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++Daemon Forge: VII - Daemons theme++

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Welcome to - Daemon Forge -

- Daemon Forge - is aimed as a hobby challenge. Each month will see a set theme for Chaos. This will range from a set unit type, single models, object marker & set themes. The aim is pretty simple. It's all about seeing cool models for Chaos.
For the fourth - Daemon Forge - hobby challenge topic, this month challenge will be - Daemons -.

For this, all you need to do is enter a model, unit or tank that has the Daemonic rule from:

  • Codex Chaos Space Marines along with supplament: Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter & Daemonkin
  • Codex Daemons
  • Armour 13: Lost & the Damned
  • Chaos Knight with Marks (class the Knight as a Daemon)

As long as it has the Daemon rule.

To take part it's simple.
- For people who've been meaning to add models like that unit of Chaos Possessed or maybe just a one off model/unit that you want to try converting or painting skills on. Now a great time to build those Chaos Space Marine models & have the model all finish with in the month.

Or already got a model built & painted in your collection
- If you already have a model with armour value in your warband or collection. Feel free to post photos of the model.
But most of all make sure the models are painted by the deadline biggrin.png

The one main thing is - Make sure the models are fully painted by the end of the month.

Start date: 1st August
Finish date: 31th August

For members who take part. We have these honour banners that you can add to your signature within the forum guidelines or on your "about me" page.

Banner for your "about me" part for your profile. Please do not use this on your signature unless it will be the only image (including one row of numbered squares).

Sig banner


- Daemon Forge - theme. Daemons

Should look like this

A marker memeber can use for - Daemon Forge - that they may have miss out on



Also if you have any idea or theme you'd like to see in future Daemon Forge topic, please feel free to let me know.

Insane Psychopath

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Marn, the Rustmad, the Blind Prophet of Decay
Hidden Content
Marn was of the line of the Iron Hands, though none now can say precisely when or where his fall occurred. The nature of his fall, however, is far better known, to those who dare listen to his ravings. When cleansing a world of the cult of the Green Spiral, Marn was severely injured in the final battles. Both of his eyes had to be replaced with bionics. However, Marn noticed after a few months that a layer of tarnish began to cloud them, no matter how long or hard he scrubbed, he could do little but slow their decay. Eventually they began to give faulty readings. Accordingly he had them replaced, hoping that something wrong with their construction had caused all of his problems.

He was wrong. Days after their replacement, not only did they tarnish, but so too began the rest of Marn’s bionic replacements. He took to wearing robes at all times to cover his rapidly increasing deterioration, abandoning any hope of keeping himself clean. Still, his ability to fight seemed undiminished, and Marn’s brothers tolerated his deviance for the time being. But then the visions returned.

Struck by a vision of daemons and betrayal during a jump through warpspace, Marn took up his blade and stalked through his clan, rooting out the what he believed were monsters attempting to possess his brothers. Yet his blade grew slick not with the blood of traitors, but of those very souls he sought to save. When the vision ended, and Marn looked out upon the death his fury had wrought, the grim tally that his arms, with strength he had never known, had taken, he broke. Something deep within his mind snapped, echoing deep into the warp, and the grandfather laughed.

Marn’s sorrow engulfed him, he sat on his knees and stopped fighting, stopped caring, stopped everything. The death and despair he had brought to bear weakened the already tenuous Gellar fields of the clanship and a tide of nurglings and plaguebearers rushed through the thousand cracks that had formed. Great flies choked out the air exchange and though first there was shouting and noise, all became silent and still.

Then Marn, mind unshackled from reason and purpose, began to laugh. His laughter rang and rang for longer than any being’s laughter should. His body wracked and twisted with the bone splintering cackles. When at long last Marn stopped, he was changed. Grown in size and strength, his body pushed out at the confines of his bionic limbs, till they too stretched with him. Great rotting pinions laced with rusted metal bones sprouted from a broken and protruding metal spine. Crawling to his feet, Marn picked up his combat blade, now grown magnificent and terrible, steeped in the souls of his dead brothers.

Now Marn stalks the universe, unhinged and always ahead of a host of daemons made of metal and rust. What sights are presented to his insane mind are perhaps best left unguessed, but he seems to slip from maniacal roaring clowning to slow methodical murder to even moments approaching lucidity. It is in those moments that he is most dangerous, for it seems that even now his eyes still tell tales, as his cries deriding the weakness of the flesh are often the last thing heard by the servants of the Emperor arrayed in front of him.
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Am I okay to pledge a unit of 5 Possessed even though I just finished one of the models?




Yes that all fine & be great to seen those Possessed Chaos Marines.  As said it can already be a unit that been completed in the past or could be a unit or single model you want to add.

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Am I okay to pledge a unit of 5 Possessed even though I just finished one of the models?




Yes that all fine & be great to seen those Possessed Chaos Marines.  As said it can already be a unit that been completed in the past or could be a unit or single model you want to add.


Great. :)

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Well hell, I've been working on my 8 Bloodcrushers for the last week, I'll post them up when I finish smile.png (I made the 9th model into a herald with Axe of Khorne and a hellblade for Chaos Daemons book)

Just finished them, here's the pic, More pics over in the BftBG post in Daemons section.



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Right, a deadline to finish my possessed, they currently look like this:





Plus two more not pictured, one with an icon and the other converted from the aspiring champion figure. I have also converted some backpacks using the helstrider rider's legs as vents.
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Right, a deadline to finish my possessed, they currently look like this:

Plus two more not pictured, one with an icon and the other converted from the aspiring champion figure. I have also converted some backpacks using the helstrider rider's legs as vents.


Man those are super fresh!  Way to go. I love them.


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Right, a deadline to finish my possessed, they currently look like this:

Plus two more not pictured, one with an icon and the other converted from the aspiring champion figure. I have also converted some backpacks using the helstrider rider's legs as vents.


Man those are super fresh!  Way to go. I love them.





Look neat, MaliGn


Thanks guys, had the idea knocking around for a while, I have intermittent bursts of hobby activity so it took a while to get the this far. They have the Mark of Slaanesh because when I had the idea my main opponent was eldar, and I figured the I boost would be handy. I've used a mix of helstrider parts, both as mutation and for non-standard power armour, partly because although I can see the lure of fussy detail about armour marks I feel that chaos marines' armour need not resemble any official mark at all, so all manner of peculiar bits and pieces get used to replace parts or add to them. These are also Word Bearers hence the classic red scheme, I have been avoiding metallic paints entirely, with mixed results, although I am finally starting to arrive at an effect I like. I've also notched up the level of highlighting in my red on these models, partly due to enforced modification of the paints I was using.

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I hope to get some models with the Daemon rule painted before the end of the month, but I guess I could share the model that makes me bring out my daemons from time to time.
My very own sculpted (from greenstuff) Cthulhu! (Count as LoC during games.)


Got some more pics here and earlier in my blog, but yeah, dunno if he counts? Not a GW model at all. tongue.png

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totgeboren, that Cthulhu is so awesome! I love him. I too would use a Cthulhu as a LoC stand in, a lot of people use Cthulhu as GUOs but I really can't feel anything nurgly about Lovecrafts Cthulhu in the Mythos. Well, may be the smell but else? His greatest gift is insanity and what else could you expect from Tzeentch? The whispers, the non-euclidean geometry he prefers, the fish-cults etc. Pretty tzeentch-y if you ask me. 

Have I already mentioned I love your Cthulhu?

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Thank you Aasfresser!

Inspiration came to me in a dream of strange cities. msn-wink.gif

I went with LoC just because of the wings. He doesn't really look as killy as a BT, and the only other GD with wings is the LoC, and it's kinda funny to give his that Tzeentch Sword that makes him able to turn people into spawn (Shoggoths!)

Though most of the time I give him the Staff of course, S8 and exploding enemies is just so much fun! smile.png

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Hi all ! I'm Tama from Italy ; i try to partecipate at this type of contest from the Sorcerer Edition, finally i can partecipate :D


This is my ForgeFiend painted 2 years ago for my Iron warriors Army, I  hope You will appreciate







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