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Could get lost in the warp with defect geller generators and after being thrown back into mortal realm, it drifts through the void until being found accidentally by them.


Or could get boarded after a heavy battle against [insert enemy]. Forced to retreat damaged, its warp drive has a malfunction, resulting in reentering the normal space. Right amidst the remains of Dabossas fleet. Easy game.


Or it could get hijacked while being repaired in a shipyard.


Or a plague of Nurgle is able to infest a couple of crewman. After a couple of days, all are dead.

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Also, what's the age range for a boy to become a Space Marine?

In 40k, the beginning has to be between 10 and 14. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/8/8b/Space_Marine_Stages_Initiation.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140310031226


In 30k, I think any time during adolescence or even later

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Though then they are no full started like Luther or Kor Phaeron. Just augmented people.

It depends what age. From what I'd understood, Luther was already rather old and Kor Phaeron positively ancient by the time that they were found. However, the Order of Caliban was mostly turned into Astartes, and I don't think the majority of its warriors would have been adolescents?

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As far as I'm aware it's entirely possible for an aspirant beyond the usual age to be marine'd up, it just drastically reduces chances of survival etc. But this being the golden age of the Imperium and all that jazz, I'm sure the tech is available to make it work.

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Official fluff answers! There are 20 known Gloriana class cruisers, typically each legion was to be given on as a flagship. Though there is always the probability that the Emperor had more constructed (a handful) and there are ships that out class Glorianas; in cannon we have the Phlanax (which can dock multiple Gloriana) and the three King ships. In our own we have The Dragon (about twice the size). And as a note the legions had very large fleets in canon the VIIth had 1500+ frigate or larger ships.


And Aspirants age is more tricky in 30k 10-14 is preferred, but up to early 20's is still okay, and and very few handful of Russ's men survived it in their 40's and 50's as it was a far more refined process then. And that isn't counting pseudo Astartes.

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Alright, Karl inspired me to take another look at Eternal Warrior and 30k, so I returned to 1d4chan for more research. Because, if I understand it right, every 40k Space Marine codex has one character with Eternal Warrior. (Dante, Grimnar, Calgar, etc.) So, I wanted a better idea of which legions get Eternal Warrior. Since the relics came out, the IF, Sals, and the SoH have access to Eternal Warrior, whether relic, wargear, or a character.


And then it occurred to me that it's that way because of the Primarchs. Every legion has a Primarch, so everyone has access to Eternal Warrior. So, now I'm feeling like since the Primarch fill that access, having Eternal Warrior anywhere else should be incredibly restricted. Perhaps 3 or 4 legions at the most having access to it outside of Primarchs. 

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Also, regarding the Gloriana discussion: There is a case of a Legion possessing multiples. The Alpha Legion had two: Alpha and Beta.


Good point. I honestly don't see the Orks getting their hands on a Gloriana since they seem to be under the Emperor's control before he gives them away to his sons.

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Then what happens with the one which was destined to join the Grave Stalkers?


The Nightguard already has one and I currently can't remember a faction important or mighty enough to have its own.


Wouldn't it a bit over the top to give two legions two Glorianas? Still favoring the ork variant.


Even if it was destined to serve under the Emperor, it does not save it from catastrophes. ;)

Edited by Kelborn
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Had a quick look on the canon Glorianas.

Every Legion had one except the Fists who got the Phalanx and the Alpha Legion, which got two. Therefore, 18 Legion Glorianas + Amphion.


Everything's fine with our Glorianas. Forget the Orkiana. Though it was fun to imagine it. :D

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Added two more Primarchs to the theological ideas:


Raktra Akarro - The Destroyer, The Tormentor, Khorne's Champion - Feared in both life and in unlife, the Ecclesiarchy teaches that those who are needlessly cruel to others, are doomed to die and become slaves and suffer a thousand forms of torture at Raktra's claws. 


K'awil Pakal - The Terror, Master of Darkness, The Slain Devil - Due to being a Pariah and truly dying, K'awil, ironically, is much more featured in sermons and over writings due to the lack of any chance of inadvertently strengthening him, unlike Travier and Akarro. By the time of 40k, K'awil has taken equal portions as feared boogeyman told as warnings against misbehaving children and as an example of the danger of walking too long in darkness from both a physical and metaphysical viewpoint. 

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Official fluff answers! There are 20 known Gloriana class cruisers, typically each legion was to be given on as a flagship. Though there is always the probability that the Emperor had more constructed (a handful) and there are ships that out class Glorianas; in cannon we have the Phlanax (which can dock multiple Gloriana) and the three King ships. In our own we have The Dragon (about twice the size). And as a note the legions had very large fleets in canon the VIIth had 1500+ frigate or larger ships.


And Aspirants age is more tricky in 30k 10-14 is preferred, but up to early 20's is still okay, and and very few handful of Russ's men survived it in their 40's and 50's as it was a far more refined process then. And that isn't counting pseudo Astartes.


If we're running short on Glorianas, I don't think the Serpents or Godslayers got allocated one, so that could free up slots for other organisations if needs be.

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But then again, with the Nightguard receiving the Photep, which faction would be of significant importance in order to get one?


If we give the Nightguard a second one, it would discredit the Photep and the watch towers in their importance.

Let them have their Glorianas. Even the White Scars and Raven Guard kept theirs although being a very mobile and decentralized legion.

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