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Bought the new SM: Codex want advice


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So i bought the new grossly OP vanilla codex and I was wondering what should I use that normal BAs dont have access too? My eyes are fancying toward the Storm talons, Grav Devs, Dev Cents, the AA skyhunter thing, Using armored squads to get the 3 tank bonus (the 3 vindys that combine power to make a str 10 ap 2 ignores cover apoc blast or something along those lines) for instance. Anyone have any suggestions on what to use? how it works? or anything else I should keep an eye on I.E. formations, Relics and etc? What do you guys use if you use this regular sm codex? my main idea is to use my BAs as Elites  and main infantry force. DC sang guard ETC.

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Not being facetious, you might have more luck on what works in the SM codex in the SM forum!


I have it, but havent used it. Have a quick browse.


Seems like you want BA troops...and BA elites...might as well go full BA!


Tigurius is usually a safe bet, effectively able to choose your powers and cast them all.


Sanguinary priest combined with centurian devs in a drop pod? 

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Morts thread had him using a Blood Angel assisted Centurion based list to a good effect.

Otherwise though IMO there's not loads that the CSM book does that's better than us. If you want a lot of tanks grab some allies but our fast ones are otherwise better (especially vindicators). While the huge blast from a trio is nice, one Vindi dies and you lose that. Then you just have two less flexible Vindis. Whirlwind squads are awesome though. If you're feeling Saucy add in Telion as warlord in the back next to them to give them rending on the ignored cover missile msn-wink.gif

Edit because I now have codex in front of me: 3 Whirlwinds, Telion and a Scout Squad is 300 points. That is Minuscule and awesome. You just keep the squad gone to ground with Camo Cloaks within 12" of the Whirlwinds for 3 Large Blast, Ordnance, Shredding, Pinning, Rending Templates. S5 or S4 and Ignores cover. You can even put a missile launcher in the Scout squad and use Telions BS6 to fire it all game!

Crusader Squad is a nice way to get a non heavy support land raider and a descent beatstick to put Mephiston or even Corbulo in for the fun of it. They are also the only marine unit that can have a heavy and special in 5 men squads. Somewhat useful.

I don't like the AA tanks. While we do need some, I think thier inability to do anything else is bad. You're better off with the Storm wing formation for some slotless flyers that can also have our units start embarked in them.

A squad of 3 riflemen Dreads with double auto cannons could be fun and is relatively cheap for the AV popping it'll do.

Obviously WS bikers are better than ours hands down with skilled rider, hit & run etc.

Chapter Master is a good buy for fluffy reasons as we can only get a captain (or Dante but he's a LoW) . Make a better Seth count as with teeth of terra and shield eternal!

Use thier scouts for Dakka, ours for CC.

You can't take Cypher in a BSF, but you can in an allies SM CAD, so there's that if you want him. He's fun with our FC scouts!

A bit listy but hopefully some nice ideas.

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