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2000pts Mechanised Iron Hands

Emperors Teeth

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How big a superheavy can you fit in a 2k army that isn't a Primarch? A Stormblade, that's how big biggrin.png. 450pts of superheated awesome. I have all this army bar the Stormblade*, which I have a great conversion in mind for, so fielding it is a realistic prospect.

*Note that the Stormblade has no Sponsons, just the Plasma Blastgun and the Heavy bolter it comes with as standard. Even with no other upgrades sponsons take it over 500pts, the 25% cap at 2000pts.


Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (80)

Castrmen Orth commands the Sicaran


Tactical Squad; 10 men + Legion vexilla (210)

inc. Sergeant + Power weapon, Melta bombs

+ Rhino

Tactical Squad; 10 men + Legion vexilla (210)

inc. Sergeant + Power weapon, Melta bombs

+ Rhino

Tactical Support Squad; 10 men + 9 Volkite calivers (270)

inc. Sergeant + Power Fist, Augury Scanner

+ Rhino

Heavy Support

Legion Predator Strike Armour Squadron (345)

3x Predators + Lascannon sponsons

Sicaran Battle Tank + Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blade (180)

Deredeo + Anvilus autocannons, Aiolos missile launcher (220)

Lords of War

Legion Stormblade + Armoured ceramite (480)

TOTAL = 1995pts

Am I crazy? I think I have covered most of my bases; a good number of scoring units and some monstrous firepower, even a bit of anti-aircraft cover.

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I like it! Solid stuff all round.


The only thought I have is regarding the Tactical Support Squad. Are they going to be back-field or in the Rhino?

- if staying back-field, I'd swap the power fist for an Augury scanner & bolter, because it's not meant to be near any threats. With the points saved, maybe swap the Sicaran's dozer blade for Armoured Ceramite?

- if running in the Rhino, maybe Volkite Chargers are a better option, being Assault 2 instead of Heavy 2.

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They are a funny one, that Support unit. I felt they might spend a turn moving to an objective, then the rest of the game sitting on it using their weapon's range to effect. You're right though, they are just as likely to be on the move with the Tactical Squads where Chargers would be relevant.

I'll seriously consider your idea for the augury scanner. the loss of two shots would be worth the chance of shooting some sneaky Deep Strikers coming for my tanks.

I wrote a variation on this list, too, but it'll cost me the better half of 500 quid to put together, so I'll be completing the one in the first postto begin with. The second takes advantage of a dirt cheap Delegatus to get hold of 'The Head of the Gorgon' Rite of War. This let me replace the Rhinos with Land Raiders, give the whole lot Blessed Autosimulacra's for free and after the units I had to cut, basically Outflank the entire army.



Centurion; Delegatus (Rite of War: Head of the Gorgon) (75)

Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (80)
Castrmen Orth commands a Predator

Tactical Squad; 10 men + Legion vexilla (375)
 inc. Sergeant + Power weapon
 + Land Raider Proteus + Dozer Blade, Blessed Autosimulacra

Tactical Squad; 10 men + Legion vexilla (375)
 inc. Sergeant + Power weapon
 + Land Raider Proteus + Dozer Blade, Blessed Autosimulacra

Heavy Support
Legion Predator Strike Armour Squadron (360)
 3x Predators + Lascannon sponsons, Dozer blade, Blessed Autosimulacra 
Land Raider Battle Squadron (255)
 1x Land Raider + Exploratory Augury Web, Dozer blade, Blessed Autosimulacra
Lords of War
Legion Stormblade + Armoured ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra (480)
TOTAL = 2000pts


Mental, I know, but I what glorious madness. I figure the lone HS Land Raider with the Augury Web sits on the board, with the Delegatus inside. All it needs to do is survive to turn 2 and then madness ensues. I know there's only 2 Troops this time, but they are bunkered down in AV14 with pairs of twin lascannons. We're talking 7 Tanks of which only 3 have less than AV14 at the front.

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