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AdMech as allies (to Skitarii)


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I really like the Skitarii, but I am rather disappointed with most of the the AdMech army list and models. I am trying to find a way to include Kastelans as allies to my small Skitarii force, but since I really dislike the Kataprhons models and I want none of those, it seems my options are rather limited. Please confirm me if I am getting this right - ways to include AdMech as allies would be:


- As an allied detachment from the rulebook: mandatory 1 HQ, 1 Troop (with objective secured) - this forces me to take Kataprhons so no no no

- As a Battle Congregations from the AdMech codex: mandatory 1 HQ, 2 Troops - this is even worse from my point of view

- As a formation.


I am a bit in doubt about the last option, as I am not very familiar with allies & formations. If I understand correctly, I am entitled to take a formation as an allied force, as long as the mandatory choices for that formation are taken - right?


This would mean I might resort to the Cohort Cybernetica formation, which in turn implies that half of my 1500 pts list would be spent there - but they might be well-spent points, after all.


Am I overlooking or missing something important?


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Nothing overlooked. Your army may include any detachments/formations from any source as long as you abide by the requirements/limits for each detachment/formation. So yes, you can take the Cohort Cybernetica alongside a Skitarii maniple.
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Thanks to both. Yes, I considered converting some count-as-Kataphrons. They do have some pros (uber-guns) past their cons (models, costs, durability). But in order to fill that big base I would need a lot of work and ££ on (possibly Forgeworld) parts. I'd rather spend that time and money on something I actually like, such as more Skitarii :) 

I am posting a tentative army list in the relevant section, if you wish to take a look.

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As for the kataphron looks, converting them to skitarii heavy weapons teams can work, or replacing the head sometimes does the job. As for their uses, the arc breachers seem a far superior tank hunter than arc vanguard, durability combined with range seems good to me.




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Just one point to clarify... you can take any number of formations in you army and they don't count towards using your Allies (1 HQ, 1 Troop) that you mentioned.  You could have 20 formations and your primary detachment if you wanted (exaggerating to prove the point).

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Yes - unbound is not reallyban option as far as I see this game.


Although those converted kataphrones are nice, I still do not like them :[ and the money they would cost...ah well. I Will do without grav cannons ;)

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The thing currently keeping me from 30k Mechanicum is the rules issue. There's neither IA base to use 30k stuff for 40k, nor a remark about 40k stuff in 30k (like the single paragraph including all IG superheavies into 30k). If one of those were the case, scratchbuilt thralls would be great, krios and triaros would fill the gaps, and all the other stuff would be a great addition.

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