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Well, i just finished building a knight crusader and now have all the parts for a reaper chain blade sitting in my bits box and I got to thinking a gallant with two chain blades would look freaking awesome, especially with one of the rocket pods on top. I don't own the current Knight codex yet and so I was hoping someone could tell me if there is an option to run a gallant with the two chain blades? if there isn't, would any of you have a problem with someone running a gallant with two chain blades so long as he didn't try to do something stupid like claim an extra attack for having two CC weapons or the like?

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The Gallant already has an extra attack for having two melee weapons. It comes with a Reaper chainsword and a Thunderstrike gauntlet.


There's no option to swap the gauntlet for a second chainsword. There wouldn't be any rules benefit in doing so, he'd just be losing the option of fighting with the gauntlet.

I'd be fine with it. Either as a WYSIWYG two blades custom version or a counts-as gauntlet. Just so long as the rules it operates under are discussed and agreed to before the game and my opponent was happy to remind me where pertinent then it'd be cool.

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