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Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I don't suppose we have any backup people in mind in case that's the situation?


The protocol for this situation has two steps. 


Step 1: After removing Hesh from the active roster, we vote on whether or not to the Drowned are to be removed the legion roster.

~If No, then we simply appoint someone to become the Drowned's new master. 

~If Yes, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: With a new availability among the legions, we do a repeat of the Ghost Walkers situation. We'll have candidates come forward with new legion ideas, and then attempt to assimilate them into the revised canon.


I'm not concerned about finding new Legionnaires. We still have Sanguinius, Blunt, and Thorn who can be promoted, along with General ripphock whenever he gains access to the board. 


Even if none of them were interested in taking over the Drowned or replacing them, we now can post an invite in Heresy30k or to the greater B&C community. 


If all that fails, I know Sig would probably leap for the chance to author a new legion. 




No, my greatest concern is that we go through the replacement procedure (whether just replacing Hesh or his whole legion), and then Hesh comes back and reveals that it was just RL issues that knocked him out.

Edited by simison
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If all that fails, I know Sig would probably leap for the chance to author a new legion. 

You're not wrong



Oh, I know. Which is one reason I was trying to avoid this conversation. Because I'd have to mention all of the possibilities, and I didn't want to get your hopes up again.

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If all that fails, I know Sig would probably leap for the chance to author a new legion. 

You're not wrong



Oh, I know. Which is one reason I was trying to avoid this conversation. Because I'd have to mention all of the possibilities, and I didn't want to get your hopes up again.


Eh, I work on my crazy creations no matter what even if little ever comes of them

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I hope Hesh comes back, not simply becase replacing the Drowned would be a colossal pain in the ass and back step for the project but also because they're one of our most unique & characterful legions, and that's saying something given the buncha weirdos that make up the BotL legions. ;) :D
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I can take a overlooking position. Not exactly fluff writing but try to think myself into hesh and his lovecraftian legion. I know where he draws the inspiration from and I have time. ^^



But if anybody knows something from hesh. Some info etc.....try to contsct him.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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I don't know his FB info. I don't think he joined the FB group either.


I agree. Morro and the Drowned would be very difficult to replace at this point. Still, I'd leave it to a vote for a final decision.

He didn't. On which note, Sigi, Slips and whoever else didn't joint yet, feel free to - it's a closed group, so no one else can see anything.


I'm happy to help with fluff. It would be a lot of work to disentangle all that stuff

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Grifft, Mikhal, and blunt, if you want to go to work on the Drowned, feel free to do so. They are still a Book 1 Legion, and the least developed. Just know that, until we officially replace Hesh, he has the right to re-write any of the work you three do.

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Max I do a suggestion? To prevent such a situation again, we could befriend each other via fb to keep informed if someone's hurt or exchange phone numbers. For example, Mikhal, Ao and I do not live that far away from each other. Via whatsap, information about our whereabouts could be devilered more quickly than logging into Internet, B&C boatd, open thread or pm and then write. Same with fb.


A replacement for the drowned would be veeeeeery difficult. Do they need to be featured in book one besides as a legion article or could we introduce them in the fluff bits and give them their stage in another book?


Whoot? Blaming me? he just couldn't resist the predatorsw awesomeness. ;)

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