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Does the chain still factor in as a weapon of sorts?


As for the Serpents elite leaders, Zulfiq Fal'uak is meant to be like a Palatine Blade only his men don't announce themselves - in the fluff they mingle with a regular Serpents formation and strike suddenly at enemy champions and commanders. So he's an excellent duelist, but specialises in sudden, debilitating strikes.


Kalhu Nachash on the other hand leads their assault elite, but with an emphasis on establishing footholds. So, whatever makes him and his forces good at holding objectives would be suitable

Ok. So I'm considering some minor changes to Zulfiq, mainly to make him fit with this description. Going to drop the Duellist's Edge and instead make his Warlord trait something along the lines of Sigismund's Death's Champion rule. Specifically the +1I for him and his unit on the charge to represent them getting the drop on the enemy. That should only cost a few points more than his current profile, so I think he'd probably come in at 175-180 in total.


For Kalhu I was considering Tartaros armour, but after reading the section on the Dursk Rassan I'm now thinking that giving them breacher shields to allow them to more easily hold positions that they've taken. Wrist chem-flamers (like on Deathshroud) combined with shields and a melee weapon of some kind (maybe two-handed to make up for not being able to use two weapons?) sounds like an interesting assault unit. Again, not sure how this compares to your's and Squig's vision of how they will be equipped. Is there any more info on any of the units beyond what is written in the thread?

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Still struggling to catch up on homework, hence my sporadic posting of late. 


Did want to pop in and comment on the new Leman Russ model. Finally answers the side debate on what his canon hair color is (or maybe I was behind on it). Looks awesome. 

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He's smaller. Probably around Fulgrim sized all told. He would have slimmer shin/boot armour than either Kurze or Corax, but otherwise they would be pretty close in size too.



This is based entirely off the images on forgeworld's site as I only have one of the Primarch models so far and that's Angron.

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I'm the only one that hates it then? Gawrsh.

Seems so^^


@Grifft: Okay. Fulgrim is rather big, Kurze.is somewhat small. Corax.is veeery big. I haven't found a model which would fit to Kawil, but there are a lot of optional companies whem it comes to primarchs. Maybe even a 1/32 scale fantasy model with a little work makes a good primarch.

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Dammit. This is the problem with not being able to compare the model directly. I really need to buy them all at some point... Oh well, just another thing to add to the list.


@Raktra: I will say he's not my favourite and like most of the Primarchs I'm not the biggest fan of his face, but I also wish that Forgeworld had made helmets for the Primarchs as an option. Even so I look forward to seeing more of him.

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Yeah, I will admit that my first reaction to the Angron model was utter hatred, and he ended up being my second painted Primarch, so things could change.


What don't you like about him? My only real complaint is the hair. I don't like the 'dynamic hair' idea, and think it ruined Fulgrim.

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Does the chain still factor in as a weapon of sorts?

As for the Serpents elite leaders, Zulfiq Fal'uak is meant to be like a Palatine Blade only his men don't announce themselves - in the fluff they mingle with a regular Serpents formation and strike suddenly at enemy champions and commanders. So he's an excellent duelist, but specialises in sudden, debilitating strikes.

Kalhu Nachash on the other hand leads their assault elite, but with an emphasis on establishing footholds. So, whatever makes him and his forces good at holding objectives would be suitable


Ok. So I'm considering some minor changes to Zulfiq, mainly to make him fit with this description. Going to drop the Duellist's Edge and instead make his Warlord trait something along the lines of Sigismund's Death's Champion rule. Specifically the +1I for him and his unit on the charge to represent them getting the drop on the enemy. That should only cost a few points more than his current profile, so I think he'd probably come in at 175-180 in total.


For Kalhu I was considering Tartaros armour, but after reading the section on the Dursk Rassan I'm now thinking that giving them breacher shields to allow them to more easily hold positions that they've taken. Wrist chem-flamers (like on Deathshroud) combined with shields and a melee weapon of some kind (maybe two-handed to make up for not being able to use two weapons?) sounds like an interesting assault unit. Again, not sure how this compares to your's and Squig's vision of how they will be equipped. Is there any more info on any of the units beyond what is written in the thread?

Sounds good. I kind of want to see Nachash in Assault Terminator mode, as it'd be hilarious and kind of terrifying

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If you would be so kind gents, are these the legions defending the palace at the siege?


Halcyon Wardens

Fire Keepers

Crimson Lions

Wardens of Light

Iron Bears



Sounds right. The Dune Serpents and the Void Eagles were trying to hold the flanks when the final assault came. 

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Yeah, I will admit that my first reaction to the Angron model was utter hatred, and he ended up being my second painted Primarch, so things could change.


What don't you like about him? My only real complaint is the hair. I don't like the 'dynamic hair' idea, and think it ruined Fulgrim.


The hair's a suck factor, yeah, but overall to me there's nothing striking me about it. I find it kinda boring really, minus the cool-ass base.

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