your troops to bail out of the Storm Raven at the earliest opportunity rather than risk being onboard ifwhen it gets shot down.


Alternatively, your opponent may have lots of anti-tank weaponry in the area you wish to assault. Dropping into hover mode would risk a lot of extra shooting at normal BS so it may be safer for the raven to fly over the area and drop the guys from on high.

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thanks for the answers. some more questions..


I thought that you could only disembark 2" from an entry point and that was then end of your movement not 6" but maybe I am wrong on how disembarking works.


It seems like the stormraven is just a little to unreliable / easy to bring down as an assult transport, as an alternate to using a stormraven to deliver your death company do BA players fined the good old land raider a bit more reliable? the down side to this is you cant put jump troops in the land raider but 14 armor is a tough nut to crack. and If I went this route would it be best to drop pod assult in the rest of the army? (dreads, Hv Flamer Tacs, Stearngaurd)

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Disembarking is definitely 6". I think getting back into the transport is 2 or 3 inches.


1 land raider is a big target. Just be careful. They are not as hard to kill anymore. If the rest of your army is in reserve (you opponent might have 1st turn) the land raider will have to withstand a lot of shooting. Put it behind/in cover I would think. This is all really speculation. This is still a very good option, but I love jump packs too much to take them away from my models, so I have never tried it.

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Embarkation involves moves the entire unit to within 2" of a vehicle's access points. Disembarkation see the unit finish its move wholly within 6" of an access point (regardless of any wargear the unit may have). With regards to a Stormraven, as it is on a Flyer stand, you measure from the base: i.e. the base is the access point.


A Stormraven arrives from Reserves in Zooming mode. It must switch to Hover mode in a subsequent phase in order to allow its cargo to disembark regularly and like all Transports, the maximum it can move is 6" in this instance. To Disembark from Zooming mode, you follow the rules for Skies of Fury. So, unless you take a Skyshield Landing Pad and purchase the Ready For Takeoff upgrade (see Stronghold Assault), the earliest a unit can charge is the third turn. For some, this isn't worth the risk.


A Land Raider can potentially allow for an earlier charge but they have just as many drawbacks as any other method. The key is to correctly support whatever option you choose.

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BRB Pg. 80-81: a unit can embark by moving each of it's models to within 2" of an access point during the movement phase.


disembarking: place each model, on at a time, in base contact with an access point and then make a normal move, difficult and dangerous terrain tests are applicable, and you have to end your move entirely within 6" of the access point you started at and in unit coherency.


That's not word for word from the book, but the general gist of it


edit: Looks like I got beat to the punch.

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Despite being Assault Vehicles are actually a terrible platform for assaults, as mentioned the earliest chance you'll get to assault is turn 3. This is particularly problematic as the Storm raven is quite pointy, then you want to put a unit or 2 in it, so that's a fairly significant chuck of points not doing much, and you have to sacrifice the SR shooting output when you go into hover mode...


For DC your I'd recommend jump packs .


To answer your question re land raiders, they're probably better than SR as an assault platform, but not better overall. If you want LRs , they need the proper support as mentioned, I'd suggest spamming av13+av14 if you want to do that.


One thing I do like to do with SR is stick a DC dread on-board, then usually later in the game, if the opportunity presents itself, assault something tough with the S10, or jump out the zooming SR into cover, assuming you gave it the manga grapple.


Hope that helps.



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Indeed, you can only disembark if you moved 6 or less. On top of that, every troops that disembarked can only move 6" tops. If you have Jump Packs, you can get the rerolls to the charge range thanks to not using your jump pack msn-wink.gif

And HoW.

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